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Community » googs19
SerperiorThanU posted...
I think there are plenty of ways to restrict improper phone usage such as firewalls, making sure parents not allow games on phones, limiting texts etc that banning phones completely just seems dumb and an overreach.

How do you propose that they do any of that when you have hundreds of kids with different phones that the school has no authority over? Banning phones is the simplest and most effective way to keep kids from being distracted by them.
PowerOats posted...
Zero Mission

Nice! I was going to re-play that a couple months ago, but the battery in my original cartridge was dead.
BlueBoy675 posted...
Praying to the Chozo gods for Prime 4

I'd settle for a re-make of Prime 2, and am still expecting to be disappointed.
Three times:
Wisdom teeth removal
Getting a screw put in my hip.
Getting a screw taken out of my hip.
My ex has the kids for Easter this year and my side of the family hasn't gotten together for holidays since Covid. So I guess probably leftovers or something simple?
They're fine. If they were the only option available I probably wouldn't turn it down.
Living in Minnesota, the 70 degree temperatures in February were unusual.
The snow in March is a nice return to normality.
I want a huge fan, but picked up one of the smaller ones to give to my kids' mom for Easter since I was already getting all the kids Lego sets.
Nothing tells me that someone hates me and wants me dead quite like a trump sign!
I was feeling a lot better about it before I got divorced.
C_Pain posted...
I just never wanted to be addicted to caffeine.

I managed to avoid it for a long time, but after having my 3rd kid I pretty much had to choose between using caffeine and falling asleep every afternoon. I started off with some sugar in the coffee for a couple months, but cut it down to just black coffee as I got used to the taste to keep it slightly healthier.
I've got 2x27" 1440p monitors. It's pretty great.
Watching the kids while my ex-wife goes on a date.
I fill it out in TurboTax, then have my dad (a CPA) review is before submitting.
Community » googs19