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Topics: 2

Posts: 9
Last Post: 3:12:39am, 09/26/2023
ParanoidObsessive posted...
This is ridiculously untrue for the vast majority of human beings.

Sugar can contribute to a number of diabetic-related problems, along with just increasing your caloric intake and contributing to overall obesity (and all the problems that come with it).

Aspartame is really only a problem if you have phenylketonuria. Or if you're drinking more than two dozen cans of soda a day (but in that case, you've probably got bigger problems)

So youre a real inspanidual that exists, who thinks that aspartame is good for you? Fascinating. I would expect nothing less from this website. The point is that aspartame is unhealthy, synthetic garbage, and real sugar, especially cane sugar, is less unhealthy. Of course real sugar has more calories, but the solution for that is to drink less soda, not to drink more fake sugar to lose weight. If you have weight issues, coke zero and diet soda arent going to save you. Drinking less soda, and getting some exercise, even a small amount, will though. Get it?

ParanoidObsessive posted...
Because most people who have tasted stevia (at least in the US) complain it isn't sweet enough. Which means either people won't buy your product, or you have to supplement the stevia with something else (usually aspartame) anyway.

And even beyond that, stevia has a much lower threshold for "acceptable dosage per day" than aspartame for most governing bodies. Something like even three cans of soda a day would put you over the recommended limit.

I dont really like stevia either, but if you already have health issues, complaining that stevia isnt sweet enough is the whole reason why someone would have health issues in the first place. And again, diet sodas and aspartame arent going to save them.

And the acceptable dosage of stevia thing is a silly argument, because you shouldnt be drinking more than 2 or 3 cans of regular coke per day either. And yet people can and do. So whats your point? That 5 cans of regular coke is OK, but 5 cans of stevia coke is going to kill you? LOL. This website, man.....

I not learn good writing. But some must writing down songs of the biwa hoshi. Very good stories. But he killed by invaders then no more story. Forgetted by all.

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