Community > memukus9684

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Community » memukus9684
This is going to totally set off my kabourphobia, and yes i did just look that up.
It's not the wings at all. Namor has so much contempt for the surface world that he literally repels himself from it. - HouseT
I don't know if he ever posted on CE, but Syria Almighty was hilarious (in a wtf is wrong with him kind of way) back in the day.
It's not the wings at all. Namor has so much contempt for the surface world that he literally repels himself from it. - HouseT
Final Fantasy Tactics. I printed out the walkthrough for my buddy. My parents were pissed i almost killed their printer. I think he still has it at his parents place.
It's not the wings at all. Namor has so much contempt for the surface world that he literally repels himself from it. - HouseT
epik_fail1 posted...
Can someone who played it tell me why it's "bad"

I was initially excited about it, but when they said over 1000 planets, I had big "quantity over quality" concerns
When I played Skyrim and Fallout 4 I enjoyed exploring and finding stuff. In those games point A sends you to do a quest at point B. On the way to point B you find other stuff that keeps you distracted.

In Starfield, point A sends you to do a quest at point B. On the way to point B you find nothing but copy pasted caves and outposts that are mostly the same with nothing to do.

The outpost system in Starfield is a massive downgrade from the settlement system in Fallout 4.
It's not the wings at all. Namor has so much contempt for the surface world that he literally repels himself from it. - HouseT
Community » memukus9684