Lurker > AirJordan2345

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What is your favorite "avengers" movie ever?
AirJordan2345305/27 11:27am
Do you consider the star wars movies to be sci fi?
AirJordan2345905/26 11:30pm
Do you do a lot of preparing before you go on a job interview?
AirJordan2345705/26 5:46pm
If you worked at a restaurant would you prefer to be the cook or the server?
AirJordan23453605/26 4:47pm
What tv show do you think had the best special effects ever?
AirJordan2345205/26 1:51pm
Do you think most cops are "good"?
AirJordan23454305/26 12:30pm
Does your work require that you shave?
AirJordan2345405/26 11:00am
Do you consider this social board to be the "nastiest" on this site?
AirJordan2345605/26 10:37am
Do you know how to drive a manual?
AirJordan23454105/25 8:34pm
Does it ever piss you off when and if you get modded on here?
AirJordan23451005/25 8:13pm
How do you usually wash your car?
AirJordan23451205/25 7:54pm
What do you think about that gunman that opened fire in that resturaurant in ok?
AirJordan2345305/25 7:29pm
Do you prefer taxis or uber?
AirJordan2345205/25 4:56pm
Have you seen solo yet?
AirJordan23451005/25 4:24pm
If one of your homies on this site was in an argument with another poster that..
AirJordan2345105/24 1:32pm
Has anybody here been on any job interviews lately?
AirJordan2345205/24 1:05pm
Do you support affirmative action?
AirJordan2345805/24 10:21am
Are you doing anything special for memorial day?
AirJordan2345305/24 10:02am
Do you like watching pro sports on tv?
AirJordan23451405/23 11:40pm
Do you think tomi lahren is pretty?
AirJordan23453405/23 7:35pm
What do you think is the average age for users on this site?
AirJordan23451005/23 5:50pm
how many people do you have on your friends list?
AirJordan2345205/23 3:39pm
Do you still live with your parents?
AirJordan2345205/23 12:59pm
Do you hate any of your coworkers?
AirJordan23451105/22 11:29pm
Do you really like posting on this site?
AirJordan2345405/22 7:41pm
Does anybody here disagree with the judge in the case of those parents who sued.
AirJordan2345505/22 7:03pm
Have nasty posters on this site ever convinced you to stop posting...
AirJordan23452505/22 6:21pm
Best buy is shutting down its gamers club to new members
AirJordan2345405/22 5:33pm
Have you ever seen a motorcycle pulled over?
AirJordan2345505/22 5:24pm
Do you mostly use this site from your phone or from a pc?
AirJordan23452505/22 3:16pm
Teen must repay 37M for starting oregon wilfire.
AirJordan2345405/22 1:22pm
Have you thrown away all your old vhs tapes?
AirJordan23452005/21 8:42pm
Do you think rides at major amusement parks are safer than those carnivals
AirJordan23451105/21 7:16pm
Did you watch the recent royal wedding?
AirJordan2345105/21 7:01pm
Have you ever met anybody who said they wish they were never born?
AirJordan23451205/21 5:38pm
Back then did you prefer leno or letterman?
AirJordan23451705/21 2:54pm
Do you have to work today?
AirJordan23452005/21 11:43am
Is it hard to find a job by where you are?
AirJordan2345705/20 11:59am
Do you think people really are better in real life as opposed to the internet?
AirJordan2345605/19 8:22pm
Do you use the ignore feature a lot on here?
AirJordan23452605/19 7:31pm
Do you think megan markle is pretty?
AirJordan23452705/19 7:29pm
Do you work in customer service?
AirJordan2345805/19 6:52pm
How many "homies" do you have on this site?
AirJordan2345205/19 6:37pm
If you could would you ever want to visit china?
AirJordan2345405/19 3:30pm
Would it bother you if you thought a woman only wanted to be with you because..
AirJordan2345205/19 3:10pm
Do you like that they did away with those off topic changes on this site?
AirJordan2345105/19 2:35pm
Is anybody watching the royal wedding?
AirJordan2345705/19 9:55am
Do you like white castle burgers?
AirJordan2345605/19 9:04am
They just recently changed the off topic on this site?
AirJordan2345705/19 8:35am
Do you usually hide the off topic postings on this site?
AirJordan2345705/18 11:51am
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