
03.2024 -
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Community » xXfireglzXx
Topics: 14
Current Events Against the Storm is really good and also on sale. 2 2024-10-01 04:53:40
Posts: 78
I just had the sickest adamantine seal win. Was getting rocked on resolve until I got Sahilda's secret recipe(+10 jerky for every 10 pie produced) and the new Pantry building. Got so much complex food so fast and just snowballed easily from there.

I'm telling you CE, I sunk 100+ hours into Hades 2, Slay the Spire, and Monster train, but this is easily the best Roguelike I've played.

Goddamn it's just so good.
Official ANCIENT Killer. I make account bets from time to time so either man up or shut up. The Quote is dedicated to those we have lost.
Community » xXfireglzXx