Lurker > Doom_Art

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It's always funny watching All in the Family and seeing people not get it.
Doom_Art510/17 2:04pm
Is it still considered wrong to sleep with your cousin if you're the same sex?
Doom_Art310/16 2:35pm
I'm about an hour into TLoU and it's good but like I don't get the hype.
Doom_Art13910/16 8:22am
El Camino was wonderful but damn was that thing distracting *spoilers*
Doom_Art4110/16 6:18am
Finished The Last of Us. What next?
Doom_Art2310/15 11:02am
Here's a little song to celebrate Columbus Day
Doom_Art110/14 7:25pm
*belches loudly*
Doom_Art310/14 4:11pm
Seeing Joker with some friends tonight. Scared of incels showing up.
Doom_Art13610/13 10:11am
What kinda bread do you usually buy?
Doom_Art2810/10 9:35pm
Mr. Robot is so fucking good. *Spoilers up to S2E10*
Doom_Art310/10 8:29pm
What's your night time lighting set up like?
Doom_Art210/07 11:37pm
Deep dish pizza isn't good and also isn't really pizza. Change my mind.
Doom_Art1710/07 7:46pm
You know sometimes people call me Doom_Fart and I don't know why.
Doom_Art1310/07 2:03pm
Do you feel the need to plan out which games you'll be playing for months?
Doom_Art110/06 10:59pm
Scandal: The leader of the Conservative Party of Canada is a dual citizen.
Doom_Art810/06 10:50am
Video game pet peeves: Poor camera placement and too much shit on the HUD
Doom_Art1010/06 2:48am
So I saw Joker last night and it sucked *spoilers*
Doom_Art410/05 9:10pm
I'm kinda hoping I get a cold or flu soonish because I have some meds that are..
Doom_Art210/05 9:18am
SBAllen is on your front lawn and wants to fight. What do you do?
Doom_Art710/04 5:10pm
Doom_Art (A)
Doom_Art210/04 3:57pm
Finished Witcher 3. Need a new game to play. Help me decide.
Doom_Art1310/03 7:58pm
If you don't like Paper Mario Sunshine then what the hell is wrong with you?
Doom_Art310/03 11:51am
Let's dispel with this fiction that Doom_Art doesn't know what he's doing
Doom_Art1110/02 5:54pm
If you're a surgeon and someone fucks your wife are you still allowed to operate
Doom_Art810/02 5:24pm
The Mods Must Be Crazy
Doom_Art210/02 2:17pm
Why would anyone give Geralt long flowing hair when playing Witcher 3?
Doom_Art610/01 11:47am
Bought some anti-spider spray for my apartment. I keep it under the sink.
Doom_Art410/01 12:35am
Trump supporters craving for approval from society is one of the funnier things
Doom_Art1409/30 1:29pm
All kidding and memes aside do you find your hips moving on their own?
Doom_Art509/29 8:32pm
Cancel culture is not actually a thing.
Doom_Art2709/29 1:44pm
Do I want whipped cream cheese or French chocolate frosting on my brownies?
Doom_Art409/28 7:58pm
Can God read my mind? Does he know what my intent is when I do something?
Doom_Art409/28 11:27am
A celebrity playing themselves on a show or cartoon is just so fucking lazy.
Doom_Art609/28 9:28am
Witcher 3 is Fable but done well. Like if a Fable game came out today I imagine
Doom_Art1109/26 10:04pm
I love when Trump panic tweets in all caps
Doom_Art3409/26 12:57pm
Tulsi Gabbard: Impeachment would be terribly divisive for country
Doom_Art5909/25 8:20pm
Days like this make me wish I was an anime schoolboy
Doom_Art609/25 7:58pm
So baked cauliflower is a thing I'm in love with now.
Doom_Art2909/25 6:53pm
Trudeau is gonna be having a rally thing in my town tn. Dunno if I wanna go.
Doom_Art909/25 6:34pm
Book 4 in The Expanse is kinda slow *spoilers*
Doom_Art109/25 3:12pm
The epilogue of Witcher 3 is one of the loneliest feelings ever. *spoilers*
Doom_Art1009/25 10:34am
I want fucking ska to make a comeback. That's what I fucking want.
Doom_Art3109/24 2:29pm
I'm shocked the Mass Effect trilogy hasn't been remastered or remade.
Doom_Art2709/24 11:23am
People who ship Ciri and Geralt make me fucking sick.
Doom_Art209/24 8:46am
There's honestly few things better than new bedding
Doom_Art409/22 12:20am
ASoIaF is a great series but all the covers for it are shit
Doom_Art1409/21 10:11pm
Was lying in bed, something was crawling on my head. Slapped it. It was a spider
Doom_Art4609/21 10:19am
Does Elder Scrolls Online feel like a WoW clone or is it more like an actual...
Doom_Art1309/20 8:27pm
Was at a book store today and there were copies of the Mueller report. Next to
Doom_Art209/20 4:55pm
C/D: You are a volcano of lust
Doom_Art209/20 12:27pm
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