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TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/18/18 1:58:04 AM
going to bed, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/17/18 11:48:50 PM

"Would it be strange to say Cyborg could be Frankenstein's monster?"

"I'm not sure," Raven chuckles.

"I already have Robin in mind for Inspector Kemp, which we'll see soon enough," you say.

"What about Starfire? She wouldn't be Elizabeth, would she?"

"Oh, no, not in our scenario. I'm not really sure where to put Starfire."

"Elizabeth should be one of your snooty suitors," Raven teases. "She's spoiled like them."

"I suppose," you say. "I have someone else in mind, but you'll see."

Frederick reads more of the journal over breakfast, and comes to the part where Victor explained the size of the body had to be much larger than normal to help in the ease of the operation. Therefore, everything from limbs to nerves to organs would have to be bigger. Inga realizes this would mean the new monster would have an "enormous schwanzstucker".

"Wait, is that like...?" Raven asks, her voice trailing.

You almost burst out laughing upon seeing her realization.

"I-I have no idea now if he'd be Frankenstein's monster," she says with nervous laughter and smiling.

Fortunately for the trio, a large man was just executed for crimes. Frederick and Igor dig him up from the graveyard, which is hard and dirty work.

"It could be worse," Igor says. "It could be raining."

Thunder sounds and rain starts falling. Igor gives an embarrassed smile.

Frederick and Igor manage to get the corpse in the wagon, but then the wagon falls over as they go along the street. They hurry to pick it all back up, but a night watchman comes by. Frederick has to pretend the arm sticking out of the casket is his. He and the watchman shake hands and naturally the corpse hand is cold. The watchman advises he have something to drink to warm up and Frederick agrees with a forced laugh.

Frederick and Igor get the corpse to the castle and Frederick tells Igor to fetch the brain of the genius historian, Hans Delbrck. Igor heads to the brain depository, which has a gag drop-off slot as if it were a library, and he uses that slot to slip his hand in and unlock the door. He gets spooked by his own hand for a moment, but finds Delbrck's brain. Igor made sure to write the name on his hand so he'd get it right.

"That's totally Beast Boy," Raven chuckles.

Igor takes the jar of Delbrck's brain, but then lightning and thunder hit and Igor is spooked by his distorted reflection in a mirror, and drops the brain! With Delbrck's brain ruined and Igor desperate not to anger Frederick, he grabs the closest brain jar. However, it's label reads "Abnormal DO NOT USE"!

"Oh no," Raven says with a small laugh. "I'm not even sure Beast Boy would do that."

A) Agree
B) Disagree
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/17/18 3:04:58 PM
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/17/18 2:42:51 AM
going to bed, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/17/18 2:36:01 AM
Frederick does and Inga returns to this side of the bookcase. Frederick understands that if putting the candle in and pulling the candle out mean a full rotation, then perhaps a temporary removal will get it to go the 90 degrees they need. He pulls the candle out then quickly puts it back, and it works. And now both of them can see that there is a secret passage behind the bookcase. They use a different candle to light their way now.

The secrety hallway leads them to a laboratory, and they see several skulls in varying levels of decay. As they go down the line, the time of death is more and more recent, until they end up finding Igor resting his head on the "Newly dead" plaque.

"I ain't got no body~!" Igor sings, startling them for a moment.

Frederick has Igor stop fooling around, and the three of them continue searching together. A light from behind a doorway gets their attention. Frederick reaches out for the handle, but it crumbles in his hand, which makes you and Raven snicker and chuckle more. The door isn't locked anyway, so Frederick just pushes it open. Inside is a lit candle, and an ash tray with newly extinguished cigars. But that's not as important once Frederick notices this room is the secret library he was looking for!

The movie transitions to the later hours, maybe even morning. Frederick has been frantically and excitedly reading Victor's journal that recounts his work towards the infamous experiment.

"It! Could! Work!!" Frederick shouts.

Dramatic music and lightning sound as the camera looks to Victor's portrait, which now has its own wild eyed grin.

"Oh, hey," Raven says with a laugh, "who would you picture as Igor?"

"What do you mean?" you chuckle back.

"Well, if we were in this," she says. "You're obviously Froderick-"

You chuckle at her use of Igor's gag way of saying "Frederick".

"And I'd be Inga, aside from personality," Raven continues.

"Why would you say Inga?"

"Well it's so obvious that he's going to leave Elizabeth for Inga," she says. "Plus I'm definitely not an Elizabeth anyway."

"Alright," you say. "Then you're casting us and the Teen Titans in this, is that what you're up to?"

"Yes. So who would be Igor? It's Beast Boy, right?"

"Yes I'd imagine so," you say. "Mostly because he likes being the comic relief, even in a comedic setting."

A) Cast the rest of the parts
B) Wait for characters to appear before casting
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/17/18 2:35:51 AM


You go back to the dining hall and to Smith.

"Oh, welcome back, sir," Smith says.

"Thank you, Smith," you say. "Do you have any root beer? And some vanilla ice cream?"

"Root beer floats, I see," Smith says. "Yes, and plenty of spoons and straws to go with them. Two of those coming right up."

Smith takes out ice cream from a freezer unit, cups from a cupboard and spoons from a drawer. He gives each glass a hefty scoop of vanilla ice cream and uses the soda fountain to pour in the root beer. The frosty reaction creates a thick layer of the carbinated foam that goes just above the glass. Smith then sticks in the long spoons and longer straws and serves them up.

"Thank you again, Smith," you say.

"You're welcome, sir," he smiles.

You take the glasses and hurry back to the home theater. You return in time to see Frederick, Igor and now the beautiful young female assistant, Inga, ride up to Frankenstein Castle. They are greeted by the mysterious housekeeper, Frau Blucher. Her name makes the horses whinny in fear, as "blucher" means "horse glue." Frau Blucher lets them into the castle, and Igor teases the horses with one more utterance of "Blucher!"

You laugh as you return to sit beside Raven.

"Here you are," you say.

"Thank you. Oh, a float! Nice."

Raven uses the spoon to scoop the foam and clear it out. You plunge through the foat with your straw to slurp the ice cold root beer.

As Frau Blucher helps Frederick move into the bedroom that was once Victor's, she tries to convince Frederick to have a drink. She suggests a Brandy, some warm milk, and even Ovaltine. Frederick refuses each suggestion, and is a bit exasperated. However, he notices that on her way out, Frau Blucher kisses the portrait of Victor good-night.

"Ooh~..." Raven says. "That's interesting."

You stay quite as you sip more chilled root beer.

During the night, Frederick starts to talk in his sleep. He is telling someone that he is not a Frankenstein, and will not do the same thing his grandfather did. But then they seem to intimidate him into conceding.

"Destiny! Destiny! No escaping, that's for me!" he shouts in an almost singing manner. "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping, that's for me!"

You and Raven chuckle as he tosses and turns while saying all that.

Frederick then wakes up, hearing violin music. He goes to investigate, and he encounters Inga doing the same. The two search together, and are led to a library. Frederick hopes this is his grandfather's infamous secret library, but it's not, as the books are too plain for the kind of research he was infamous for. But of course, there is the cliche of a library hiding a secret entrance to somewhere else. He checks the biggest bookcase, and Inga grabs a candle for light. But the candle is the switch, and the bookcase spins around!

"Put. The candle. Back," he tells her through the wall.

Inga does, but then the bookcase does a complete 360. Frederick then communicates to Inga that she'll remove the candle, and he'll block the rotation by getting between the bookcase and the wall. She does as instructed, but Frederick doesn't so much stop the rotation as get stuck between wall and bookcase.

"Now wisten to me vewy carefuwy," he says through his squished lips. "Do not pwut the candle back."

You and Raven chuckle more as he explains to Inga to push the bookcase from the other end. She does so with a running start, and naturally he is freed, but she is stuck on the other side now.

"Put. The candle. Back," she says through the wall.
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/16/18 11:18:06 PM
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/16/18 5:04:37 PM

2473. GamerCzar
2474. TheDogFather
2475. GamerCzar
2476. TheDogFather
2477. NurseRedHeart
2478. TheDogFather
2479. Mega
2480. TheDogFather (COMPENSATION)
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/16/18 5:03:54 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...

she puts the POW in qipao
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/16/18 1:11:47 AM
anyway, going to bed, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/16/18 1:04:51 AM


"A comedy. Oh, like Young Frankenstein."

"Wait, what is that?" Raven asks with a curious laugh. "It's a comedy?"

"You've never heard of Young Frankenstein?"

"I'm sure we've talked this out, but I'm basically a sheltered child," Raven chuckles as you switch DVDs in the media player.

"Well, Young Frankenstein is arguably Mel Brooks' best film. And it is based on the original story of Frankenstein, but as a parody."

"Seriously?" she says as you sit down.

You munch more popcorn as the movie begins. It opens up with the Frankenstein castle, and someone opening the crypt of the infamous Victor Frankenstein. The mystery man grabs the thick book the skeleton clutches, and it takes a minute for the skeleton to let go.

In America, one Frederick Frankenstein is giving a lecture at a medical university. He demonstrates the nervous system in action with the help of a volunteer, an elderly man. Frederick has the man demonstrate his motor skills, and then shows what happens when you pinch the nerves at the base of the skull. Frederick rams his knee into the man's groin!

"That's so mean," Raven laughs with you.

The man doesn't react because of his nerves being blocked, but the moment the clip is removed from his neck, he collapses in pain. The students are surprised and impressed by the demonstration while the man is helped up and out of the room by orderlies.

Frederick takes questions from the students now, and one ends up asking about his grandfather. Frederick is of course annoyed someone has to bring Victor up, and argues that he is "Fronkonsteen". Different pronunciations aside, Frederick vehemently argues against his grandfather's mad science, and in the process, accidentally stabs his own leg with a scalpel. Raven chortles for just a second before stifling it.

The students are excused and a man walks up to Frederick. He has the large book from the Frankenstein castle, and explains to Frederick that now with the death of great-grandfather Baron Beaufort von Frankenstein, the entire estate goes to Frederick, the last of their line. Frederick accepts and prepares to depart.

Frederick is currently engaged to the rich and superficial Elizabeth, and she sees him off at the train station. They want to embrace and kiss good-bye, but she insists he not smudge her lipstick, or muss her nail polish, or ruffle her hair, or crinkle her fur jacket. Left with nothing else, Frederick and Elizabeth rub elbows to say good-bye.

On the train, there's a short gag about two elderly couples having the same argument, one American couple in English and then a German couple obviously in German. The train arrives, and Frederick asks a young boy of this is Transylvania station.

"Yeah, track 29," the boy replies. "Can I give you a shine?"

You and Raven chuckle over the little gag.

Frederick departs the train and waits for who he is supposed to meet. He hears a strange thump then dragging sound, and it repeats. Thump, drag, thump, drag. It gets closer and closer, and then Frederick turns around to see the bug-eyed face of a hunchbacked man. Where Frederick is the grandson of Victor Frankenstein, this man is the grandson of Igor. However, after hearing Frederick insist it's pronounced "Fronkonsteen", Igor insists it's pronounced "Eye-gor."

"Walk this way," Igor insists as he goes down the station steps.

Igor hands his cane to Frederick, and Frederick actually accepts and walks down hunched over like Igor did. You and Raven laugh again as Frederick realizes he played along.

You start to cough a little. The salt and the kernel shells scratch your throat.

"I'll get us something to drink," you say as you get up again.

A) Cola
B) Root beer float
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/16/18 12:58:33 AM
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/15/18 8:36:51 PM
dinner time, will work more on CYOA when I return, later all
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/15/18 7:01:56 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...
Aww, my cousin had a baby last night and her middle name is of my aunt (his mom) who passed away last year.

that's so sweet
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/15/18 6:38:43 PM
Sunset Shimmer self-cest KLK style is very odd but also very lewd
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/15/18 2:56:01 AM
going to bed, will settle CYOA in the morning, later all
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/14/18 11:21:04 PM
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/14/18 7:52:12 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...

she's a little late on the spooks but still cute

dinner time, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/14/18 7:48:18 PM

"Let's watch another movie," you say. "This movie had a happy ending, but maybe we can try something that's happier overall."

"This wasn't even the ending they wanted to go with," Raven says. "There's an alternate ending where Jim dies."

"Oh, that's definitely a sadder ending," you say as you get up and look at all the movies on the shelves.

"Yeah, and then there was an ending they didn't even film," she says. "It's a storyboard and a DVD extra where it has a completely different way of handling that later act."

"Really? What's different about it?"

"Well, there's no radical military group, but instead a shut-in scientist. Frank is cured but Jim has to sacrifice himself because of a full blood transfusion."

"That's insane," you say. "And also not really realistic."

"That's why they didn't go through with it. The science alone would break the story."

"Okay, let's try..."

A) Sci-Fi
B) Comedy
C) Musical
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/14/18 4:01:35 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...

TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/14/18 2:50:51 AM
going to bed, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/14/18 2:48:38 AM

"Well, if there's no way back, absolutely nothing that could be done about what has happened," you say. "I would probably have to give you a mercy killing."

"What? Really?" she says with a surprised laugh.

"Think of it this way. As a zombie, you'd be undead, which is basically dead. I wouldn't want for your body to continue on as this mindless creature, decaying and falling apart, so I'd end whatever strange suffering would be going on."

"I mean... Absolutely no way to ever cure you," she reiterates. "No way back. ... Yeah, I guess I would have to put you down, too."

"And I appreciate that," you chuckle as you scoop popcorn.

"Also, I don't think I could bear to look at you decaying and falling apart," Raven says. "It'd just be so sad to see you in that state, y'know?"

"Same for me," you say. "I'd be heartbroken watching you slowly rot, with gnashing teeth and perhaps some exposed bone or something."

"Ew, gross," she chuckles.

You return to actually watching the movie, and sadly West's soldiers have executed Farrell. This doesn't sit well with the soldiers and they start to argue. Jim uses this chance to escape, and he lures West and another to their blockade. Jim manages to kill the nameless soldier and wound West, leaving him to the coming infected to deal with.

Jim runs back into the mansion and releases Mailer, an infected soldier West kept for observation. Mailer infects another soldier and they wreak murderous havoc throughout the mansion! In the confusion, a soldier drags Selena upstairs, where Jim ambushes and kills him. The two reunite with Hannah and run to Frank's cab. However, West isn't dead but waiting inside, and he shoots Jim! Mailer yanks West out of the cab through the rear window! Now Mailer dies as the cab drives away. To save Jim, Selena and Hannah take him to a deserted hospital and patch him up.

Another 28 days later, Jim is recovering at a remote cottage. Downstairs, he finds Selena sewing large swaths of fabric when Hannah appears. The infected are shown dying of starvation. Hannah says she hears it and the three rush outside and unfurl a huge cloth banner, adding the final letter to the word "HELLO" laid out on the meadow. A lone Finnish fighter jet flies over the three survivors and the pilot calls in a muffled radio transmission.

A) Watch another movie
B) Play a game
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/13/18 8:01:26 PM
dinner time, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/13/18 8:00:59 PM

"I'd work for a cure anyway," you say. "Whether with magic or science, or both."

"Well that's good to hear," she says. "I would definitely try to get a cure, too. Though, I guess it'd have to be traditional zombies, wouldn't it?"

"As in the slow, decaying zombies? Of course. These faster turning rage zombies are definitely a unique take. We'd have much more time to consider options with traditional zombies."

"Yeah. I'd need time to accept what's happened to you."

"Ye-- Wait, me? You're assuming I'd get infected?"

"Well, I'm just saying. Maybe I get infected."

"Oh that would be too scary," you say. "I would definitely try everything I know to save you."

"Aw, thank you," she smiles. "And I would do everything in my power to cure you."

Raven takes more popcorn and scoops it into her mouth.

"What if..." she says after swallowing. "What if magic doesn't work? Or science, or both?"

"As in, there is no cure and one of us is stuck as a zombie?" you say.

"Yeah. What would you do if I was stuck as a zombie?"

A) Mercy kill
B) Keep her captive
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/13/18 6:12:47 PM
ZMythos posted...
Gotta get some dental work done.

Tooth is fractured. Gonna either need an implant or a bridge.

Insurance doesn't cover either completely.

TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/13/18 2:21:12 AM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...


anyway, going to bed, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/13/18 2:02:52 AM
"What would you do if there were zombies?" Raven asks.

"How do you mean?" you ask back.

"Like if zombies existed and were infecting people."

"Well, I'm not sure. I don't know if magic could cure zombie viruses."

"True, it's not like there's been a small zombie outbreak to test magic against," Raven says. "Then, what would you do if there ever was one?"

A) Work for a cure anyway
B) Destroy all zombies
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/13/18 2:02:43 AM

You make sure to add plenty of butter as the popcorn pops in the machine. You watch the kernels while Raven uses the buttons to select options. She has to keep looking over her shoulder at the screen to see where the little cursor goes. She gets it to the "Play" option and selects it. The movie begins and she excitedly takes a seat in the very middle of the middle row.

You scoop popcorn into a big bucket as the animal liberation activists break into Cambridge University's medical research lab. A scientist in the lab desperately warns them against releasing the captive chimpanzees, which are infected with a highly contagious "rage-inducing" virus. Ignoring his pleas, the activists release a chimp, which attacks and infects a female activist. She then attacks and infects everyone else present.

"There it is," you say. "Patient zero."

"Shh," Raven says though she giggles.

You bring the popcorn over as the movie skips to 28 days later.

"Title drop," you whisper quickly.

Raven giggles as she playfully swats at you. She's careful not to hit the popcorn bucket, though. She takes a handful as Jim the bike courier wakes up in London's St. Thomas' Hospital. He was in a coma, and has no idea what's going on.

"Oh, this is super buttery," Raven says. "And salty."

"I'll get napkins," you say as you carefully set the popcorn down.

You go back to the popcorn machine and take napkins from the dispenser. You return to your seat as Jim wanders the streets of London. The city is deserted, with signs of catastrophe everywhere. You sit down as Jim encounters some infected humans and is pursued! Survivors Selena and Mark rescue him as you give Raven a few napkins.

"Thank you," she says.

She licks her fingers of the butter and salt, and uses the napkin to wipe her fingers after. You eat popcorn yourself, and also lick the butter and salt off your fingers, then wipe them off on the napkin.

Once Selena and Mark get Jim back to their shelter, the two explain to Jim that while he was in a coma, a virus had spread quickly among the populace, resulting in societal collapse. They claim the virus had been reported in Paris and New York City as well, suggesting the infection has spread worldwide.

The next day, Selena and Mark accompany Jim to his parents' house in Deptford, where he discovers they had committed suicide. That night, the three fend off a pair of infected humans. Mark is bitten, and Selena kills him. She explains to Jim that the virus spreads through blood and saliva and overwhelms its victims in 10 to 20 seconds. After leaving the house, the two see some blinking Christmas lights from Balfron Tower. There, they discover two more survivors: a cab driver named Frank and his daughter Hannah, who allow them to take shelter.

The next day, Frank informs them that their supplies are running low, namely water. Frank plays them a pre-recorded radio broadcast from a military blockade near Manchester, claiming to have "the answer to infection" and promising protection to any survivors that can reach them.

The group board Frank's cab and head to Manchester, bonding with one another during the trip. At the deserted blockade, Frank is infected when a drop of blood falls into his eye. He is killed by arriving soldiers, who take the remaining survivors to a fortified mansion under the command of Major Henry West. West reveals to Jim that his "answer to infection" entails waiting for the infected to starve to death and luring female survivors into sexual slavery to repopulate the world.

"Oh no..." you say with a disgusted grimace.

The group attempts to flee, but Jim is captured and chained next to Sergeant Farrell, a dissenting soldier. Farrell shares with Jim his speculation that the virus has not yet spread beyond Great Britain and that the country is being quarantined.
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/12/18 10:10:37 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...
Apparently you can disable friend requests on FB somehow. I found a family member and his profile has no friend request button, along with no friends. Doesn't make sense to me. He's a mature, married, friendly father of three. I'd expect that from a troubled teen, not a good dad.

maybe he just doesn't want to be pestered by randos who want to rack up FB Friend numbers.
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/12/18 7:20:25 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...
Those Sonic movie posters are NOT looking good. The second one in particular looks like some guy just painted his legs blue.

yeah there is nothing about this Sonic movie that looks like it'll be good.
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/12/18 2:32:30 AM
going to bed, later all
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/12/18 2:10:12 AM
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/11/18 11:19:57 PM

"Very good," you say. "We'll take our time enjoying them in the dining hall before we watch the movie."

"Because you want to delay watching the zombies as long as you can," Raven smirks.

"I do not deny that," you say as you take another stab at the cheeseburger lasagna.

Raven chuckles as she also takes another bite.

The two of you eat up your slices of lasagna and the rest of the garlic bread, and Smith serves the lokma.

"Oh...!" Raven marvels at the glistening balls of fried dough. "These look nice. So, do I just eat one with my hand or should I use a fork?"

"Using your hand is completely fine," you say. "If you don't mind sticky fingers."

You snatch one quick and pop it into your mouth. The sweet syrup is thick on the dough, as is the coating of cinnamon powder. And the dough itself is soft, warm, and chewy in a way that doesn't stick to your teeth or the roof of your mouth.

"Mmm~!" Raven says as she chews.

She also licks her lips and fingers to get all the powdered sugar and cinnamon. She notices you watching her and blushes. You smile as you pick out another. The two of you split the lokma evenly and wash them down with lemonade.

"Delicious from start to finish, Smith," you say as you and Raven stand up.

"Thank you, sir," Smith smiles. "See you tomorrow morning, sir."

You and Raven give Great-Aunt Radella a wave good-night before making your way back to the home theater. She prepares the movie in the media player while you prepare the popcorn.

A) Extra butter
B) Caramel
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/11/18 2:46:04 AM
going to bed, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/11/18 12:10:38 AM

"Certainly," you say. "Perhaps a platter of lokma, with plenty of cinnamon or powdered shugar."

"A good choice, sir, a good choice," Smith says. "I will prepare those as soon as the lasagna is served."

Smith takes a quick bow and returns to the kitchen.

"Well I'll let you two eat alone as I said," Radella says. "I'll be over here."

Radella moves over a table, and you take a bite of garlic bread. You enjoy the crisp crunchy crust and flakey, buttery bread. Raven also enjoys a piece of garlic bread.

"The lemonade is nice, too," Raven says after using it to wash down the garlic.

You nod as you wipe your lips with the cloth napkin.

"Yes, it definitely has that lip-puckering sour sweetness," you say.

"Here we are," Smith says as he returns. "Two healthy servings of my cheddar and Parmesan lasagna."

"Cheddar, huh?" Raven says. "I don't know if I've ever had lasagna made with that."

"It certainly smells delicious," you say as you pick up your fork.

You stab into the lasagna and enjoy looking at the gooey American cheese stretch into strings as you pull the flat noodles apart. You scoop it up and pop it into your mouth, and enjoy the unique blend the cheddar provides.

"I like this," you say.

"Me, too," Raven says.

"Combined with the ground beef, it's almost like the lasagna is part cheeseburger," you note.

"Perhaps we should call it that," Smith says. "The cheeseburger lasagna. The lokma are almost ready, by the way. They're frying as we speak, and then they'll just need to cool enough for me to sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on them."

A) Have them in the dining hall
B) Have them to go so you can eat them while watching the movie
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/11/18 12:09:29 AM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...

yeah it is definitely interesting. "Brandon Breyer" (at least I think it was Breyer) being like if Clark turned out to be evil is a unique take.
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/10/18 7:43:13 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...
Now that's good news. A terrible video game adaptation killed before it could begin, and the creator seeking someone who will let it stay faithful.

a shining light in a dark world.
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/10/18 4:10:40 PM
myzz7 posted...
amv of day

TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/10/18 2:45:52 AM
going to bed, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/10/18 2:44:42 AM

"What is young Basil like?" you ask. "The first great grandchild of this generation, I'm sure he's being spoiled by you and his grandparents."

"Oh yes," Radella laughs. "I've personally gotten him so many things. Little socks, little shoes, a little hat, such little cute things, and he looks so darling in it all."

Radella pulls out her phone and shows you both a picture.

"Awww~!" Raven says as she sees the toddler wearing the blue and khaki outfit. "His curly hair and those chubby cheeks!"

You're both surprised but amused by how Raven gushes over your admittedly adorable second cousin once removed.

"What?" she asks with a smile as she notices you looking at her.

"Nothing," you chuckle.

"Which parent does he take after?" Raven asks.

"He's showing signs of being more like Phineas than Oleisia. He is quiet and shy, and he has a favorite book about a monkey that he loves to read over and over. Though perhaps he just likes the artwork of the adorable little monkey."

"Aw that's cute," Raven says.

"I'm sure the family has been on this ship at least once, yes?" you ask.

"Oh of course," Radella says. "They have the suites on the upper deck rented out as theirs."

"Well that explains that," you say.

"Well sorry that you're not in one of those," Radella says. "But they travel with me on this ship much more often."

"Here you are," Smith says as he finally returns. "Lemonades and garlic bread."

He places the basket down, then puts a drink in front of Raven and you, in that order.

"Thank you, Smith," you say.

"While the lasagna has yet to be served, would you like to make a dessert request now?" he asks.

A) Yes
B) No
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/09/18 7:11:02 PM
dinner time, will work on CYOA more when I return, later all
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/09/18 5:43:53 PM
is anyone else's YouTube buffering bad at just 720p? I'm assuming it's El Paso being 90% dirt but who knows, maybe I'll be lucky enough to be in the same boat as everyone this time.
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/09/18 5:07:34 PM

"What else has Nella been up to?" you ask. "Are her studies going well? She always seemed too energetic to sit still for lessons."

"She's managed," Radella says. "At the very least, she's not in danger of failing or being held back. She doesn't have a stand-out subject, but she enjoys science most with all the experiments and such."

"That's good that she's doing well," you say.

"What about socially?" Raven asks. "And her personality?"

"Oh she has many friends," Radella says. "She's not stuck up or anything, but she is a bit flighty, like her mind goes to places and then it doesn't return until after she's late to do something."

"Oh no," Raven giggles. "Has she ever gotten in trouble for that?"

"Every once in awhile," Radella says. "But thankfully never anything so crucial. She's much better at doing important things when she's meant to."

"One would hope so," you note.

A) Ask about Basil
B) Ask about extended family
C) Leave it at this for now
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/09/18 1:34:54 AM
going to bed, will work on CYOA in the morning, later all
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/09/18 12:05:27 AM
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/08/18 7:23:31 PM

"How are Jonas, Phineas and Nella?" you ask. "It has been a long time."

"Well, Phineas is as you were saying," she says as she borrows a seat from another table. "He's still very much the quiet, bookish type. But now that he has his wife and his child, he does get out more."

"That's good to hear," you smile.

"Jonas is still a great athlete," she continues. "He's become a great swimmer living out in Greece. Al jokes that Jonas is blessed by Poseidon himself. Jonas loves competing around the country, the continent and hopes to even make it to the world level."

"That's great!" you say. "How many medals has he won?"

"Oh, he has an entire display case for those," Radella chuckles. "It's definitely in the thirties, with golds nearing the majority."

"Wow!" Raven says.

"Is he trying for the Olympic team?" you ask.

"Oh yes, that's his dream," Radella says. "He's going to give it another shot very soon, but he's helping with the family first."

"Right, your husband, Alessandro, retired," Raven says.

"Yes, he finally admitted he's as old as he is," Radella says with a little laugh. "Jonas's swim skills have been a nice help with nets and traps and things like that, but his mother wants him to take it easy for the sake of his swimming career."

"That makes sense," you say.

"As for Nella," Radella continues, "she is enjoying high school. She hasn't really chosen a career path, but she loves to swim like her brother. Of course, she also enjoys general fitness for the sake of staying in shape."

"So she's not thinking about being a professional athlete?" you ask.

"Not particularly," Radella says. "But who knows, she might think to try it."

A) Ask more about Nella
B) Ask about Phineas' son, Basil
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/08/18 2:52:15 AM
going to bed, will work on CYOA more in the morning, later all
TopicTeen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected Part 10
12/07/18 5:07:28 PM
coin toss between A and B


"Phineas, the middle born child but youngest son, is a few years older than I am. He should be about 22 now, so Oleisia must not be much older."

"If I'm remembering my Greek right, 'Oleisia' means 'Protector of men'," Raven says. "I wonder she's the bolder of the two."

"Well, as Great-Aunt Radella herself said, Phineas was very shy. He was timid and quiet, but kind and reasonable. He's bookish and smart, as well, and preferred a good book over sports."

"What kinds of stories did he like?" Raven asks.

"He liked many kinds," you say. "His favorites were stories in space, with aliens and futuristic technology, since they were so different from our world of magic."

"So is he a big fan of Star Trek or Star Wars?"

"I believe so," you say. "Perhaps more Star Trek because it's less reliant on things like The Force."

"Interesting," Raven says. "So, what are the ages of the other two if he's the middle child at 22?"

"Jonas is 25," Radella says as she walks over. "Nella is 16 and loving it."

"Good evening, Great Aunt," you say as you and Raven get up to greet her.

"Good evening," Radella says. "Please, don't get up on my account. I'll let you two enjoy your time, I'll be over here."

"Well, actually," Raven says, "while you're here, I was hoping you'd tell us both how the Null-Xenos side of the family has been."

"Oh? Where would you like to start?"

A) How Jonas, Phineas and Nella are like now
B) The full Null-Xenos family tree
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/07/18 4:53:52 PM
MegamanXfan21xx posted...

something about this reminds me of Code Lyoko. the big foreheads, maybe.
TopicMLP Social v2472: Applejack has the Power~!
12/07/18 4:36:59 PM
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