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DirkDiggles posted...

I mean musically inoffensive. It's not Morbid Angel, ya know? It's the rock equivalent of top 40 hip hop; catchy tune, turn brain off
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Does DToast think that one when poster decides to stop posting forever, two will return to take their place?
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Back in my day it was the toys, the back of the VHS tape, the TV commercials and the book giving us spoilers. You children have it easy these days.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Also I will use this topic as an opportunity to remind everyone that Goo Goo Dolls used to be a hardcore punk band
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Nickelback is a group of competent -- if not good -- musicians who make inoffensive if boring radio rock singles.

The Beatles suck. Nirvana's only good record is Bleach and even that isn't great.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
I can easily think of at least two things better than Carol Baum

Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Two Worlds
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
It's never 4/20 in places that use logical dating systems :(
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
WingsOfGood posted...

wow venom!

reported for horny content
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra

Go to horny jail.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
modena posted...
Constantly sure. But overnight for a new phone? I usually let mine down to atleast 70% before I plug it in for the night. Should I just unplug it when I have my 2-3am wide awake hour when it's at 100%?

Nah surely your device has rapid charge? It takes about 20 mins to an hour to go from 0 - 100. Just plug it in shortly before bed then unplug it when you go to sleep. But if you know you're gonna be awake at 2am then yea go for it I guess?
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
modena posted...
I think most new phones are safe to leave plugged in by now. I just got a lithium Ion weedeater though that really specifies not doing that.

No they're really not. You shouldn't leave any phone or laptop plugged in constantly.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
PraetorXyn posted...
I did about that for the S21 Ultra 3 years ago, but I doubt the battery will last that long. When I first got it, I only had to charge it once every 4 days, and for the last year its been every day, sometimes needing a fractional charge later if I really burn up video all day or something listening in my pocket with the screen off.

Are you charging your phone overnight? If so, stop that. Don't keep lithium batteries plugged in all the time, whether that's your laptop or phone. I've had my Nokia 7 since release and my laptop since 2015 and the batteries still operates as they did day 1. My phone only needs to be charged every 3 days or so
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
$400. Getting top of the line is a chump move unless you're a dev. Especially when that means your phone bill is $60 instead of $20. This industry is designed to fleece you. Might as well burn your money.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
eggcorn posted...
Is that new or something?

No it's been that way for like a decade now
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
The console and game boards are just Pro Gamers having meltys at each other because Poster A thought Poster B's favourite game was only an 8.5/10 instead of 11/10.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
I'm still using a Nokia 7 lol. The only thing I can't do with it is play Diablo Immortal.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
lilORANG posted...
Aw yes, the NHL. Notable for being even more boring than MLB.



you can possibly literally go hours in baseball before a batter even manages to hit a ball. so exciting.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
no you're just nostalgic, it objectively looks worse.

that said i can't watch the modern upscales because it looks awful. take Rear Window for example. Just awful.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
a bat out of hell
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
I dunno, our baristas here get paid $25 hour minimum and it costs us $5. $5.50 if you want soy milk. What the hell are you clowns over there doing?
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
ShineboxPhil posted...
You know, just because you restrict access to guns, that doesn't stop people from getting them...

Semi-automatic handguns were the weapon of choice for underworld figures and prices have risen from $2000-$4000 to more than $15,000 (Aus)

No but it certainly helps putting it well, well beyond their price range.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
PerseusRad posted...
Hm, not sure I ever heard of that series before, might check it out.

Imagine Harry Potter but a little less kiddy/tweeny. Still categorised as YAF, but more on the mature side.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
DnDer posted...
Uh... huh... forgive my reluctance to buy this narrative.

Umbreon posted...
Even if the suspect fired first

He does, there's a video in there.

Still way beyond the pale.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Abhorsen (book 3 of the Old Kingdom series). Loved it.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Brazilian criminal defence lawyer. She earns magnitudes more than I do.

"How the hell can you defend someone who blew up a hospital to get to the ATM?"

"Everyone deserves a defense"

Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
I don't really 'enjoy' them but I also kind of do, it's the nostalgia.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
PraetorXyn posted...
Her in-game model looks worse than the model photo

Of course it does. It's not a static modelling shoot. It's a video game. It's a digital Madame Tussaud's that looks worse than the waxes. They're low quality wax figures, not real people in heavy makeup in specific angles with specific lighting and specific makeup and specific contouring then being edited in photoshop after. What are you expecting here? Do you not live in reality?
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Thermador446 posted...
Sounds like you need another cat

he is perfect just the way he is tyvm >:(
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
if your cat is suddenly and obsessively trying to get into a drawer or cupboard you rarely use seemingly out of nowhere, definitely trust its nose and don't ignore it lol.

cupboard smells like a god damn barnyard.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
StealThisSheen posted...
Gasp why did Ubisoft make her so ugly in your photo though?!


She's still an absolute would but these terminally online goofballs have never seen a girl IRL or woken up next to them after smearing makeup all over the pillow
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
You realize professional modelling shoots involve very intricate lighting, very heavy makeup, at least B tier photography and B tier photoshop skills?

This is her in a not-modelling situation
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra


if an alien civilization is able to reach us, let alone even contact us, we should 110% be fearing them and not the other way around.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Literally just go to the doctor and have them frozen off. $0, 10 minutes, done.

Ahh shit that's right I actually live somewhere with healthcare
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
For God's sake, just give up already. He fumbled the first time, he fumbled the second time. Just let it rest.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
BlueKat posted...
I don't think the Netherlands has a strong association with Norse culture, and it's sad that they feel a strong cultural connection to racist caricatures from two centuries ago...

It's a shared Germanic culture, all believed in the same gods but each language ofc had slightly different names. i.e. Woden in English, Wuotan in continental, Woaz in Gothic, inn blah blah blah. The area did have a lot of Celts tho too.

But yea tbh these days the only ones that do is the frozen north and nationalists, but it still makes more sense.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
deoxxys posted...
I have always assumed thats how it works? Or is it just gamefaqs users that think they're fence sitting neutral parties? Doesnt really make sense that way.

it's the effects of terminally online political obsession. mostly twitter.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
or maybe

they just like policies from all over the place and so don't identify with either one or the other?
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Zwijn posted...
My countrys traditions can fuck right off. This is considered protected cultural heritage.

If they were so worried about cultural heritage you'd think they'd institute Odin's Day or something, he's been around since the BCs lol and Black Pete is like what, 1800s?
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
rexcrk posted...
Honestly I would have considered having kids if my life had played out differently but Im afraid that window has closed.

But iTs NeVeR tOo LaTe!!

It really is though. Im in my late 30s, never had a relationship that lasted more than a few months, I have the sexual experience of a middle schooler (I legit cant imagine any woman having the patience to deal with that), women dont even look at me. And thats just one side of it. I also make a disgustingly low amount of money for my age I couldnt even afford a family if I wanted one. And its not like I have any careers Im working towards because I cant afford higher education.

So unless things magically turn around for me in the next couple of years it aint happening.

don't sweat it. i'm a 6/6/6 but one of those is my mental age not income. my wife makes more than me. significantly more. i'm a mooch :o
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
I too dislike when friends share their interests with me.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Wish I had a time machine.

I just dunk their heads tbh. Traumatic? Eh, they won't remember.

Honestly if this is what you're worried about or think you fucked up, you're all good. That's just routine shit.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
They are perfectly fine and in some cases are actually better:
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
My cat bite got infected and I had to go to the hospital for a week lol. That was last August.
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
SDBZ posted...
What the hell I was listening to this song recently lol

truly a man of culture
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
wooooooo my destinyyyyyyYYYYY

god i love this fight when the theme kicks in
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Gritty posted...
I was, anally

raptured not ruptured
Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
Community » xGhostchantx
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