Lurker > Alucard188

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Error's gonna fuck that hedgehog.
Alucard1883208/15 1:36pm
Holy shit, this gif.
Alucard188808/14 6:12pm
*watches the first episode of Dragon Ball*
Alucard188108/14 5:34pm
Father of Neo-Nazi who attended Unite The Right speaks out.
Alucard188408/14 5:05pm
This doesn't bode well for the Justice League movie.
Alucard188608/14 2:29pm
Video review for Sonic Mania.
Alucard188108/14 1:03pm
*sudden compulsion to watch Dragon Ball*
Alucard188708/14 12:25am
Trump's face photoshopped onto the Queen's head.
Alucard188208/12 5:16am
Nintendo is running livestream events for Mario and Metroid at Gamescom.
Alucard188408/09 3:58pm
Kudos to Divinity Original Sin for subverting the 'prostitute in RPGs' trope.
Alucard188208/08 2:34pm
You know how the new WB Middle Earth game has micro-transactions, right?
Alucard1885208/08 1:24pm
*opens up Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns*
Alucard188208/08 1:17pm
The crafting system in Divinity Original Sin is incredible.
Alucard1881908/07 4:02pm
My favourite part of RPGs is when I upgrade abilities/equipment at a shop.
Alucard188208/06 9:52pm
I haven't watched a Game Grumps series that made me laugh like Miitopia has.
Alucard188208/05 6:04pm
Does Japan still really like Dragon Quest?
Alucard188208/02 10:11pm
Maaaaan~ I don't want to buy Cold Steel again. I really don't.
Alucard1881008/02 9:32pm
I decided to try and play Divinity: OS Enhanced tonight.
Alucard1882108/02 7:41pm
tfw You're getting an iced coffee at McDs in the drive-thru...
Alucard1883408/02 4:43pm
Destructoid dude sits down with the President of Nihon-Falcom for a chat.
Alucard188907/31 8:18pm
I've been doing pretty good lately with beating the games I started playing.
Alucard188507/31 2:54pm
I want to repeatedly ball slap the person who decided that a trophy based on...
Alucard1881307/30 1:06am
*sees that Zoelius made a Trails in the Sky The 3rd walkthrough/guide*
Alucard188407/27 4:32am
The Hitman's Bodyguard looks like it could be a good movie.
Alucard188307/26 10:24pm
TIL my local food market does layaway.
Alucard188907/26 6:37pm
I just saw Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. *spoilers*
Alucard188407/25 11:02pm
Creating fun comics from Daily Mail comments.
Alucard188107/24 8:41pm
Just finished cleaning my evestroughs.
Alucard188407/24 6:23pm
*sees a game for sale on GoG called 'Titus the Fox'*
Alucard188307/24 5:36pm
*when a weeaboo gets a new body pillow*
Alucard188807/24 12:12am
Japanese gamers rank the 20 best RPGs of all time.
Alucard1887307/20 5:31pm
A new trailer for Yakuza Kiwami dropped today.
Alucard188707/20 3:09pm
Currently sitting in the theatre for Spiderman Homecoming.
Alucard1882707/18 11:27pm
Confession time.
Alucard1884107/17 6:04pm
Only one more day before FFXII: Zodiac Age releases.
Alucard1881507/10 4:05am
I am diarrhea - destroyer of toilet paper.
Alucard188907/09 1:58am
Bitchin' topic.
Alucard188307/08 2:15am
Final Fantasy IV Steam playthrough topic. *ongoing spoilers*
Alucard1884007/06 1:13am
Seth Rogan's mom on sex and social media.
Alucard188207/05 2:37pm
Well, I spent roughly $50 on another retro video game.
Alucard188206/30 6:26am
Good samaritan beaten for helping toddler find her parents.
Alucard1881506/28 4:37am
Well, I beat Fire Emblem Echoes.
Alucard188106/27 2:44pm
Went and saw Wonder Woman tonight. *spoilers*
Alucard188106/27 12:27am
Oh, I forgot that my ISP gave me a free upgrade trial of their fastest internet.
Alucard188806/27 12:15am
*buys ME1 and ME2 on Steam and installs them*
Alucard188506/26 5:13pm
There is a notable omission from the SNES Classic Mini line up.
Alucard1881106/26 3:56pm
I have almost 50 hours in Fire Emblem Echoes.
Alucard188206/26 9:07am
I like how I'm Canadian, so YouTube just automatically assumes I'm Quebecois.
Alucard1881806/26 4:33am
Rocko's Modern Life is getting a tv movie revival.
Alucard188906/25 10:41am
*looks over achievements for FFIV Steam*
Alucard1882506/25 12:50am
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