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Solar_Crimson posted...
I don't understand why people willingly go off their meds if they need them to function as a normal person.
I think was a statement to simply tell people. From what people are saying in the area, he became agitated by the shooter which caused him to have a break down unfortunately.

TMOG posted...
That's not what "cisgender" means, Marlon.
I think it's meant that you shouldn't label your sexuality but rather you're simply cisgender male.
Prestoff posted...
If we're being honest, abortion but in cases of exception essentially means you are pro-choice. Pro-life position only makes sense if you're 100% against abortion even in cases of "exceptions" because otherwise you don't care about the fetus but only when it's convenient for you. Sure the pro-life position means you're heartless, but otherwise the premise of being pro-life makes no sense.
No it doesn't. "Pro-life" should mean that you do everything you can to ensure the best possible outcome for life. That includes but isn't limited to making sure that children have the easiest delivery possible, as well as caring for the mother to the best of the ability we as a society can realistically provide. If delivering a child results in a child that will more than likely die and also puts the mother in danger, but an abortion on the pregnancy isn't done, that is literally the antithesis of being pro-life.

These people need to say what they actually are: anti-abortion. And they need to say they are anti-abortion for people that aren't in their social group. Because they never help the children after birth, and are fine with letting children live in harsh conditions or not have free medical care which can result in complications for them that can let them die as children , or later on as adults that were completely preventable.

People need to stop saying they are pro-life. They aren't.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Nah, that secret came out pretty much immediately, yet the story rides the secret of Al "not really being a prince" for most of the rest of the film, until Jafar magics his clothes away and Jasmine can't believe her eyes and Aladdin's like "ahh, I tried to tell you!"
I'm not sure I follow you there. It's definitely a plot hole, I don't contest that. He was a prince. What I'm saying is that the story at that point isn't the plot hole. At that point, it's clear that Jasmine liked Aladdin, but in his prince design she thought he was "Prince Ali." So jasmine liked both Ali and Aladdin (for some of the same reasons and she probably easily suspected as such, she's not dumb). When Jafar removes the princely garb, she says "Ali" not "Aladdin." She thought he was Ali, and Aladdin tries to explain why he did what he did but doesn't have the time.

After Aladdin returns and they take care of Jafar, THAT is when the plot hole appears. Because Aladdin should have still been a prince because of the original wish. There's no need to redo the wish, because Jafar didn't wish for Aladdin to no longer be a prince, and jafar shouldn't have any claim to saying that Aladdin isn't a prince. Removing his clothes doesn't make him a commoner again. Because if it does, there's literally no point to making the wish to being a prince again. Worse yet, there's no reason that jasmine couldn't just wish for Aladdin to be a prince and Aladdin still wishes genie to be free.

Love the movie, but that part is definitely one weird blip on it. It's always why I ended up loving the king of thieves theory for the trilogy haha.
neccis posted...
The name of the poster of this makes it even better. Lmao.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
It's definitely a plot hole. He shouldn't need a wish at the end to become a prince again unless Jafar's magic that reverted his clothes also somehow stripped him of his title.

But the problem actually starts before that, when it becomes a matter of "lying" to Jasmine about being a prince.

And the sad part is, the whole motive behind Aladdin's wish was about the title instead of the stuff, because he needed the title to legally marry Jasmine.
No. He shouldn't. Even as a kid, that part kind of confused me, and I'm glad to see that it just didn't make sense back then.

I think it was more about telling her that Prince Ali and Aladdin are one and the same. Not the part that he's not really a prince. You know, since he was acting like he was a different guy.

Right. Which in hindsight, does make it an actual plot hole, and a pretty egregious one.
CruelBuffalo posted...
Can I play blindly or do I need to follow a guide
You don't need to follow a guide for it. Ff9 is good, but strangely enough, I recommend playing the psx version over the other ones. They really messed with the encounter rate, which will probably cause a first timer to have to grind, which I can't imagine being particularly fun. Unless you make mod changes to fix those, it's probably not as good even with some of the add ones.

13-2 is perfectly playable without a guide and is probably more fun without one. Better than 13, and the story is definitely more entertaining than lightning returns.
I just find it funny that we're somehow letting the scotus make rulings that change the way things work. This isn't even an interpretation of the law at this point. Just changing it.
action52 posted...
Within seconds, it softens so you can just stir it into the water.
Or I could just not do that. And have it all submerged.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
Why though?
Because of the pot is small, if rather then not hang out over the side because of the size.
Depends on the size of the pot available.
Because it was square's reputation that carried it, and the chrono name. Only a brave soul would have said it was bad.

Or anything less than perfection. The game has a lot of issues, some storyline, some gameplay. It never seems to get passed average in my eyes. And the rushed ending doesn't help.
Kradek posted...
If you're talking about my incident and not the post of super_clout, as I mentioned it was as the time when you could not call someone a Neo Nazi for clearly spouting pro-Nazi shit. That rule has changed since then, however there is no "grandfather rule" for accounts as far as I'm aware of. It was also that first account's post so it goes to show the whole "if you have a high karma we'll be more lenient on you" notion to be true.
Ahh... That makes sense. And that is lame that that happened.
Kradek posted...
It's an Ancient account, too. Like, damn, you spent all that time building up karma just to throw it away over this?

At least when I "threw away" my 25 alt on the Politics board with its first ever post it was for calling out a Dutch white supremacist (they had openly confessed to this) for being a white supremacist (this was also before we could call people spouting Nazi talking points as being Nazis).
Why would that be an account sacrifice??? Wtf
I remember hearing that. I was baffled then, I'm baffled now.
I love how he says "it's just a story." But it's not just a story. That's what happened.
Kradek posted...
Cause he's already turned over the 2 guns he had in NY and not the 3rd in FL. Fessing up means nothing when you've already done the right thing 2/3rds of the time and there's still that 1/3rd potential illegality looming over you.

Should someone be commended for doing 2/3rds of the right thing?
No. You shouldn't. As a matter of fact, doing it right twice and then not saying anything for the last makes it more obvious that it was meant to be a duplicitous action.
Because they were told to do so and think that someone living a life differently from this is a threat and somehow the real reason the they have a dead end job and why things keep raising in price.

Most of these people that say these things are extraordinarily ignorant to the world around them.
SAlYAN posted...
Tbh it was the biggest reason I didn't like Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. Nothing like giving the protagonist a total character regression, making his journey in the original story totally worthless.
honestly, when it comes to Scott Pilgrim takes off, I'm torn. On the one hand, it gave the exes more development so most of them were no longer just one off villains, and it established that Ramona needed to change just as much as Scott did to actually make them work out. The issue is that we don't get a universe where both of them simultaneously go through their issues to get together. The take away for it wasn't that Scott was the problem in takes off, it was Ramona. I like the idea of it, but the problem is that it makes it seem like Scott didn't entirely need his arc, and just the notion of seeing Ramona work harder was enough.
TyVulpine posted...
Just tell us how you REALLY feel about Star Wars....
To be fair, a lot of anime does this too.

One pet peeve of mine is when a group mishears something because they overheard it when they weren't supposed to, and instead of acting normal about it, they just have an episode about it when they were not only eavesdropping, but asking the person they overheard about it could explain away their fears. Done in romance movies all the time and it's bad.

Twsitd confirmed real.
UnfairRepresent posted...
What are you on about?

The game isn't even out yet. People are calling it bad based on what they're telling us because it looks bad.
What am I on about? What you said. That's pretty obvious.

We know it's not out. You generally don't make gameplay trailers for games that are out.
BombermanGold posted...
A crosswalk...

That woman was going highway speeds in an area with adults and kids around.

Money and status seemed to delay the trial for it to happen 3 years after that incident, but still, some folks just don't give a shit about others until they themselves are behind bars.
Good riddance to her. Such a damn vile shame.
It's ridiculous that money goes so far for things that should have such obvious conclusions and consequences.
It's about time this was being investigated. I can't believe it took this long.
UnfairRepresent posted...
Look at Baldurs Gate 3. Look at Elden Ring. Look at Witcher 3. Look at Divinity Original Sin 2.

THAT'S what Dragon Age fans are looking for. Games like that with Dragon Age's lore and characters. They don't want Forspoken Suicide Squad Killed Redfall with Dragon Age lore and chracters.
Those games have nothing alike, and if they'd did, I'd recommend dragon age to anyone that wanted a game that was like a combination of all of those games you listed.

Which it absolutely doesn't look like that. This isn't a Saint's Row reboot where it disappears for years and then reboots as something unrecognizable. If you want something more like dragon age origins, you've got it in games like tyranny or either Pathfinder game (just make it not in turn based mode).

I like the dragon age games. And it's annoying having a group of random people come out of the woodwork, call it bad constantly, and seem to only buy it so they can find more reasons to rage about the game.
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
I make no distinction between rampant bigotry and stupidity tbh
You should, because bigotry doesn't denote a lack of intelligence, just a refusal to change a stance. Calling someone too stupid to understand what they are saying makes them pitiable rather than someone that is just out and out malicious.
Karovorak posted...
Yeah, because the public transport is lacking.

As I said, you can try to pick any place in my city, and I'm sure I would be able to find everything you need without having to rely on a car.

The only issue is always the job. A gym or grocery store may be always around the corner, but the job could be at another random location making it a bit of a hazzle. In the worst case you could have to drive from one end of the city into the center, just to change trains and drive to another end of the city.
Both city design and public transportation need help though. Transportation needs help more IMO, but both are needed for things.
Baron_Ox posted...
I liked DA: O, but it didn't have the same feel as BG3, IMO; at least, not the console version.

iirc, DA: O had real-time with pause, or something similar, and the other mechanics really weren't that similar, either.

unless if you mean stuff outside of combat, which I don't really remember.
Origins has more in common with bg1 and bg2 than bg3 so I don't get the comparisons. Bg3 has more in common with Divinity original sin than the other two bg games.

And da2 was not action oriented. Outside of attacking on the console version, everything played like the original game. Idk what people are talking about when they say it's an action game. The combat was faster looking and snappier, but both da2 and origins were meant to let the game do it's thing with your tactics setups and you steering the AI in the right direction when you needed to.

People are forgetting the original game. The original has a ton of bugs and also had some really stupid things about it. Inquisition was a good direction for it, they final settled on an art style, the world is still being fleshed out more, we're in the series far enough to natural continue conflicts from prior games.
LonelyStoner posted...
Tbf, the US is much more spread out than Europe or Asia.
Yes, but that doesn't make the haphazard way a ton of cities are built in the US defensible.
Th3HonestTruth posted...
The usual suspects have come in lol
To be honest, the main takeaway I get from this, is that people want villains to fight so they'll make things up that clearly weren't said. Like seriously, some of these people are clearly going out of their way to read my posts in the most bad faith way possible.

Like armiebuff clearly is one of them. Like... Saying the Japanese one is clearly better for having transphobia statements in it because the world needs representation so desperately. Like that's actually insane. Especially when the remake clears up the ambiguity of the Japanese script around Vivian being male or female, trans or not, and removed the transphobic and potentially homophobic jokes as well .

The transphobic words are not what would have made Vivian trans in the first place. And even if it was, it's not necessary. The US version was right to remove it. The main theme of Vivian's story was not lost. It was and is, well done.
RndmNmber1 posted...
He's getting into the civilization.
No, really. It's the official lore.
This. Chun li helped him out with clothes.
That's absolute lunacy.
UnholyMudcrab posted...
I'm not really certain what function the block feature actually serves over just putting someone on ignore. I guess it stops the spreadsheet weirdos from seeing your posts, but that seems like a niche benefit.

UnholyMudcrab posted...
I'm not really certain what function the block feature actually serves over just putting someone on ignore. I guess it stops the spreadsheet weirdos from seeing your posts, but that seems like a niche benefit.
Because ignore stops you from seeing them but doesn't stop them from seeing you. Tbh, stopping weirdos from a seeing you is more important than the other way around imo. Oh weird, it quoted you twice haha.
Asherlee10 posted...
I wish it was a step further to even maintain the block when quoted. Stalkers and harassment are a real thing.
That already exists though.

I think block can be useful, as there's a fine line between someone that you just don't get along with and a person that needs... Something to get along and there isn't enough booze in the world to make dealing with them fun.
Walkable cities are more profitable and better for everyone all around. Kids can go places without needing to need a car, adults can work jobs within walking or biking distance, going to stores to get stuff isn't an all day routine.

Plus, you don't run into the annoying problem of pay for parking that plagues a lot of cities.
Are they ever happy?
Actually horrifying.
That's pretty good haha.
BrohammedAli posted...
when someones criticism against Israel goes into insane antisemitic conspiracies, seems fair to call them antisemitic.

Thats why I suggest people criticizing Israel stick to, you know, the whole genocide thing.
There are more things to criticize Israel for than just genocide unfortunately.

That's why it gets weird because criticizing a country shouldn't be seen as anti anything at face value.
They really don't need them.
BDSMKane posted...
Okay, I think I see the problem. Latinx is an English word. Its not using the Spanish alphabet because its not Spanish. Its a word referring to people who may speak Spanish, but its not and never has been passed of as a Spanish word.

Thanks for responding though, Im glad we were able to clear that up.
Well yeah, that's honestly some of the problem. I don't think I've ever heard anyone use it from South America. It's really awkward to say. Hence me saying that "Latin" works perfectly fine. Heck, most of my neighborhood which has a lot of Spanish speakers never use it at all.

And it's never good when there's a bizarre push to say that people that don't are transphobic or trying to erase trans people. Because last I checked, if they are Latin, them being transgender doesn't suddenly make them not. But having the expectation that people that speak Spanish should use an English word is even more ridiculous.
People need to realize that the therapist they go to needs to work with you. If you feel like the therapy isn't helping find one that can help. The first therapist I went to was not helpful and downplayed many of the problems and was even late and wouldn't inform me, which actually just added more stress.

They will never remake the black knight.

They will remake black and white the Pokemon game.
FunWithAFryPan posted...
Im lumping them together because theyre all born from the same lies and misinformation. Theres nothing to process, its a puddle. To continue with the analogy, you dont go swimming in a puddle. As always, youre a reactionary with zero concept of what bigotry actually is. Great job telling on yourself.
This ... Makes literally no sense. It is not well thought out. It is nonsense.
BDSMKane posted...
How about this, then. Can you elaborate? Especially on the super racist part. Im not seeing or understanding your point of view or how its even remotely racist.
Easily. Because Latinx is not a natural word in Spanish in the account that x isn't even a natural Spanish letter. Easy. And the reason I brought up Brazilian Portuguese, is because Brazilians are also Latin but no one seems to care about that either. Hence my "it feels racist." Why is it that only certain people are allowed to comment and everyone else is thrown out for their contribution? If people are going with "language evolves" etc, it's not one group telling anyone how to speak without it being everyone talking about it.

But both of those were thrown out and ignored because...? Apparently that's just being transphobic. Like it's not transphobic to think that Latinx is a bad term and latine makes more sense and that "Latin" should cover that anyways. The train of logic to follow for that is completely unclear.
Gladius_ posted...
Latine is latine when used at the start of a sentence or discussions where the word is being emphasized so that it stands out. This is how discussion works.
I feel like arguing that is just semantics at that point honestly.
Gladius_ posted...
It's literally not racism when it's a word created by speakers who speak spanish as a primary language and chosen specifically because they don't like latinx.
Yeah, latine makes more sense. Latinx 100% doesn't. I still think Latin works perfectly fine, but at least it's no longer using x which makes no sense.

BDSM, that's literally the argument someone does when they have none.
DrizztLink posted...
Telling someone "you can't be half-assed to process them" is in fact hostile behavior.

Not sure why that's confusing to you, but the hypocrisy is just choice.
No. They admitted as such. So no. I'm about to just right you off as perpetually angry.
DrizztLink posted...
I know, posters are so hostile.

Like this guy:

Look at him throwing out insults.
I don't know what to tell you if you think that's an insult, but that does explain why you're constantly upset and hostile.

A person refusing to listen and lump arguments together is in fact, guilty of bigotry.
yusiko posted...
Well one user pointed out that pat sajak was a giant turd

Other users defended him because they like that he is a giant turd

Then it got closed
Yeah, that makes sense then. I'd have closed it too.
Story of seasons? Easy.
Is there any reason people are being so hostile to each other on here? Like the community boards are cutoff from the outside world there aren't going to be any new people joining. That sort of rudeness is not necessary.
ModernPost posted...
You're the one who wants to dictate how people speak, not "the US" (an entirely meaningless category for this discussion, by the way).
How so?
ModernPost posted...
There are different versions of the argument that I'm lumping together. The idea that using "latinx" is a white person thing or an American thing or an English thing is completely asinine. You are ankle-deep in a puddle.
So you lump together different arguments because you can't be half assed to process them. Sounds like bigotry if I've ever heard it.
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