What was the worst part about the Star Wars prequels?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » What was the worst part about the Star Wars prequels?
Worst part

Tough choice
The only one I watched this past decade was part 3, I think I only watched 1 and 2 once each, aside from a few snippets here and there.

But Padmes broken heart is one of the most stupidest fucking things i've ever saw.
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Hayden Christensen
Anakin being a whiny bitch in Attack of the Clones was the worst. Would definitely not watch again.
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SunWuKung420 posted...
Hayden Christensen

That goes under acting
The story didn't make any sense.
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. They're all complacent sheeple. Passion fights, but reason wins.
thedeerzord posted...
Anakin being a whiny bitch in Attack of the Clones was the worst. Would definitely not watch again.

I watched it in theaters and I basically don't remember anything about the movie, only thing I vaguely remember is the last battle scene in that Colosseum. I remember walking out and thinking "That movie sucked".
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
Padme dying of a broken heart felt horribly lazy especially given how contrived everything had been up until then. I think the needlessly complex story with the films feeling disconnected from one another was the biggest problem (why was the clone war completely irrelevant to everything that happened?).
Blightzkrieg posted...
Padme dying of a broken heart felt horribly lazy especially given how contrived everything had been up until then. I think the needlessly complex story with the films feeling disconnected from one another was the biggest problem (why was the clone war completely irrelevant to everything that happened?).

Yeah, plus they made her out to be a strong person in the previous movies and instead of being strong and being their for her kids she decides, well I have a broken heart might as well die.
Great poll TC and Im glad most people agree about Anakin who went from this legendary Jedi Knight in the old films, to a sentimental, soft-voice crybaby with the appeal of a tv-drama queen.

And this Anakin became the terrifying Darth Vader.

Thankfully, Rogue One restored Vader to his former glory as we knew him in the old films before Lucas blew it.
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Zero votes for jar jar isnt right

Im voting for that on principle
All of the above dammit.
Nobody is perfect. Well, one guy was but we killed him.

Their existence is redundant. Why does a person need high midichlorian count to be connected with the force? Why cant individuals just have a natural affinity to the force?

My least favorite part was how Anakin turned to the dark side.

Also "NOOOOO!" such lazy writing. How cliche can you be?
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If you have not seen it yet these are the Star Wars prequel Mr. Plinkett reviews that carefully explain every single problem with the Star Wars prequels.

The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. They're all complacent sheeple. Passion fights, but reason wins.
The dialogue in general, but it's especially bad coming out of Anakin's mouth
Midichlorians, I think. Kind of messed up the mysticism of The Force.
everything on this poll, except for the cgi, is explained in canon because of the force
Blightzkrieg posted...
Padme dying of a broken heart felt horribly lazy especially given how contrived everything had been up until then. I think the needlessly complex story with the films feeling disconnected from one another was the biggest problem (why was the clone war completely irrelevant to everything that happened?).

To address the other issues.

The acting was questionable but I think there are a few actors who gave good performances in the films. Admittedly I'm not really a film critic.

The dialogue was mostly fine aside from the romance scenes.

Use of CGI was...dodgy and it doesn't hold up well. I could see that being a real issue for some people. Admittedly for its time it was I think the best out there, but Lucas went overboard. I also think in general today people are way too picky about CGI quality, as long as it doesn't completely take you out of the film you can suspend your disbelief.

Jar Jar was only in one film and I don't think he was that big a deal. Just a poorly executed neo C-3PO (which is weird cause C-3PO was also in the film).

If Darth Maul had lived it wouldn't have mattered because he had no character. Sure, he looked cool, but I think Grievous, Jango and Dooku were also great designs. Character design wasn't really a problem with the prequels.

C-3PO in TPM was pointless pandering but he wasn't even the most egregious example. That definitely goes to Jango. And if he wasn't in these films, we'd have wound up with Jar Jar permanently. The new films are filled with this stuff as well. I don't think it's an issue.

Midichlorians don't matter. They get brought up like twice and Lucas backpedalled like hell after that. If TLJ goes with this grey Jedi stuff they're hinting with that will be a way bigger and way worse retcon than midichlorians could ever hope to be.

Anakin's character was kind of shit. And this is where a lot of the other problems kind of tie together, from the bad acting, to the dialogue, to the questionable story that has little to do with Anakin but still has to wind up tying together to him somehow which leads to a big mess. Of the options presented, Anakin is definitely the biggest problem, because he's the main character and he's a fucking trainwreck.

Loved him in TCW cartoon though.
Watch the anti cheese edit of those films, they are significantly less terrible
The dialog was pretty horrible. Whereas the original trilogy had some scenes where words weren't needed to tell a story, the prequels seemed to enjoy "tell, don't show". And this bled into the blu-ray release of ROTJ.
all of it. the alls of everything
Jar jar for me... then Jake Lloyds acting.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Yoda going Matrix and then fighting a Matrix Emperor. Seriously, wtf? All of that flippy shit was annoying.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Wii3Kings posted...
Blightzkrieg posted...
Padme dying of a broken heart felt horribly lazy especially given how contrived everything had been up until then. I think the needlessly complex story with the films feeling disconnected from one another was the biggest problem (why was the clone war completely irrelevant to everything that happened?).

Yeah, plus they made her out to be a strong person in the previous movies and instead of being strong and being their for her kids she decides, well I have a broken heart might as well die.


Zero votes for jar jar isnt right

Im voting for that on principle

The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. They're all complacent sheeple. Passion fights, but reason wins.
I voted Jar Jar. But it's really just the entire concept of the Gunguns. It was even worse than the Ewok garbage from the original trilogy.
John Mellencamp said it best "Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone."
The dialogue without a doubt. All three films are painfully awkward.
All praise Mead
Padme dying of a broken heart

This, sort of. Not so much that it was of a "broken heart", but that it was right after childbirth, because we know from ROTJ that she was alive long enough for Leia to at least vaguely remember her.

This poll is missing the option for the real worst part of the prequels, George Lucas.
WarGreymon77 posted...
Midichlorians, I think. Kind of messed up the mysticism of The Force.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
what about anakin rapidly aging between part 1 and 2? padme stays the same, anakin ages about 10 years
I voted for dialogue because that, IMO, encapsulates writing. Writing is all of what is wrong in the prequels, as far as I am concerned.
-- I Abibde / Samuraiter
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Firewood18 posted...
All of the above dammit.


"Sessions is like what would happen if a really sheltered home school kid did the fusion dance with everyone's racist thanksgiving uncle" - D_Bart
There are no wrong answers in this poll.
They all just lacked the spirit of the originals and there were so many unforced errors it was staggering.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
EliteGuard99 posted...
Firewood18 posted...
All of the above dammit.



Cop out answers have no place in my polls
EliteGuard99 posted...
Firewood18 posted...
All of the above dammit.



Cop out answers have no place in my polls

Its not a cop out answer when its the truth.
"Sessions is like what would happen if a really sheltered home school kid did the fusion dance with everyone's racist thanksgiving uncle" - D_Bart
Zero votes for jar jar isnt right

Im voting for that on principle

meh jar jar wasn't that bad

not like those god awful ewoks
"There are many children's books that teach morals, but I don't go around worshipping mother goose." - Dynalo
They coulda saved midichlorians by saying that they DON'T create the force, but a merely force sensitive and therefor a good indicator of being a jedi... barely
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Firewood18 posted...
All of the above dammit.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
I went with Jar Jar. A lot of bad stuff overall, but most of the listed items bring down the quality of the movies a bit. Jar Jar caused anger and hate. Legit hate.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
i found jar jar really annoying when i was a kid but now he doesnt really bother me. went with anakin being a bitch
That they retconned the original clone wars cartoon out of existence.
And with that... pow! I'm gone!
They were made.
"dai-No-MITE" - Donald trump.
The only way to redeem the prequels would be to have doc and Marty time travellinng in the background In their deloroan that way at least there is plausible deniability for the bullshit.

Then they can say "hey it WAS a real story but then these fucking guys showed up in this time traveling delorian and bitch slapped us back into the 80s". Then action Jackson and Rambo showed up and laughed at the force wile predator donkey punched the emporer and ripley saved Princess Leia and then took the delorian to grab black widow and have a lesbian threesome that would last for all eternity (a marvel char that they used as a conduit to perpetually upload lesbian escapades).

/Star Wars
/ all else
"dai-No-MITE" - Donald trump.
I watch a lot of 80s movies. They are just better than what passes for action movies today. Out side superhero movies the art of action films died 20 yes ago

Course the continuations like Rambo are just still iconic.
"dai-No-MITE" - Donald trump.
The main problem was Anakin. They did a terrible job with his character. It isn't Hayden's fault.padme dying from a broken heart is bad too thpugh.
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Conner4REAL posted...
I watch a lot of 80s movies. They are just better than what passes for action movies today. Out side superhero movies the art of action films died 20 yes ago

Course the continuations like Rambo are just still iconic.

I agree. I love 80s/90s action movies. It's a lost art.
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I thought Jar Jar was funny.
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I feel like they should have started the prequels when Anakin was older. Have him actually be too old to be a Padawan. Maybe Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan find him as a pilot that actively uses the Force without having any Jedi training or something, thus making them both be like "holy shit wtf lol".

All of Episode 1 was completely irrelevant, with even Qui-Gon playing virtually no role in the grand scheme of things. Episode 2 wasn't much better. You could skip both of those episodes, just watch Episode 3, and have a solid understanding of the entire prequel trilogy. That's a problem.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
in lack of "everything in part 2 and 3" and "the entire script" I voted dialog
Kill the legs first, that's an ironclad battle tactic!
I voted Jar Jar Binks, he was annoying. But really, there was no point Darth Maul being in the film. he did nothing, and was only really invented so they would have something to put on the lunch boxes.
Poll of the Day » What was the worst part about the Star Wars prequels?