This 23 y/o Beautiful Girl had her Finger RIPPED OFF from a METAL FENCE!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » This 23 y/o Beautiful Girl had her Finger RIPPED OFF from a METAL FENCE!!!
Do you think you would scream if your finger was suddenly severed?

23 y/o Chelsey Brown from Tennessee was cheering for her 3 y/o son during a Little League Tee Ball practice and when she jumped up cheering, she didn't realize that her ring finger was RIPPED OFF!!

The freak accident happened at St. Bethlehem Civitan Park and she was sitting in the stands at Field 6 watching her son, Carson playing Tee one point, she jumped up to cheer and her left hand curled around the top of a METAL FENCE..she then abruptly sat down and her diamond-encrusted wedding ban got snagged on the metal prong protruding from the fence and ripped her whole finger off!!

Blood was gushing out as Chelsey didn't react at first until she became aware of what had happened and then SCREAMED after seeing her mangled left hand and her finger was seen HANGING on the fence!!

She said "I looked down and it was gone.."

A family friend went to retrieve that finger and her husband, Kyle rushed to Tennova Healthcare from where she was airlifted to Vanderbilt University Medical Centre

Unfortunately, because the damage was so catastrophic, her finger could not be reattache and surgeons were forced to amputate whatever was left of it..

She tried to put a positive spin on it the next day stating "I keep making jokes about 10% off manicures and things like that"..

4 weeks later, the bank teller still goes to physical therapy and now wears a band-aid on the stump where her wedding finger was..

The diamond ring has been fixed and resized so she can wear it on her right hand as she fears it might happen again if it gets caught..

Her husband, who's in the US Army has gone back to the field to watch his son play on the very same bleachers..

Chelsey is not seeking legal action against the organizers of the Little League Game but wants to raise awarness and hidden dangers about every day objects..

All the fences has since been inspected in the wake of the accident..

Do you think you would scream if your finger was suddenly severed?.

Chelsey and her Husband -

The X-ray on her lost finger -

Where it happened -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
She can now become an Assassin during the Crusades era.
She's hot though.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Nah, I wouldn't scream. Just walk it off. It's just a finger.
getting laid is easy lmao just post dank memes
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
why does she wear so much makeup?
why does she make that duckface?
why does she wear grandpa aviator sunglasses?
why does she like black men?
can she do anything meaningful that doesn't involve her son?
ChrisHanson24 posted...
why does she wear so much makeup?
why does she make that duckface?
why does she wear grandpa aviator sunglasses?
With you so far...
why does she like black men?

Well, that escalated quickly, Racist McBigotson.
can she do anything meaningful that doesn't involve her son?

Wut? Calm down, you're at an 11 right now but we need you at around a 5.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
The weight of her body snapped her finger off?
@helIy , any ring can cause degloving not just tungsten ones.
thats sad
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If you believe in Goku and are 100% proud, put this in your sig.
SunWuKung420 posted...
@helIy, any ring can cause degloving not just tungsten ones.


im well aware of that

it was @SushiSquid that got a tungsten ring and keeps it on while working

depressed again
morning comes too fast and i'm tired of the routine
Ew @ that wedding pic.
25+ years of gaming taught me one important life lesson. You normally don't have to push start at the main menu.
Eh. I've heard the stories but with what I do I don't think there's a huge risk. Plus I'm quitting at the end of the year anyway.
if there's even any risk you shouldn't do it
depressed again
morning comes too fast and i'm tired of the routine
I've worked at this place for ten years and I've been married for the last three. I don't think the next three months are taking my finger.
right, because the machine is gonna warn you first
depressed again
morning comes too fast and i'm tired of the routine
wwinterj25 posted...
She's hot though.
helIy posted...
right, because the machine is gonna warn you first

I work with presses. If the machine was going to take a finger, it's going to be taking a hell of a lot more than that. And a ring isn't going to affect that.
you work with presses

and this chick got her finger ripped off by an immobile fence

you literally never know dude
depressed again
morning comes too fast and i'm tired of the routine
Considering the bone snapped (or so it looks from the x-ray), I'm really surprised she didn't notice immediately.
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Poll of the Day » This 23 y/o Beautiful Girl had her Finger RIPPED OFF from a METAL FENCE!!!