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TopicThe wrong side of history bunch is now going to try and rewrite it..
06/06/20 12:28:14 AM
AngelsNAirwav3s posted...

Here you go buddy. A whole database full where you can break it down however you want. Just looking at 2019, 25 unarmed white people were shot and killed by police compared to 15 black people.

Well you need to factor in the fact that there are shit ton more white people than there are black people. Something like 60% of the US population is white and 15% is black. It's a number game, a larger percentage of black people are shot and killed than white people.
TopicToronto's ridiculous covid-19 reopening rules for restaurants
06/05/20 11:37:36 PM
Crazyman93 posted...

Fuck that. Fuck the crack addict in charge of Toronto, and while I'm at it fuck the sun fish.

Why? Contact tracing is one of the strongest defenses we have. If you're ok with them taking you credit card you should be ok with them taking down you name and number. What if someone was infect while you were there? Wouldn't you like to know so you can get tested or at least avoid high risk people? Of all the things to be upset about, that shouldn't be one of them. What, do you think they are going to give your number to telemarketers? Do you think they are going to call you in the middle of the night and ask what the stars are made out of?

Also the mayor you are talking about died.
Topic*extremely attractive YouTube girl* *says she has depression*
06/05/20 11:00:14 PM
Noumas posted...
Poor thing.

Congrats, you just exposed that you don't know what depression is. Use google and find some articles to educate yourself on what it is.

Robin Williams was a decent looking, loved, well respected by his peers, and a very talented human being. He killed himself. Do you think he did that just because he was sad? Depression isn't being sad or disappointed. I literally have no idea why you made this topic, but hopefully some good comes from it and you learn something tonight.
TopicThe Ohio health department is being sued by Ohio amusement parks
06/05/20 1:32:11 PM
Hold up hold up hold up

TC was one of those people who would shit on people for wanting things to open up regardless of if the state allowed it or not. Now because he can't go down a water slide he has changed his mind.
TopicMcMuffin says Putin wanted Trump.
06/03/20 12:57:31 PM
freespeechfoot posted...
Ferguson happened under Obama.,

The fact that all you need to say is Ferguson to know what you mean is proof of how much larger this is. We aren't calling this the Minneapolis protests, because it's gone well past just Minneapolis. This is 50 state wide, every major city in the country is part of this. This is much larger than Ferguson.
TopicSo George Floyd's death ended coronavirus?
06/02/20 11:59:22 PM
The virus doesn't spread that well outside. Will there be a spike? Probably, it's not guaranteed to be massive. Most protesters are wearing masks too, so that will help.
TopicCuomo blasts NYC Mayor and NYPD. they didn't do their jobs to stop the looting.
06/02/20 11:44:03 PM
iPhone_7 posted...
De Blasio & Cuomo have done a terrible job, not just with this but the pandemic.

Except this is bullshit if you look at facts. You can't just look at total number of infected and say they failed because the fact is with a city as densely populated as NYC and mass transit being almost mandatory, there was no preventing a significant loss of life. Yeah they should have locked down sooner, but outside of that they have made mostly the right decisions. Reality is with that city even handling it perfectly things would have been shitty.

New York is one of only a few states to see consistent declines in deaths, hospitalizations, and new infections. They also lead the way in testing, doing any where from 50,000 to 70,000 tests a day. They also have more tracers than any other state in the country.

Was Cuomo perfect? No, but they are further down the slope than any other state. Even California, the state that shut down first, is seeing a rise in everything while New York sees lows that weren't seen since before the pandemic. This is factually provable, not just some baseless accusation.

Pick a state and look at their graphs and see them rise while New York falls.
TopicWho else thinks theres overeaction
06/02/20 10:23:20 PM
Only stupid people.
TopicNyc opens up on june 8th, these protests and riots will be over
06/02/20 5:34:41 PM
chrono625 posted...

yeah we have had the highest numbers by far. Cuomo and Deblasio didnt fuck all.

But part of that is because of how New York City is. It's densely populated and buses and subway use is almost mandatory. I agree they shouldhave shut down sooner, but once they did start taking it seriously they did a good job. All the stats show the city heading in the right direction at a rate better than most other cities in the country.

lilJoe457 posted...

What? I live here. No they didn't. Lol

You're someone who still calls this the flu and downplays it with bogus information. Why should anyone give a shit about your opinion? When we were nearing 80k deaths, you said the CDC said we had 30k deaths even though their website said the 80k number was right. You have been factually wrong about everything with covid-19.
TopicWhat will be bigger in history books, COVID19 or May 2020 riots?
06/01/20 11:02:44 PM
Im_an_AssHunter posted...
Well the riots have done more damage.

No they haven't. The damage from loss of life and unemployment are incalculable. Property damage is nothing compared to either of those two.

It will be covid and for one simple reason, America never changes. How often is there protests and riots due to a black man being murdered? How often does a pandemic cost over 100,000 American lives? Both should be rare occurrences, sadly only one is.
TopicIdentify the cause of the Great American Decline of 2020
05/31/20 2:43:50 PM
American arrogance.

We didn't need to shut down sooner or longer because this is America damn it. We have freedoms.
We don't need to change how we treat minorities, this is America damn it. Racism is dead.

We have supreme confidence in ourselves even as shit crumbles. This will eventually end and nothing will change and our countries arrogance won't be deterred. This isn't a Trump thing, this is something that American has dealt with long before Trump.
TopicThe wave of COVID-19 cases from these riots is going to be unreal
05/31/20 2:22:55 PM
My guess is there won't be much of a spike and idiots will say this is proof that the shut down was worthless. It was said from the start summer will curb some of the cases not because of the heat, but because people will be outdoors more. Enough are also wearing masks and in some of the cities they aren't doing too badly when it comes to the virus. Plus its a small number when you really think of it.
TopicHusband and wife beaten with 2x4s while defending store in Rochester, NY.
05/31/20 2:09:53 PM
hockeybub89 posted...
And police brutality isn't just policing anymore.

People looking for any reason to justify the police and pretending they have a bleeding heart for all the poor victims of these protesters who are apparently all evil vandals to a one.

They teach you in fucking kindergarten that two wrongs don't make a right. You can support the movement and find it disgusting that a man and woman are being beaten for no reason. You can be upset with how the police treat black people and be disgusted with innocent people being beaten. You can be outraged over what happened with George Floyd and be upset with innocent people being beaten. This shit isn't mutually exclusive. Saying this is disgusting isn't people looking for a reason to justify police, it means innocent people shouldn't be fucking beaten to a pulp for no reason.
TopicIt's ok to support the rioters cause and not condone what they are doing.
05/31/20 12:11:17 AM
People seem to not grasp that. You can be all for what they stand for and maybe even some destruction, but if you are going to sit by and condone assaults that border on attempted murder, then we are losing sight of what's happening here. I know some people are saying "not all protesters" and fine, there are a lot of good protesters out there, but I've seen now a dozen posters try and act like beating a man half to death isn't that big of a deal since the cause is just. Stop condoning violence out of fear that people will think that you don't care. You can be outraged as to what happened to George Floyd, be for mass protests, and still be against senseless beatings that leaves men like that shop keeper in Dallas a mangled mess. There is nothing that makes instances like that justifiable.
TopicNY Gov says Post trying to 'kill all Democrats' with reporting on nursing homes
05/28/20 9:44:59 PM

Why do people act like New York is doing poorly wit this virus? They have been as good as any state. Cuomo is a jackass and he made an at best questionable decision with nursing homes, but that's sadly what we were fighting. We needed hospital beds opened up, it's that simple.

He got the ball rolling late and made a stupid decision in a situation where there were no good decisions, but outside of that New York has been the model of how states should be handling this. Yeah they have a lot of death, but they also have NYC. I mean you take that off and it makes NY state look even better. Whatever metric you want to use, New York has done as well as any state out there. And now they have tons of testing sites over the entire state, tons of tests, they have a tracer team that surpasses anything in this country. They just did over 60,000 tests the other day yesterday. Think about that. Of those 60k, only about 1000 tested positive.

Cuomo is a pig and I would never vote for him in a presidential race outside of against Trump, but New York has this shit under control no matter which way you slice it. The fact that they are doing it while having NYC means lol anyone actually talking trash about how they have handled it overall.
TopicSylvia Browne, a psychic, "predicted" COVID-19 in 2008
05/28/20 12:45:18 PM
CloneTheHero posted...

look up project stargate. the cia used psychics to spy on the soviets. theyre real.

go stick your head in doodoo

The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Information provided by the program was vague and included irrelevant and erroneous data, and there was reason to suspect that its project managers had changed the reports so they would fit background cues
TopicRioting is not an initial reaction, it's a last resort.
05/28/20 12:16:51 PM
deupd_u posted...
Except it's the first thing that happened, and the FBI is immediately investigating.

This is the first unarmed black man dying from the police?

Yeah it was the first thing done after this death, but after so many like this it's all part of the bigger problem, so this wasn't the first step.
TopicNY Gov says Post trying to 'kill all Democrats' with reporting on nursing homes
05/27/20 11:23:22 PM
Oh and New York does more tests than pretty much any other state and they have more tracers as well. This idea that New York isn't doing well is a farce. They have a lot of death? Yeah, there is a reason for it. He hasn't been perfect, but once the ball got rolling he has gotten this virus under control and the number prove that. NYC is like America as a whole. Population density and population amount matters. You can't look at the deaths and say they are doing poorly, you need to put those numbers in the proper prospective to judge otherwise you are just doing a gotcha campaign.
TopicNY Gov says Post trying to 'kill all Democrats' with reporting on nursing homes
05/27/20 11:18:25 PM
Lebronwon posted...

Yea. It is weird he isn't getting much heat. NY has close to 30k deaths third highest state is 6k. Like how did they fuck up so bad to have like 24k more deaths than like 47 other states.

Because not many states have a city like New York city where people are piled up on top of each other and public transit being the primary way around town. For a virus that needs people in close distances, NYC is made to get hurt by this.

Say what you will about Cuomo, not many states are combating the virus as well as they are at the moment.

Find another state with these types of results.
TopicTrump to sign Executive Order "pertaining to social media" tomorrow.
05/27/20 9:18:43 PM
EvalAngell posted...
i'm just here for the outrage. i love it! go trump!

Congrats on confirming that you aren't a Trump supporter, but a part of a cult. You have no actual ideals that you believe in, you believe what Trump tells you to believe. You have no values, you are only what Trump wants you to be, a loyal lap dog with no thoughts of your own, you will love him regardless of what he does.

This is why this is so sad. People are really like this, it's like its just a game. YOU CAN SUPPORT TRUMP AND ALSO NOT LIKE EVERY THING HE DOES. If you see this and think, yeah this is what he should be doing, then you aren't an American citizen, you are a sycophant. This isn't a republican problem, this isn't a Trump supporter problem, this is a problem where you and people like you jump past that and give up any true values or American ideals you have if Trump tells you to. And while that's sad in the big picture, it's funny because you and people like you were complaining about giving up rights because they were afraid of the virus. At leas that was out of concern for their fellow man, you are supporting it because lol Trump wins go Trump go own those libs. As you cheer him own, realize when you look in the mirror you are no longer an American citizen but a Trump toady.
TopicWill Dave Chappelle apologize for his whiteface skit?
05/27/20 12:29:48 PM
Are you guys really this dense? Do you have zero education on what black face was in American history? It's a little more than just making your skin dark, and if you can't understand that then you have the brain the size of a walnut. I'm not going to call for someones head for doing it, but there is a very crystal clear difference.
Topic30 year old dies of coronavirus
05/27/20 12:06:37 AM
The new thing is to pretend that having an underlying condition is the same as not expected to live a normal life span. People with underlying conditions live to ripe old ages all the time, having one doesn't make the death any less sad or any less avoidable. You could unknowingly have one right now.

But either way, not even the biggest deniers deny that young people can die from this, it's just less common. Tom me Jack Allard should scare younger people more, and he lived. He was a division one athlete who is probably healthier and fitter than anyone on this board, and he needed a ventilator and was put into a coma while almost dying from it. Being less likely doesn't mean it's not possible, and even if you likely survive it there is a possibility for life long problems. Even asymptomatic people are being found with lung damage from this.
Topicsweden has the highest corona death rate relative to total population now
05/26/20 11:00:37 PM
Oatcakes posted...

Isn't that because the "left wing" states are more densely populated?

Bingo. But these types of right wingers don't care about facts. A virus that is easily spread doing worse in densely populated cities? Who would have thunk it
TopicWhy is the No. 1 country in the world the most infected?
05/24/20 10:31:07 PM
EvalAngell posted...
more Testing = more discovered cases

Do you just regurgitate wrong information?

If a country has 1000 people and they test 1000 people, and other country has 2000 people and they tested 1000 people, to you and Trump that is the exact some thing.

According to worldometers, the US is 36th in testing/1mil population. Doing more tests because we have more people doesn't mean we are doing a better job at testing.
TopicWhen will the second wave of COVID hit?
05/24/20 2:30:01 PM
The expected second wave is likely this fall or winter, though I've seen some suggest next spring.

How bad will it get? Who knows. No one really knows at the moment, though there are three outcomes most agree are the possibilities. One is what just happened, requiring another nationwide lock down. Another is just random small bursts across the country that don't require any lock downs but will need to monitored. The last is hot spots in large populous areas that require those places to shut down but not the entire country. The first option is especially scary when you factor in the normal flu season, that will make it that much worse. No one knows which outcome will happen, despite what anyone says each one is just as likely as the other at the moment. Experts say to prepare for the worst, but that doesn't mean the worst is the most likely outcome, it's just to so we aren't blindsided if it were to happen.
TopicVideos show large crowds ignoring social distancing at Lake of the Ozarks party
05/24/20 1:57:56 PM
hyperpowder posted...
Nobody young cares about the coronavirus and if they do their already shut-ins.

You guys really need to get over it and move on with your lives.

Yeah fuck high risk people, the elderly, the nurses and doctors who are overworked, and people who unknowingly have underlying health conditions.

Or maybe just don't be a selfish asshole? No one is saying not to live, but lol if you think a packed fucking pool full of drunk idiots is worth defending when we are on the brink of 100,000 innocent American lives lost. Oh and now we have this new disease hurting kids, fuck those kids right? They deserve it because I want to sit in a pool full of piss and beer with 100 neanderthals.
TopicGrocery shopping is the most stressful thing these days
05/24/20 12:27:13 PM
L_S_P posted...
Def a stressful ordeal for the wussy generation.

Says the guy who used an alt to post this XD
TopicLow vitamin d is the cause of most human ailments
05/23/20 2:20:10 PM
Demon1050 posted...
I'm not afraid of the virus because if it has a 1-3% chance of killing someone eating the standard processed foods diet, I guarantee there's a 0% chance it can touch me. No, that doesn't mean I'm out there being wreckless in crowds of people. I'm still isolating out of consideration for everyone around me that doesn't have a proper immune function but they could spray me and inject me with the virus and it would be quickly killed before it can replicate enough you make me sick/kill me.

Yeah this isn't true at all. Is this the new right wing defense? Yeah being healthier helps you, but you are literally saying you are immune to any harm, and that's the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. You were making some good points, and then fell off a cliff with this shit. Being healthy and having a strong immune system is something most people should work to have, but to think it makes you immune is just laughably misinformed.
TopicWill countries close again this fal
05/23/20 2:08:00 PM
Hirunesukidayo posted...

The numbers will indeed spike again because many that locked in for long periods of time without going out much if at all will easily get sick due to their immune system having gone weaker. There never should have been a lock down to begin with,in no help to legacy media and using that map of fear porn to scare so many people and governments implementing world wide lock down(which has never been done before in the past).

As with any past flu seasons,if countries did the usual,such as isolate and protect the most vulnerable(elderly and any with compromised immune systems),it would have been fine.

But alas,we are stuck with a similar situation that won't ever go away when it comes to things like physical distancing for example and no mass gatherings allowed anywhere in public unless the government says its ok.

For those thinking about using the feelings card,try not and actually think for a moment,for this particular strain of the flu,its a 0.1% roughly of dying from it if you catch it so stop letting the fear take control of you and letting it decide your actions,take a moment,relax and turn off anything that's from mainstream news,all they're doing these days is selling you fear,which leads to you getting stressed and that takes a hit on your immune system.

What are you doing on gamefaqs, you should be out there talking to state officials and Trumps team. Oh wait you mean you aren't qualified and you're just some dude on on the internet acting like he knows more than every fucking expert across the globe? Then why the fuck are you acting like you know what the fuck you are talking about?
TopicWill countries close again this fal
05/23/20 2:05:03 PM
No one knows how bad the second wave will be, so who knows. I think we'll see some cities close down, but not entire countries. Come the fall we will have more treatment options, more tests, more tracers, and more safety measures. People who think an entire country wide lockdown is inevitable are overreacting, we can possibly avoid that and not have it be because the government doesn't care. The more we know about this virus, the easier it gets to fight. We've learned so much in two months, that's not going to stop. Come the second wave in the fall or winter, we will know how to optimally fight it.
TopicTucker Carlson: 'Lockdowns haven't saved lives they've killed people'
05/22/20 12:50:41 PM
doomcrusader posted...
There's some valid points in there (behind the attempt to spread fear and the political narrative), and I think Carlson is a jackass.

It will be interesting to see how Georgia performs going forward, it seems like the opening was not the death blow people thought it would be.

But I support how we've handled this. We've allowed a build up of hospital facilities and equipment, and now for those states/regions that are ready, they can open up. No need to keep this lockdown going until a vaccine or treatment is available.

Open up shop and let us take responsibility for our own safety now (as a people).

This is a fair opinion. I worry about how we will do as a people, but I agree on the fact that we needed that lock down and I am ok with opening up now if states are ready, though states Texas and Alabama at the moment are fucking up and should be getting their shit together instead of opening up.
TopicTucker Carlson: 'Lockdowns haven't saved lives they've killed people'
05/22/20 12:48:31 PM
It's funny that a man makes a lot of money to try act smart but his entire argument gets ripped to shreds in minutes on a video game message board. Not that there is anything wrong with being a member here and we have a diverse group of users, it just funny to think about. Hopefully someone more public calls him out on this shit too.
TopicMontgomery, AL mayor says healthcare system is 'maxed out'
05/22/20 12:02:05 PM
Governor Iveys order for the people of Alabama to shelter in place came late and didnt last long. The order went into effect on April 4 and many of the most stringent restrictions were already lifted on April 30. But Ivey was confident that when the restrictions were abolished hospitals in the state wouldnt be overwhelmed. That proved to be an incorrect prediction.

Jesus, this is what happens when your state is run by morons. You can't even blame it on Trump, as bad as he is he put out a sound reopening plan for states to follow. Honestly it was a shining star in this entire situation, it made sense and kept people safe. But here you have Alabama completely disregarding it and paying the price.

Oh and their infections continue to rise, they aren't even plateauing out yet.
TopicOver 4,300 recovering coronavirus patients were sent to nursing homes in NY.
05/22/20 11:51:11 AM
It was a stupid decision, but stupid decisions are sometimes needed when there are no other decisions are to be had. No that I am defending doing this, but NYC was hit fucking hard, they needed hospital space and they made a stupid decision to try and create some. Sadly there were no right answers in his situation. He thought with proper procedures that nursing homes would be alright, and he was wrong. All he was thinking about though was the hospitals having no more beds.
TopicNew report says COVID-19 does not spread easily on surfaces
05/22/20 11:13:16 AM
littlebro07 posted...
It's weird how there's so much conflicting information on this virus.

Almost as if there are actually two or more extremely similar viruses with just a few small differences like this one...

... we're boned

No, it's almost like this is a novel virus and we are learning about it as time goes on.
TopicFlorida forced to reveal true COVID numbers, higher than they pretended
05/22/20 11:11:26 AM
CableZL posted...

I think it'll take longer than 2 weeks for that, but I think the overall point is that it shouldn't have to get that bad for people to care.

He's a troll who says this in every topic, and he doesn't mean it. He's making fun of people who realize deaths will increase and he sarcastically mentioning Italy and NYC as if to say if it's not worse than those two areas, then its not all that bad.
TopicInteresting opinion piece on the lockdowns...
05/21/20 11:00:27 PM
scorpion41 posted...

This. If theres not a change in the trend, or if the trend goes down, then he says we should question the necessity of locking down. Countries that havent locked down, like Sweden, seem to be doing fine for the most part. Most of Swedens deaths occurred due to the disease sweeping through elderly care homes...a lockdown wouldnt have saved those people.

Sweden also doesn't have our population and we don't have their health care system.
TopicInteresting opinion piece on the lockdowns...
05/21/20 10:59:39 PM
Doesn't Texas directly disprove this? Either way, even if things don't skyrocket and they come down, that doesn't mean the lockdowns didn't work. This was always going to eventually go down, you can't say because things don't go up after preventive measures are taken off doesn't mean they didn't work.

Also the idea of the lockdown was to not overwhelm the health care system. Even with the lockdown we had overcrowding in hospitals and massive supply shortages, imagine that without measures. Common sense says it would have been worse if we did nothing. More people getting exposed means more infections means more that may need to stay in the hospital, it's that simple.
TopicThird coronavirus death reported at Missouri nursing home
05/21/20 10:50:28 PM
Irony posted...

It was an old person affected

Yeah but this is evidence that its not as simple as "old people and high risk people shouldn't go out". During this pandemic you literally can't leave the nursing home, and high risk people still got sick. The moral of the story is you can unknowingly pass this to other people who could die from it and that it's not as simple as "I have a strong immune system so I can do whatever I want".
TopicUniversal Studios Orlando plan to open da park on JUNE 5TH
05/21/20 9:57:10 PM
Just skimmed it, but it at least looks like they are trying to do so safely. I think it's too soon, but as long as they limit crowds and keep shit clean, they have to do this eventually. Hopefully they stay smart about what they do though.
TopicJoe Rogan Says He Is Going To War Against Google And Big Tech Over Censorship
05/21/20 9:53:59 PM
De Evolution posted...

We need censorship to beat the Nazis and white supremacists.

And don't worry, we'll also decide who that is.

You do know you sign agree to a terms of service, right? It's not like you have some sort of god given right to use youtube for however you see fit.
TopicSo Donald Trump won't close America after the 2nd wave hits...
05/21/20 9:33:01 PM
Houston posted...
There's no sense in keeping things closed unless it's large gatherings of people. People are starting to be around their family and friends, people have been going to grocery stores all along and to other essential services. What is the big deal about opening a barbershop? We need to be sensible about this. People will continue to catch this and we simply can't keep our country closed for a year.

No one is suggesting that, but maybe we need to shut down for a few weeks again. I agree a year long shut down is impossible, that would cause mass devastation. Hopefully when the second wave hits we have more treatments, and at the very least we won't be caught completely off guard like we were this time. States will also already have testing and tracers in place. There is actually more reason to be optimistic about how we will handle the second wave than pessimistic. One big issue though is that the next one will be during flu season, and that compounds the problem and maybe makes it even more neccassary for things to shut down in certain areas like NYC.
TopicSo Donald Trump won't close America after the 2nd wave hits...
05/21/20 9:30:01 PM
scorpion41 posted...
Were all going to get infected...its a matter of when. Even if we shut down again people still have to go and get supplies to live on a weekly basis. Even medical staff are getting infected with all the precautions they take. This virus isnt going to disappear no matter how long we lock down.

Except none of this is true what so ever. There won't be anywhere near 100% of the population getting infected. It will take years for even 50% of the population to get infected.

Also you are using medical professionals of evidence that safety protocols don't work? You mean the people who have a job that requires to risk exposure of every second at work? That's your defense? It's a known fact that length of exposure increases odds of getting infected. I am shocked I even need to say this, and even then these people aren't all getting infected. That right there is evidence against what you say, because the people with the longest length of exposure aren't all getting sick because of safety precautions.

Fact is Trump has no say in it anyways. He cried the entire time states shut down on their own.

Also it's not a certainty that it will have a higher death rate. No expert has said that as an absolute fact. It's one of many outcomes. They also say it's possible we only have small bursts and won't have to shut down. That's another possibility. There is a wide range of possibility, some extremely scary and some very tame with a bunch of shit in the middle, when experts speak of these scary scenarios, they admit that it's worst case scenario but that we need to prepare like it's the most likely outcome so we aren't caught with our pants down around our ankles. No expert has said definitively what the second wave will be like, because no one really knows until it happens. It could be a slap on the wrist, it could be a shotgun blast to the chest.
TopicTexans are dropping dead by a large number
05/21/20 1:49:36 PM
I made a topic about this almost a week ago. Everything went up drastically for Texas 2 weeks after they opened up. That's what happens when you open up without having it under control.

In April they had 3 days where they had 1,000 new infections, they've had 6 times that in May already.
TopicTexas church closes after priest dies, members get COVID-19
05/21/20 1:27:08 PM
abaddon41_80 posted...

The death rate for people under 50 with no pre-existing conditions is essentially zero. Even including pre-existing conditions, the chance of dying if you are infected with COVID-19 for people under 50 is less than half of a percent.

Those numbers are using the total confirmed cases as the denominator, too. At this point, every expert in the world agrees the denominator is at least 10 times higher than the confirmed cases.

And death is only one of many outcomes. Did you know it's being discovered asymptomatic patients have had damage to their lungs from this? People without any symptoms have lung damage, now imagine catching it and having a hard time with it but still surviving. That's can produce long term health problems. You also could give it to someone high risk and they could die. Being high risk doesn't mean they are on their death bed. Being over 50 doesn't mean their life starts having less value. There are also tons of people who have underlying conditions that they are unaware of. My cousin has an atrial fibrillation and apparently he's had it for at least 10 years before being diagnosed, that is considered an underlying condition. It's not a big deal all things considered, but it is something that puts him at a greater risk. It's not as black and white as you make it sound.
TopicUS Coronavirus death toll is now over 95,000
05/21/20 11:52:49 AM
Oh and be prepared for liljoe to pop in to say something stupid like "but the CDC said we have half of that" and though the CDC website is easily accessible to everyone and you can see that he is wrong. He will then mention something about the virus being airborne, something about the flu, and finish it off about something with the media.
TopicUS Coronavirus death toll is now over 95,000
05/21/20 11:50:46 AM
CableZL posted...

Or when he said it was "just 1 person coming in from China"
Or when he said the "15 cases would soon be zero"
Or when he said the "Warm weather of April would cause the virus to miraculously disappear"
"OR when he said "100,000 dead means I did a good job"

Waiting for the goalposts to move again

He no longer need to move goalposts, him and his followers are now on the inflated train. He no longer needs reason to move goalposts when he can say half of these deaths weren't from coronavirus.
TopicThe GOP is seeking extremely pro-Trump doctors to back their reopening plans
05/20/20 11:36:25 PM
Shocked that still no Trumper is defending this. I mean two tried, but it was pretty easy to tear apart their nonsense.

Fact is we should be listening to experts. We should be talking to as many experts as we can, and if some happen to agree with Trump on reopening, then that is perfectly fine. We need to hear from experts from both sides of the argument to make the best possible decisions. The problem here is that listening to all the experts isn't the same as actively going out of your way to look for the ones saying what you want to hear, that's flat out wrong. That's how we have people who are against vaccinations. The thousands of experts saying we need vaccines don't matter, its the dozen experts that say vaccines aren't worth the risk that matters.

If a pitcher tears his elbow apart and the first doctor says he needs surgery, the team will always get a second opinion from another qualified doctor, what they don't do is go through dozens of doctors until they find the one that tells them to just rub some dirt on it and get him back out there. That is essentially what is being done, but instead of an elbow it's human lives.
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