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TopicShould I see a doctor?
07/08/21 4:43:56 PM
There was a spider next to my bed on a concrete wall a couple of weeks ago. It was running towards my bed and I didn't have time to get paper towel and take it outside, so I punched it. My hand swelled up pretty bad and most of it went away. It's still slightly swollen and tender though.

Should I see a doctor or just let it go?

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicHave you ever thought 'why not shoot criminals in the leg/kneecap'?
07/07/21 10:18:24 PM
You should only fire a gun with the intent to take someone's life. Promoting that you can use a gun as a non-lethal weapon will just resort to more people being killed. And it's because of this thinking. It may result in weapons being drawn in circumstances where it's unneeded because people will think they won't kill.

It's irresponsible at best, and completely stupid at worst.

That said, I think everyone who's mentally able should own a gun, so...

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicThere are objectively no good qualities to lighting off fireworks
07/03/21 10:56:59 PM
hockeybub89 posted...
You should need a license and safety training to light fucking explosives.

You get idiots blowing off their fingers and lighting shit on fire by accident.
Get bent. Not everything needs to be legislated by the government.
(Most things don't as a matter of fact!)

"Oi! You got a loiscense to celebrate your country's independence from a tyrannical government?!"

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicThere are objectively no good qualities to lighting off fireworks
07/03/21 10:10:24 PM
I don't care you don't like them. I like them.

I go out in the sticks, and set off fireworks so large and bright, you'd think the sun hadn't set.

People who pop off fireworks in the city though? Yeah, kinda assholes.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/30/21 6:05:59 AM
Wetterdew posted...
"I understand exactly what it's like to live in Mexico, because sometimes I get phonecalls from wrong numbers from people who speak Spanish to me" is how you sound.

I believe you that kids called you gay slurs and beat you up at your baseball field. Homophobia and toxic masculinity can hurt straight guys, too.

But you still can't know what it's actually like to be gay. Your parents didn't disown you for being gay. You never even had to *worry* about that possibly happening. Most gay people spend their entire adolescence worrying about what their friends and family will think.

You don't ever need to be wary of negative/hostile reactions whenever you hold hands with your partner in public.
You grew up in a society that celebrated and applauded your sexual orientation rather than shamed it. You never had to hide your sexual orientation in fear of what would happen if somebody found out, and you never had to stop to think whether it's safe to mention/introduce your partner around each new person you meet in case they aren't gay-friendly. In case it changes the way they interact with you, or if they stop wanting to be around you, or if they get downright hostile to you.

When you see people saying degrading things about gay people, or talking about how gay people will burn in hell, or when you see gay people stereotyped as predatory/weak/pedophiles/other degrading things, you don't experience that burning shame in the back of your head, because it's not you they're talking about. You don't have to set up a mental buffer. And when those kids called you the f-word and beat you up, you weren't actually a gay person and they weren't attacking you for your core being.

I know you can have empathy. that's good. you SHOULD try to understand what other people experience. But don't pretend you ACTUALLY know what it's like, because you don't and you can't. You can spend a few minutes or hours or days trying to envision how we feel firsthand our whole lives.

You clearly don't know gay history because you don't even know what the point of gay pride is, you think it just exists so companies can make money. You made this topic flippantly, without any GENUINE, earnest consideration of why pride exists. You don't know what it's like to be gay, and you don't know what gay pride is for.

Wetterdew posted...
One last thing is, gay pride exists solely for LGBT people. We don't celebrate pride so that we can appear normal to you. We do it so that other LGBT people can see that it's ok to celebrate these attribute rather than be ashamed of them. We've had decades/centuries of voices telling us we're gross/hellbound/embarrassing, pride IS how we reject that, and we don't do it to appease straight people or convince them we're just like you. gay pride IS our voice and it's how we reject the hate.

Alright. I'm finished communicating with this thread. Now I will shitpost.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 9:36:41 PM
cuttin_in_farm posted...
Have you considered you are still ignorant to what they may have faced?

And excluding their internal struggles are a part of it. Being accused of something that you are not will always pale in comparison to be ridiculed for something you are. Often times by family and trusted friends.

People are having a strong reaction because you come off as very naive.
A fair point to be sure. But it's not as if people just called me gay and moved on and it hurt my feelings. I will say it again, I was treated worse then many gay people I know. Most of them never were even hit because they were gay, because they got to grow up in the nicer part of town.

Not all gay people have sob stories, some are just gay, and nobody bats an eye. That's the way it should be.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 9:33:56 PM
Wetterdew posted...
No you don't. You're not gay, stop assuming you know how it is. You don't.

And pride month exists for us to reject shame. If you have problems with rainbow capitalism, that's a different question which exists next to the real objective of gay pride.

You don't know what you're talking about.
So straight people can't have empathy? Right, good to know.

And, I'll say it again, and stand by it. I know what gay people today may experience at the hands of others. Because if they didn't suspect I was gay, I'd probably have fonder memories of childhood, and still enjoy baseball.

I'm not claiming to understand the internal struggle. I couldn't possibly begin to understand. But I can understand members of society abusing you because of it. Why do you think I want everyone to be treated the same? If everyone was treated the same, there'd be no suffering for anyone. We'd all get along. Why don't you guys understand that?

epik_fail1 posted...
Do you mind straight people being "monetised" on Valentine's day?
Valentine's day is for anyone in love. Your sexuality doesn't matter. But yes, it's a dumb holiday that tries to coax people into spending money.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 9:13:32 PM
Conflict posted...
You don't know what they experience tho. It's been explained multiple times how you don't

Gay people have experienced more than being bullied in school for being gay
I know what they experience at the hand of other people. That's what I was trying to get across. I'm not trying to claim to understand their internal struggle.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 9:11:39 PM
weekoldhotdog posted...
Nobody said you were never kicked as a kid.

Yeah, there were a few people. You can still see the posts lol.

weekoldhotdog posted...
In fact, we can all tell. The problem is that you're still sitting here wondering why we celebrate diversity for an entire month while people like you who feel entitled to the same treatment, is upset that you don't have a month dedicated to your straight ass.

Then you missed the mark by a mile. I don't want to be treated differently. I want everyone to be treated the same. But I'm not surprised that didn't connect with your dumb ass.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 9:02:32 PM
weekoldhotdog posted...
I agree with your sister. Stop comparing your life to the the experiences of others and move on with your life. This topic is stupid and you haven't learned a thing.
Dang we turned from, "This never happened" to "Well, you're not actually gay so who cares!" Real quick. As if it mattered at all if I were actually gay or not, as the point was to prove that I know what they experience today. That's pretty dense of you.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:45:34 PM
Also, this got me thinking and I texted my sister and asked he why she let me be bullied and this was her response.

Glad she's just, brimming with remorse lmao.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:41:31 PM
Gwynevere posted...
TC is so oppressed, here's some attention for all you've been through
I'm not oppressed. I never said I was. I'm just saying I know what gay people might go through in today's society, and explained why.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:36:42 PM
g0ldie posted...
there's a difference between being mistaken for something that you're not and facing negative consequences and actually being that (gay or whatever), and having part of your identity being insulted, maligned, dismissed, and so on, to the point that you might come to hate that part of yourself.

Hey, this is also another point I didn't think about. And it's a good one too. I need some time to ponder this as well. Thank you for sharing.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:32:28 PM
Conflict posted...
This dude thinks being teased at school

Haha. I wish that's all that it was. But no. Guess what. I grew up in a largely un-progressive town.

It started in 3rd grade with teasing. Then I had to quit baseball, because during practice the pitcher would "accidentally" keep hitting me with baseballs. Coach was his dad and was not a fan of gay people as well.

I was picked on at a bus stop where my entire trailer park would get on the bus. Two of my sister's included. I had two bullies who would white wash me, and rip my clothes off before the bus came in the winter. Then pelt me with snowballs. My sister's were oblivious to this somehow. And would let me freeze. They would rip all of the buttons and zippers off of my clothes. After they stripped me. These were 7th graders. I was in 4th grade. And the rest of the kids laughed. They'd write gay slurs on my forehead in marker. They took my backpack dumped everything out, filled it with dirt, rocks, sticks, and took turns holding me and throwing it at me. This all only stopped when my oldest sister Ashley came with me to the bus stop one day, and beat them both up. She's much older then me.

In 6th grade, I was suspended, because some kids searched up gay p**n on the school computer while I was away.

By 7th grade it mostly stopped because being gay was becoming more acceptable, and people lost interest in me.

Of course sprinkle your standard beatings and lunch theft in those few years, along with other things I won't mention, and yeah. I may know a little about what gay kids may go through today.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:18:50 PM
weekoldhotdog posted...
Murder of James Byrd Jr. - Wikipedia

Maybe TC should take the the remainder of this Pride Month to educate himself on actual pain that people who identify themselves as gay actually went through to get a month dedicated to themselves in the first place.
So 22 years ago? An entire generation ago?

Don't get me wrong, it's horrible that happened to that man, but guess what, we've changed a lot in 22 years. Gay marriage wasn't even legal 22 years ago! We've progressed, being gay is so close to being the norm now.

I'll say again, what's more common? Being murdered, or being assaulted for being gay in society today?

But again, you're all making the point that what happens to gay people today doesn't matter because they don't have it as bad. Again, how shitty of you.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:10:38 PM
weekoldhotdog posted...
the pain you felt when you were being kicked is not the same as being dragged down the road by a rope until you died because you're a gay man. Please stop comparing your experiences to that of people that have actually suffered.
When was the last time that happened to a gay person in America? Because I can tell you, heating beaten up for being gay is a lot more common then being murdered for it in today's world.

Also, are you trying to invalidate gay people who have been assaulted for being gay, just because they "don't have it as bad?" That's pretty shitty.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:08:26 PM
Lost_All_Senses posted...
This is hilarious. Not that something like that would happen.

What I would give to have grown up in your neighborhood. Sounds like you've lived a pretty sheltered life if you've never seen this kind of stuff.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 8:05:26 PM
weekoldhotdog posted...
I don't think this qualifies you as "walking a mile in a gay person's shoe", but you're welcome to keep thinking and comparing your own experiences with the awfulness that people who are gay as a whole had to endure over humanities entire lifetime of hiding what they are ashamed of in a closet.
Im not comparing myself to gay people who are stoned in the middle east, or who have been ostracized in the past.

I'm comparing my experience to that of experiences of other gay people I know in the world today.

It's ridiculous to think that just because I'm not gay, doesn't mean I can't understand and empathize with the way they're treated today. Especially when I've experienced it first hand.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 7:57:58 PM
Conflict posted...
Chances are you have absolutely no fucking clue so I'll just come out with it

Gay people have obviously not been treated normally, or just like any other person, for a long ass fucking period of time. Pride month is a celebration of the fact that they can be without having to be seen as freaks of nature. That's what minority pride has always been about. Not about the fact that they're gay, but that they can be openly gay without being seen as total outcasts by the vast majority of the population.

Do companies tend to cash in on Pride month? Yes, but that's irrelevant and they're not the ones who came up with the concept of Pride month.

Oh, look at that. You did in fact, have absolutely no fucking clue

Dude, I had the shit kicked out of me more times than actual gay people I know, because I was suspected of being gay. So don't tell me what gay people go through today, because believe me, I do fucking know. All the more reason they should be treated like any other person.

Also saying, "they were treated different", is such a weak point. Yeah, no shit, I fucking know. Everyone fucking knows.

RedJackson posted...

In truth the reason pride NEEDS to exist IS because this country seldom recognizes the diversity of it's citizens and it HAS gotten away with disenfranchising certain groups of people and became complacent with certain methods of treating others. How could you have presidents who state the pride and joy of America is it's military strength, it's accomplishments in technology, a bunch of other bullshit that is not the actual identity of America

Things don't make the person - experiences and being with others does, America's identity or culture are the people who have come to live here, who do have stories of travels to come to a place that made their life better, people who take the freedom afforded here by our military might to be a better version of themselves and succeed in doing so

This is actually an amazing point. I've never thought about it like this. I'll need some time to ponder this a bit more. Thank you.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 7:48:13 PM
Conflict posted...
What exactly do you think gay people have been dealing with for the longest time

I'm just curious if you have any idea
Yeah I do. Lmao, I was bullied relentlessly growing up because kids at my school thought I was gay. I'm straight as an arrow, but I used to act a little gay. Growing up around 4 older sisters and a mother with no men around, and you develop, a little less than masculine. People took that as I was a closeted gay. Pretty funny in hindsight. My dad and sister still think I'm gay. So I understand what gay people in today's society may go through, yes.

Doesn't invalidate my point at all.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 7:41:13 PM
Do you guys want to be inclusive or not? Do you want everyone to be treated the same or not? I don't care either way, but I want to hear you say it.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 7:39:26 PM
Jeff AKA Snoopy posted...
I didn't know you had the singular power to end systemic bigotry and assure all people get treated with respect.
"Systemic Bigotry"

Jokes aside, I don't. But I can play my part and treat everyone like a human.
And that's the difference between us I suppose.

I treat people like people.

And you treat them based on their identities.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 7:31:33 PM
You're all very I'm favor of breaking people up into groups. Instead of ACTUALLY coming together as one people. This kind of worries me.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 7:30:15 PM
RedJackson posted...
Because this is a Mecca for all kinds of people to come and culturally melt and cum in eachother brodie

This IS our selling point - you can come over here and live your life as free as you want to.

I dont see a reason to not have months dedicated to groups of people tbh
Well, I agree. Except I'm on the other side of the spectrum. This is a place where everyone can come together, and live together. It doesn't matter who you are. Why create arbitrary celebrations just to remind people that their identities can be broken down and qualified. It kind of goes against the idea that we all can come together and live as one in my opinion.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicAmerican CEpeople, where would you flee if US fell to fascism??
06/29/21 7:21:07 PM
Anyone who would decide to leave is an un-american piece of shit coward. If only we had an AMENDMENT that gave citizens the right to arm themselves and fight back against their government.

Your duty as a civilian, (Note, I use the term "civilian", not citizen, it's an important distinction.), should be to take up arms against the tyrants, or at least aid those who are. If your first instinct is to flee, you disgust me.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPride month seems kind of hypocritical to me.
06/29/21 7:17:06 PM
It's just an excuse for companies to sell gay themed products, and hike up the price.

Isn't the whole point of acceptance to be treated the same as everyone else? So why does there need to be a month where everyone focuses on the fact that you're gay or bi or what have you? Why would you celebrate something that should just be the norm? I don't understand.

I believe my inclusiveness is the best, because I don't treat people any different based on any (x) characteristic. I will judge you solely on how you interact with me.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicAmericans: ''Hm a deadly virus that could kill me, or a vaccine that'll force me
06/29/21 7:07:37 PM
As someone who has largely stopped giving a shit about 6 months ago, I have yet to die. Or have anyone I know die. So I mean, there's that.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicGunplagirl is WARNED
06/12/21 12:46:18 AM
Smackems posted...
They'll mod you for saying that you say offensive things lol
I mean, why? I'm not offended. Am I supposed to offend myself? That's dumb.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicGunplagirl is WARNED
06/12/21 12:44:09 AM
My sister yelled at me because I would say the forbidden R word. So I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with mild autism. I've always suspected lmao, but now she can't say shit to me.

Unrelated to this topic, but felt like the right time to share.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic12 and 14 year Olds open fire on cops with AK 47 and shotgun.
06/07/21 10:47:08 AM
Ilishe posted...
None of these are tools made specifically for killing, why are you being obtuse?
But they're all still used for murder quite frequently though right?

People like you piss me off more than anyone else. Because we've never met, and share completely different living circumstances, but you think you know what's best for me and the people around me.

Get bent.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic12 and 14 year Olds open fire on cops with AK 47 and shotgun.
06/06/21 5:28:09 PM
Ilishe posted...
I don't get off on telling people how to live.

I live in Europe. I'm lucky enough that we don't have to deal with psychopaths who can buy guns in the local fucking supermarket.

You should try living without murder tools.
You can't buy guns from most places. Walmart is the only supermarket chain I can think of that sells firearms. The rest are all sporting goods stores.

And ok, sure, if you can prove to me that you can live without "murder tools" I will melt my guns down into slag.

But that means you would have to give up: Knives, Hammers, Baseball Bats, Cars, and, oh yeah, your fucking hands.

Also, guess what? You can still be killed by other means! Acid attacks! Piss in a bottle of bleach and now you've got mustard gas! Tie a firecracker to some hairspray, now you've got a bomb!

You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Stop thinking you have any idea what's best for America. Because I sure as hell don't know what's the best for Europe.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic12 and 14 year Olds open fire on cops with AK 47 and shotgun.
06/06/21 11:00:56 AM
Ilishe posted...
Guns are okay when used seasonally for hunting or sport, but that shouldn't ever include assault rifles or automatic shotguns or any high caliber weapon outside of specialized arms which would require professional licenses.

You don't need a gun. Nobody NEEDS a gun.
"Automatic shotguns"

Lmao you clearly don't know shit about firearms, and just get off on telling other people how to live their lives.

Yeah, automatic shotguns are a thing, but they are very, very far out of reach for most people.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic"Cart Narcs" are among the lowest form of humans.
06/04/21 2:52:41 PM
justaguy3492 posted...
Lol people who don't walk their cart back are wayyyyy lower on that ladder.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicPot of Greed meme is the dumbest YGO meme of all time
06/02/21 1:13:03 PM
For everyone asking what Pot of Greed does, I think I might know

I believe it is a spell card that can be activated on your turn that, when activated, allows you to draw two additional cards from your deck and place them into your hand, then you must send Pot of Greed to the graveyard.

But I'm not certain.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicDo you own a gun?
06/02/21 1:07:56 PM
Ilishe posted...
You're missing a flamethrower for mutated ant monsters and a rocket launcher for aliens.
Hahahaha. No I'm not. I've got substitutes that are just as good.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicDo you own a gun?
06/02/21 12:39:46 PM
brestugo posted...
As the descendant of Jim Crow survivors who many a night had to load shotguns prior to going to bed (and on a few occasions used them) in the 1950's.


Fredrick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells and Malcolm X wrote of the need for black gun ownership. Until white America can be trusted.

Of course, any massive black gun ownership drive will bring white restrictions on gun ownership, but until then, I got mine.
Oh, so you don't own a gun because anyone at anytime could harm you or your family, but because us whities are just so evil.

That's the equivalent of saying I own a gun because black America can't be trusted, and using last years riots as an example.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic12 and 14 year Olds open fire on cops with AK 47 and shotgun.
06/02/21 12:05:48 PM
MaddenDude-- posted...
was confronted by cops and eventually surrendered his weapon.

Guess what their skin color was
Fucking yikes dude.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicDo you own a gun?
06/02/21 12:02:23 PM
BuckVanHammer posted...
I got my based covered. shotgun, pistol and a rifle.

I might get one more for camping/hiking.
I guess I'll clarify as well, I'm not amassing a huge collection. The only reason I have 2 12 gauges is because I inherited my grandpa's shotgun. Otherwise, I have the same goal really. A pistol for everyday carry, a shotgun for home defense, a bolt action rifle for hunting, and a semi-automatic rifle for overthrowing the federal government if needed.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicDo you own a gun?
06/02/21 11:55:32 AM
Yes 3.

Stevens 320 Security Tactical FDE Pump action 12 gauge shotgun
Mossberg 500 Pump action 12 gauge shotgun
M&P Sport II AR-15

Will get a handgun as soon as I turn 21. Either a Glock or a Sig.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic3 days off a week should be a thing
06/02/21 12:11:32 AM
Kloe_Rinz posted...
Only if there are more jobs available than jobseekers, which isnt a reality businesses want even though it would be great for employees.

Dude, I don't know where you live, but EVERYWHERE is hiring around me right now. Every store, restaurant, factory, and office all have help wanted signs. Maybe this is just for my town, but given the current state of affairs in America, I doubt that.
Only the good ones, which are few and far between

Yes. And?

most people cant for lots of reasons

I understand that. But if they're so highly specialized in their roles that they can't find quality work elsewhere, then they probably have room to negotiate a better schedule.

it is actually. Sometimes people need to be forced to do the right thing. Businesses especially
No, no, no. Once the government gets it's hands in, it never leaves. They government is NOT your friend. You are a walking wallet to them, nothing more.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic3 days off a week should be a thing
06/01/21 11:58:18 PM
Kloe_Rinz posted...
Thats the bad thing about the economy you mean, because willingly good employers are few and far between. Thats why there should be government regulation and any business that doesnt provide those benefits gets the hammer dropped on them, including those that only hire casual employees as a loophole
Or! And hear me out on this, if a company is awful to work for, people won't work there. The company will realize that they're driving employees away and change their policies accordingly. You're not a slave to your job, you can leave and find something you enjoy more. Government intervention is not the route to go with any problem really :/

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
Topic3 days off a week should be a thing
06/01/21 11:47:17 PM
That's the miracle of our economy! Go find a job that gives those hours. I work T, W, Th, F 6-2:30 and can come in any other day or stay as long as I want for more hours. It's great. If you're unhappy with your schedule at your current job, then go somewhere that you will be happy with.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicCE, help me identify this spider.
05/22/21 9:55:22 PM
Irony posted...
That doesn't apply to funnel webs
Hey, once funnel webs start showing up in the Midwest, then I'll be worried.

DB_Insider posted...
Facehugging spider

Nothing to worry about
Good to know :D

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
TopicCE, help me identify this spider.
05/22/21 8:38:38 PM
Chicken posted...
Oh god theyve already nested in TCs brain
Well, I used to be scared of them. But then I did research, and I realized they're not predators. They're territorial hunters. If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone.

The best advice my dad ever gave me was, "Life's full of idiots, don't be one."
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