Lurker > a-c-a-b

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A good poopin' story is like a good fishing story.
a-c-a-b410/07 4:16pm
This years Project Censored book is out on Oct. 2
a-c-a-b109/30 2:39pm
What do guys without beards stroke when they're thinking deeply about things?
a-c-a-b609/29 11:36pm
Is the new Spiderman game good for people that know nothing about Spiderman?
a-c-a-b309/29 7:11pm
I've drank 16 beers and now I'm gonna listen to Exumer
a-c-a-b1209/29 2:57am
$150 but you have to watch Ernest movies for 12 hours straight.
a-c-a-b1509/28 11:08pm
Kevin Spencer, something's wrong with that kid.
a-c-a-b209/28 4:52pm
ITT - I play my favourite hip-hop tunes (mostly socio-political stuff)
a-c-a-b2409/16 5:53pm
I love getting drunk in the morning
a-c-a-b1309/15 11:25am
What's your go-to source for news and journalism?
a-c-a-b1309/14 12:10pm
If a persons first name is Christian do you call them Christ for short?
a-c-a-b1009/09 5:12am
Any good skateboarding games this generation?
a-c-a-b109/02 11:31pm
Metal is arguably the worst kind of "music" there is.
a-c-a-b8409/02 11:09am
America, the Farewell Tour - Chris Hedges new book came out the other day.
a-c-a-b108/23 7:53pm
So how's the Fracture But Whole DLC?
a-c-a-b108/23 5:53pm
After 20+ years of listening to metal, I still say...
a-c-a-b508/16 10:23pm
Having a dog is a great way to deal with loneliness and depression.
a-c-a-b908/11 1:21pm
Any time I see somebody with a mullet my first thought is....
a-c-a-b608/11 10:17am
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card.
a-c-a-b1008/10 3:54pm
If you could fart in the presence of one historical figure who would it be?
a-c-a-b208/07 4:53pm
ITT: I post lots of great punk music
a-c-a-b8108/06 7:45pm
It's days like today that I'm glad I have a friend with a pool.
a-c-a-b1808/05 4:55pm
You're not a true 90s kid if you never made your own mix tapes.
a-c-a-b1308/02 8:36pm
Anybody here collect records/cd's/tapes?
a-c-a-b2907/31 9:47pm
After years of practice I've finally drank an entire case of beer
a-c-a-b1107/28 4:54pm
Getting older sucks
a-c-a-b2407/24 10:41pm
What's your relationship with your neighbours like?
a-c-a-b1507/06 12:29pm
I'm quite drunk right now. Recommend me some bluegrass music
a-c-a-b606/23 1:12pm
ITT a cute girl doing an accoustic Bad Religion cover.
a-c-a-b106/16 1:42pm
I'm thinking of getting a deep fryer.
a-c-a-b1406/15 5:14pm
The drunker I get I enjoy banjo music more and more
a-c-a-b1806/10 12:07am
If your FarCry 5 character doesn't have a mullet you're playing the game wrong
a-c-a-b706/08 10:44am
I really miss George Carlin.
a-c-a-b805/13 6:29pm
When I was a kid I used to get a boner playing the dirtbike game at the arcade.
a-c-a-b104/29 12:08pm
Got a question for people with cats.
a-c-a-b2204/29 10:48am
You guys wanna hear some wicked metal?
a-c-a-b104/28 11:25pm
I'm starting to realize that jealousy is why all my relationships fail
a-c-a-b104/06 1:56pm
ITT a 42 frig off salute from Randy Bobandy
a-c-a-b103/30 11:44pm
Which of these RPGs should I start this weekend? (ps1 / ps2)
a-c-a-b1203/22 11:15pm
Did you know that Macho Man Randy Savage has a rap album?
a-c-a-b503/18 7:03pm
They should have a special express lane at the beer store for the alcoholics.
a-c-a-b703/17 11:21am
From now on the only women I'm pimpin' is sweet lady propane
a-c-a-b1103/16 5:52pm
NES baseball games were the best
a-c-a-b703/16 2:57pm
How much does beer and liqour cost where you live?
a-c-a-b2303/11 8:17pm
Readers of CE, recommend me some horror.
a-c-a-b203/02 10:43am
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