Do you care if stuff you buy is made in sweatshops?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you care if stuff you buy is made in sweatshops?
Do you care about this?

hello, how come no one vote in my awesome poll?
Of course. I don't want sweat all over my stuff.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
No, but I also wouldn't care if prices went up due to companies choosing not to use sweatshops.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
I tend to not care about things I can't do anything about.

That said, sweatshops need to be stamped out of existance at some point.
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I'm absolutely in the camp who will pay more for stuff that's well made in good working conditions, ideally local, and that will last. But those are often the ONLY option I have. When it isn't though, I'll always go for that, even if the cost is 2x or 3x. My backpack for example was 200 bucks (and it's small), made in Seattle by a mom and pop shop and is made by the owners. It's also essentially indestructible, and the fabric, zippers, etc are also made here in fair working conditions.

But I assume I can't say the same of a lot of the clothes I wear or the components in my computer. If I had more choice, I would do the same there though.
Gotta keep the kids occupied some how.
It's time gamers grew up instead of being pissy 5 year olds fighting over the most asinine things.
Kyuubi4269 posted...
No, but I also wouldn't care if prices went up due to companies choosing not to use sweatshops.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
It's nearly unavoidable. There are some obscure craftspeople that might do it, but it's not really practical to go on some spiritual trek to find whatever mountain cave they're doing it out of.

There's those hipster shops, but who knows just how ethical their supply chain really is. Sure they might put together, cut and whatever some hand bag, but did the fabric, the buttons, zippers, etc. come from some slave factory?

Maybe they have in house manufacturing for everything, but were the very raw materials clawed out of the Earth by someone​, somewhere stricken with poverty?

Add in all the chemicals and dyes to treat fabrics and materials, did they come from some minimum wage slave work farm?

I know lots of people here scoff at anyone less than white collar, but the people working in developed countries, let alone 3rd world ones, are being exploited, despite wherever victim blaming we shame upon them for being in that predicament.

And just like most I can't really say I care enough to do or say differently. Baaaaa.
No, I would enslave humankind if I could.
Rudy sucks
Given that sweatshops benefit poorer nations, I guess my only objection is to the fact that using sweatshops abroad costs Americans jobs where even a mostly automated factory would help our economy.
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Poll of the Day » Do you care if stuff you buy is made in sweatshops?