Best Rainbow Road

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Best Rainbow Road
Best Rainbow Road

Mario Kart 7's was actually really well designed and did a lot more with the theming than just having a Rainbow Road. It's got to be that one, but I suspect 64 will win because nostalgia boners.
TheWorstPoster posted...

This, easily.

But Super Mario Kart's got my favorite music, so I voted that.
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
Either MK8's, or the remade N64 one from MK8.

Also who tf voted for Mario Kart Wii lmao, easily the worst Rainbow Road ever.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
The original. No edges. Ever.
Miz Sylver aka ruler of the known universe
cHecK ouT pRiZMaliTY aT
I haven't played them all, but I played the N64 version the most. But the Wii version got my vote.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
I honestly think 8's is one of the worst, it looks more like a space station than a rainbow road.

That said either 7's or 8's N64 one for me, I'm also partial to DD.

Dat music and overall ambience.
These pretzels are making me thirsty!
64's Rainbow Road was so boring to me. No danger of falling off, there's that long stretch of straight road, and generally nothing happens for how long the track is.
Ultima_Dragoon posted...
64's Rainbow Road was so boring to me. No danger of falling off, there's that long stretch of straight road, and generally nothing happens for how long the track is.

No danger of falling off if you're casual scum who doesn't go flying through space at every chance.
chi cken sa lad sand wich
I'm so fucking tired that I thought the topic was asking about Reading Rainbow.
Alex Jones' powder gives you a shriveled weewee.
Super Mario Kart
"You can almost taste how much the Bubsy 3D makers hated the children of America," from Seanbaby's review of Bubsy 3D (EGM #150)
Wii. There's actual danger and shortcuts.

I'm pretty sure most people voting for SNES or 64 versions are just doing it out nostalgia. They're both so boring.
Stupid signature!
I love the MK8 Rainbow Road because I can finish it quickly without falling off while my friends can't.
It's okay, I have no idea who I am either.
MK64 had rails along the whole thing, so its not a real Rainbow Road.

But I didn't vote because I can't choose between DS, Wii, 7 and 8
FinalXemnas posted...
I'm so fucking tired that I thought the topic was asking about Reading Rainbow.
It's survival in the city. When you live from day to day. City streets don't have much pity. When you're down, that's where you'll stay.
None, because that would imply I actually liked any of them in the first place. That said, the one from the original Mario Kart is the one I dislike most
"Life's a game. It's meant to be played."
"Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
I don't care if it has rails and is incredibly long... MK64 for that opening hill, and the option to jump off for a shortcut.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
The Popo posted...
I don't care if it has rails and is incredibly long... MK64 for that opening hill, and the option to jump off for a shortcut.


the MK8 version sucks, way too freaking short.
Nade Duck posted...
the MK8 version sucks, way too freaking short.

Yeah, N64 Rainbow Road in MK8 is terrible.
It's okay, I have no idea who I am either.
Poll of the Day » Best Rainbow Road