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Are you right-wing our left-wing?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Are you right-wing our left-wing?
Political stance

More exciting than an adventure movie.
I'm beak.
Alex Jones' powder gives you a shriveled weewee.
Right on most issues.
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
kind of in the middle and I must say it sucks because every election it feels like I have to forsake some of my beliefs in favor of others.
Cid- "looks like that overgrown lobster just got served!" Bartz-"with cheese biscuts AND mashed potatoes!"
Left wing or right wing, chicken wings are great!
Everything is awesome
Im pretty far-right in most issues, but Im fine with stuff like gay marriage.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
I'm Canadian, so our most right-wing possible is lefter than your most left-wing... what do I answer?
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
Lokarin posted...
I'm Canadian, so our most right-wing possible is lefter than your most left-wing... what do I answer?

Im in Canada too, and Im probably further right than most Americans... so its all relative. Where do you feel like youd belong globally?
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
TheCyborgNinja posted...
Lokarin posted...
I'm Canadian, so our most right-wing possible is lefter than your most left-wing... what do I answer?

Im in Canada too, and Im probably further right than most Americans... so its all relative. Where do you feel like youd belong globally?

I'm anti-authoritarian turbo-liberal
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
Lokarin posted...
TheCyborgNinja posted...
Lokarin posted...
I'm Canadian, so our most right-wing possible is lefter than your most left-wing... what do I answer?

Im in Canada too, and Im probably further right than most Americans... so its all relative. Where do you feel like youd belong globally?

I'm anti-authoritarian turbo-liberal

It sounds like youre a cyborg.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
Left wing~ For some reason, Ive found that around 90% of people with a Pokemon in their name are left wing.
Friend Code: 2707-2146-0610
Ditto, Kecleon, Lillipup
i dont know anymore
waterdeepchu posted...
Left wing~ For some reason, Ive found that around 90% of people with a Pokemon in their name are left wing.

because a lot of left wing people are super into escapism which isnt exactly healthy
Pretty gosh darn left

mooreandrew58 posted...
every election it feels like I have to forsake some of my beliefs in favor of others.

Literally everyone
Proud to be EP ic
Texas Aggie, Class of 2018 A-Whoop!
I have 2 legs.
I use them to run away from people with wings.
Being called nostalgic is a compliment. Thanks for noticing!
No locked doors, no windows barred. No more things to make my brain seem SKARD.
very left, but y'all knew that
mooreandrew58 posted...
kind of in the middle and I must say it sucks because every election it feels like I have to forsake some of my beliefs in favor of others.

The way I look at it, I am never going to agree completely with any politician. So I go with who ever I think is best fit for the job, especially when it comes to local elections, it gives me options.
Mostly left, aside from supporting the death penalty and opposing abortion.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
more center wing. I flip between the 2 sides all the time with no loyalties
I refuse to be involved in anything political

therefore, I am wingless (and proud to be so)
2DS FC: 0662-6485-2561 - IGN: X-Calem, Sun-Rei
Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
Mostly right wing. Used to be left mostly until i started making real money.
Its good to be alive
Pikazard1 posted...
I refuse to be involved in anything political

therefore, I am wingless (and proud to be so)
Being called nostalgic is a compliment. Thanks for noticing!
This poll lacks an X-Wing option.
Honda wing
TheCyborgNinja posted...
Lokarin posted...
I'm Canadian, so our most right-wing possible is lefter than your most left-wing... what do I answer?

Im in Canada too, and Im probably further right than most Americans... so its all relative. Where do you feel like youd belong globally?

Canadian here too. I'm smack in the centre. I like my freedom but I do like the safety net they have here.
If you're truly left or right then you aren't paying attention. Following a party by default with blind loyalty and not making up your mind about each individual issue is how we all found ourselves in this situation in the first place. Learn from your mistakes, people.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
i dont even know anymore. i would call myself a centrist but i agree with mostly liberal/left wing policies. it's just this sjw shit i don't like. and political correctness and all that.
LoL summoner: Vejitables
Wanna know why me rogers so jolly? hehe
I don't think the issue is ideology as much as it is oligarchy. I am for representative democracy above all else.
Syntheticon posted...
If you're truly left or right then you aren't paying attention. Following a party by default with blind loyalty and not making up your mind about each individual issue is how we all found ourselves in this situation in the first place. Learn from your mistakes, people.

I understand this sentiment, and I despise the political parties. But I find that my morals and principles line up better with conservatives. I'm very much a traditionalist, but I'd never be considered far-right due to my stances on handouts to the poor, and abortion. Center-right would fit me, I suppose... just as long as I don't get lumped in with the pot smoking libertarians.
Syntheticon posted...
If you're truly left or right then you aren't paying attention. Following a party by default with blind loyalty and not making up your mind about each individual issue is how we all found ourselves in this situation in the first place. Learn from your mistakes, people.

i follow an ideology, not a party
JunkoEnoshima posted...
Syntheticon posted...
If you're truly left or right then you aren't paying attention. Following a party by default with blind loyalty and not making up your mind about each individual issue is how we all found ourselves in this situation in the first place. Learn from your mistakes, people.

i follow an ideology, not a party

This, Syntheticons failure to make that distinction shows hes one of those people who knows jack shit about politics but likes to play the moderate angle to feel like he knows what hes talking about.
I prefer to fly with both wings.
You are now blinking and breathing manually.
Neither and both, I'm a moderate libertarian. I think government should serve four purposes... defense, healthcare, infrastructure, and education. So I'm clearly not even a real libertarian, since I believe in universal healthcare and public education.

I strongly believe in the non aggression principle. I am highly anti war. I believe in gay rights, gun rights, and cannabis legalization. I disapprove of abortion morally, but I don't think that I, nor the state, should make that decision for others, so I am both life and pro choice. I feel that grandiose displays of patriotism are ironically unamerican. I'm not a big believer in most welfare, but I'm not as anti welfare as most republicans or libertarians. Also, unlike libertarians, I do believe in an increased minimum wage. I think that low wages increase government dependence. I also support free trade and open immigration.

Categorizing yourself as one or the other limits independent thought.
BADoglick to the Max!
It depends completely on the issue in question. ^.^;

I range all the way from quite far left, to quite far right, along with the many various points in between -- all depending on the issue being discussed.

In general I'm much closer to populist nationalist isolationist, or in one word "Trumpist", ^.~
than I am either to orthodox leftist or to orthodox rightist -- although I certainly do disagree with Trump on several points as well.

at "ITT: Post your 8values test results."

I'd consider myself as being on the economic left-wing of and within the overall right-wing-populist movement. ^.^


Speaking of matters of this sort....

Pew Research very recently released a new edition of their "political typology" series:

the quiz itself:

Of the nine categories, the quiz placed me in "Country First Conservatives", and I feel that that's a reasonably good fit (except I certainly wouldn't call myself a "conservative" overall);
but I feel I'm also very very close to "Market Skeptic Republicans". An extremely close second place, virtually a tie.

Both "Core Conservatives" and "Solid Liberals" are alike in being quite different from me -- so again, I'm certainly neither "orthodox rightist" nor "orthodox leftist", just as I had said at the beginning.

But both "New Era Enterprisers" on the "right", and "Opportunity Democrats" on the "left", are both definitely and by far the furthest away from me; essentially my polar opposites.

Pew releases a new edition of this every few years or so.
In their past two editions, I did fit "Hard-Pressed Skeptics" quite well in their 2014 one, and "Disaffecteds" quite well in their 2011 one; both groups being in or near the middle, due to their mix of views considered "left" and views considered "right", crucially along with many views that don't fit either.


So, again, certainly not "left-wing" overall and also certainly not "right-wing" overall; so I didn't vote, sorry. ;.;
cuteness ^.^
BADoglick posted...
Neither and both, I'm a moderate libertarian. I think government should serve four purposes... defense, healthcare, infrastructure, and education. So I'm clearly not even a real libertarian, since I believe in universal healthcare and public education.

I strongly believe in the non aggression principle. I am highly anti war. I believe in gay rights, gun rights, and cannabis legalization. I disapprove of abortion morally, but I don't think that I, nor the state, should make that decision for others, so I am both life and pro choice. I feel that grandiose displays of patriotism are ironically unamerican. I'm not a big believer in most welfare, but I'm not as anti welfare as most republicans or libertarians. Also, unlike libertarians, I do believe in an increased minimum wage. I think that low wages increase government dependence. I also support free trade and open immigration.

Categorizing yourself as one or the other limits independent thought.

Mostly agree with with this, minus a point or two
XB1: MrMegaNutz
Steam: Kennetic
DirtBasedSoap posted...
waterdeepchu posted...
Left wing~ For some reason, Ive found that around 90% of people with a Pokemon in their name are left wing.

because a lot of left wing people are super into escapism which isnt exactly healthy

Like science denying right wingers. Nationalism is a malignant cancer
which must be carved out by the blade of individualism.
Poll of the Day » Are you right-wing our left-wing?