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Hong Kong so tests are back. Police jump straight to using tear gas.
s0nicfan3105/24 8:42pm
For people who aren't tracking it, Hong Kong is going through some real shit
s0nicfan805/22 2:18pm
NFL players rob house party at gunpoint, flee in their luxury cars
s0nicfan2405/15 2:53pm
Musk won the standoff
s0nicfan1005/13 11:39am
Just finished Death Stranding... what do I play next?
s0nicfan405/12 12:20am
Anyone have any intel on this new bullshit firefox is pulling with rerouting?
s0nicfan405/08 6:32pm
Betsy DeVos may have done her first right thing ever
s0nicfan2305/07 5:05pm
Yoko Kanno arranged a new ver. of The Real Folk Blues (Cowboy Bebop) for youtube
s0nicfan205/07 2:17pm
Warren Buffett may have just killed more than one US airline
s0nicfan2105/03 5:25pm
Did Netflix remove Blade Runner today?
s0nicfan105/01 8:27pm
Chinese propaganda distributed to middle schoolers says Covid originated in US
s0nicfan1105/01 3:09pm
UK throws out entire Chinese ventilator order for being dangerously poorly made
s0nicfan1105/01 1:46pm
China selling fake surgical masks that don't work with 'Made in Taiwan' label
s0nicfan3404/23 4:42pm
iOS email flaw lets hackers access your device from just viewing an email
s0nicfan504/23 11:53am
The unspoken cost of global economic shutdown: 30M may starve in next few months
s0nicfan5804/22 3:50pm
These goddamn snowy mountains in Death Stranding may have broken me *spoilers*
s0nicfan704/15 11:22pm
Your April disaster has arrived: Chernobyl almost on fire
s0nicfan1204/13 5:03pm
I like how Square is slowly making Yoko Taro their front man
s0nicfan504/06 12:11pm
Venezuela naval ship loses sea battle against... a cruise ship
s0nicfan1404/03 3:30pm
Last month US unemployment was near record low... now a record high by ~5X
s0nicfan403/26 9:45am
Saw that Planetside 2 got a pretty big update recently.... is it any better?
s0nicfan703/25 8:31pm
China has now pivoted from blaming the US military to blaming Italy.
s0nicfan3003/22 5:48pm
What did everyone think of Westworld Season 3, Episode 1? *spoilers*
s0nicfan103/19 11:33am
EU backing Greece on blocking migrants at the border
s0nicfan2703/13 1:17am
How's CoD Warzone vs Apex Legends?
s0nicfan903/12 11:39pm
Sanders releases hilariously unrealistic details on how to pay for his plans
s0nicfan603/07 5:29pm
Goth professor writes book proposing human extinction to fight capitalism
s0nicfan1902/29 3:03am
"Plague Inc." now illegal in China
s0nicfan2502/27 11:23pm
Does M4A account for the fact that many employer health plans are subsidized?
s0nicfan1902/26 9:02pm
Bernie reveals proposal to pay for plans and it's $15T short of funding just M4A
s0nicfan2402/25 7:13pm
The Zero/ZX collection is what every Capcom collection should be
s0nicfan502/25 11:16am
Is there any episode that better represents Star Trek than 'Measure of a Man'?
s0nicfan902/24 10:45pm
Are they doing anything new with Phantasy Star Online 2 for the western release?
s0nicfan402/20 4:11pm
UN warns that Syrian government is explicitly bombing shelters and schools
s0nicfan202/20 3:25am
Dragon Ball FighterZ is going to be either amazing or awful in Season 3
s0nicfan402/18 3:26pm
What are the "must see" early season episodes of Venture Bros?
s0nicfan202/17 2:50pm
Dems' post-impeachment plan: just keep digging
s0nicfan702/05 2:00pm
Surprising no one, Prince Andrew is refusing to cooperate in Epstein inquiry
s0nicfan301/27 1:34pm
Science recreates voice of mummy with 3D printing. Could soon do it for anyone.
s0nicfan1201/23 8:23pm
Doomsday Clock set closer to midnight than ever before - do you agree?
s0nicfan1501/23 4:29pm
France accidentally publishes history textbook that blames the CIA for 9/11
s0nicfan1101/21 1:00pm
The yearly migrant Caravan is forcing its way into Mexico. 1000s more coming.
s0nicfan1701/20 6:12pm
Mexico to stop the migrant caravan this year
s0nicfan401/16 8:19am
Which of these relationships is best?
s0nicfan1101/15 9:52pm
Taiwan stops pretending, openly tells China they're their own country... mostly
s0nicfan401/15 12:29pm
Fan fixes terrible Street Fighter 5 multiplayer netcode on PC with mod
s0nicfan101/10 10:56pm
Iran threatening to destroy Dubai (UAE) and Haifa (Israel) if the US retaliates
s0nicfan7201/10 6:35am
Veganism may officially be a religion soon in the UK
s0nicfan3401/10 2:47am
Senate dems tell Pelosi to stop delaying impeachment.
s0nicfan501/08 4:56pm
Iran says the only way to prevent war is for the US to let them attack once.
s0nicfan1301/05 4:56pm
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