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Realforce posted...
This is all good, Jack Black is alright

No, he's not. Didn't you read? He's left.
Its funny how people claim they want to have a gun to protect themselves in their homes though.

The last thing that a robber wants to do is kill you. They want your stuff. Just value your life and give them the stuff. Call the police after. No one has to die.

Oh and I don't think this would be a common thought but a woman with a gun out to stop men from raping them is probably something gun owners would frown upon <_<

And yeah, responsible gun owners are part of the problem. They basically make it impossible to push gun restrictions and even give that ole supply and demand. And sadly we are not in a country where its hard to get a gun...

I don't own a gun and never had one but I'm sure I can find one lying around here somewhere. That's just how common they are in America. In any other country, getting a gun is probably way harder and a criminal that wants a gun will probably not even succeed in getting one in the black market.
I don't get teh hate for the Knuckles/Rouge levels but I suppose I can get it if you don't have the patience for them. They can feel tedious but I enjoy the atmosphere in those levels.
I think the first time was I kept the shield and gave up the wand. I remember not being able to play it until like 5 years after it came out and I did and I chose shield because I felt like it would be the least one anyone chose to keep
I have not seen it but its not hard to be better than WB animation. Its not even about it being good or bad, its just that a lot of older cartoons rely on 'monster of the week' style instead of a consistent plot. I live for a consistent plot.

I love Superman TAS but I really dislike episodic series and while there was a lot of continuity, it wasn't necessarily the highlight of those days. Recurring villains tended to have continuity but other than some cases, each episode was self contained.
Its funny how we don't know ANYTHING about their world except for what we got. Years pass and her son is missing and just comes back all of a sudden but how long did he even stay? I remember him coming back at the end of 2 but does he even stay or does something else happen and he ends up leaving again? Lol
PowerOats posted...
Looking at Gen 3, putting Solrock and Zangoose alone on Ruby is evil

it was funny that I never, once in my life, had either of those because of it. I had Sapphire and then never saw it anywhere else when playing. I think I got Solrock in the Omega Ruby lol.
DrizztLink posted...
I mean, technically, but I think Sophocles might have beaten them to the punch.

By about 2500 years.

lol I meant that the game begins with one of the siblings being prepared to be dropped off a mountain because an Oracle told the father that he was going to bring great destruction or something to that effect. Canonically, you play the daughter so it was the son who was to be killed. I just played the game so I was unsure lol

But good to know haha
DrizztLink posted...
Well, first things first your father goes to the Oracle and learns that he'll be killed by his son...

Is this an Assassin's Creed Odyssey reference? O.o
ThisIsAKnoife posted...
No way Ill lose after exp grinding off the FF kids until Im like level 5

level 5? What are you, a loser? If you're not at lvl 15 after knocking that Selphie bitch upside the head with her jump rope so much that you should be a on list somewhere, then you're not doing it right.
GiftedACIII posted...
I think it's just nostalgia talking. There's more content than ever in the newer games.

Its not about the amount of content but what kind of content. I loved Three Kingdoms but they did put in a lot of content besides the battles and you can consider it a way to pull in a lot of casuals since it feels like they took the conversations and tried to make them a bigger part of the game.

Makes me think of how Persona games are. Half VN, half rpg.
I remember watching the movie as a kid and kept asking my mom why she killed her and I still didn't get it. I guess I just don't have what it takes to kill someone and I'm still shocked about the reason. It feels like it shouldn't make sense because it doesn't.
I remember watching the movie about Ted Bundy adn remember the end where all these women were coming to visit him and fucking the hell out of him. He had a whole fanbase.
Godnorgosh posted...
Fire Emblem is one of those series that literally got worse in proportion to its increased popularity. It's a weird thing. I haven't been able to get into the games since Awakening. Awakening and its popularity compared to the older games disappointed me, and I've mostly avoided FE ever since.

Its possibly because they were trying to push it towards a more casual crowd. Its not very weird. The more casual it got, the less interest you had in it. They were likely trying new things to get more and more people into the game and it just pushed a lot of its hardcore fans away.
It sucks because I used to be able to move screenshots onto my PC and then they got rid of facebook. Then I was able to use twitter. Then they removed twitter.
ClayGuida posted...
Should have just let Rian Johnson do the entire Sequel Trilogy. He had tons of cool ideas that would have been unique to cover. Children with force powers, the politics and the people who sit on the sideline and profit from the wars, and whatever else they wanted to do.

People complained about 8 the most which I liked 8 the most out of all 3.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
They honestly should have gone with the "your parents were nobody" angle. And also made her reject the lightsaber in favor of her trusty staff. Or something. Anything.

I believe that a lot of people bitched about the 'nobody' part the most. Then again, it did come loudest from the most toxic of the fanbase(there's a lot of toxic in star wars fanbase btw)
kirbymuncher posted...
this is just sort of a prerequisite to trying to "solve" it as a case, though. if you think it's god you can't do anything about it, so just as a base definition anyone who is trying to catch a culprit must first assume the culprit is human.

Honestly, you can make it a case of it being the author's fault for not giving more sense to it. Which I know I complained a lot but manga tends to create its rules in the opening segments of series so you sorta just follow every word as law as long as you aren't interested in dissecting every instance. The only problem with Death Note is that it tried to play in a no nonsense world with a lot of reality but played slightly close to its manga-anime roots where its easy to forgive because we technically have to take a step back and remember its just fiction.

But if you look at it too closely, you can just point at mistakes like this. If they wanted to make it seem like it was a human doing the deed then they should have made it clearer or more obvious but it wasn't obvious at all. L had no way to tell it was a human doing it and even his hunch on it being Light was completely baseless. It was because he just felt like it had to be Light. There was no evidence backing it, he just felt it.

Its still easy to forgive because its Japanese fiction which is usually LOADED with that kind of stuff.
Scotty_Rogers posted...
Lol then don't continue the series at all

It's called the Skywalker Saga for a reason

I mean...sure but its actually called Star Wars. There's plenty of content that's not even about the Skywalkers. There can be movies that don't involve them and there should have been.
I don't agree that we should continue it as the legacy of the Skywalkers. I feel like pushing more Skywalkers in would make it more cringed and forced. The real reason that the movies didn't work is because they didn't have a real idea of what they wanted and had two different directors with both trying to erase the others' work.
itachi15243 posted...
Honestly, Light killing Lind L. Taylor shouldn't even really be viewed as a mistake. It's written as one, sure. But as others in this topic have said, it makes no sense for L to have believed that a human with magical powers was responsible for the killings in the first place.

It would be so much more rational to believe that whatever God has started killing criminals, or whatever sort of judgment it was from some sort of higher power didn't enjoy being mocked on live TV, and could see their broadcast from anywhere. The act of killing Lind L Taylor could be explained by a million reasons that all make more sense than some human being having magical powers.

It could also have been explained that this god is killing criminals and wouldn't it be right that he'd kill Lind L. Taylor too? He was a criminal and it could have been a high coincidence that he was killed right then and there OR just like you said: killed for being mocked. Instead of being played off as a trick, it could have been the god making an example.
Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...
I mean, yeah, but if not for L there'd be no series. It's an acceptable break from reality.

I agree but I feel like what L did was just completely nonsensical and even after Light killed his imposter on television, it could have been easily seen as a god-like act. Trying to make the assumption that it was a human is honestly bonkers and even unrealistic.(which is ironic tbh)

kirbymuncher posted...
I'd like to think someone would eventually catch on to something, if he kept it up. One prisoner dying randomly of a heart attack? yeah, whatever. multiple prisoners all dying of heart attacks for weeks in a row, at a consistent time of day, only after that person was broadcast on TV... coincidences only go so far

No, I agree with you but there are so many realistic things that did not happen. I guess its probably because Death Note aged terribly in regard of how truthfully stupid humans are, especially in this political climate. The people who claimed that Kira existed was made up of the government. Not once did you see anyone just say "No, that's not real. This is a conspiracy for the government to kill criminals without the need of the government and that these weren't heart attacks! They were hits!"

I know we don't need the real world to believe in Kira's existence but it does feel like a total stretch to believe that there's someone out there with magical powers. Of course the series wouldn't have ever begun without L but the beginning was a total 'grab at the air' moment.

Now by thinking in line with the series and in its universe, Light wasn't stupid, he just had a huge ego and made the assumption that L wouldn't know to place a decoy. It didn't make him stupid, it just meant that L was playing it REALLY close to the chest and Light made a bad move because he thought he won.

Light wasn't stupid. There's no way that someone like L could exist. Sure, the death note is fake but the moment that this would have happened, nobody would be like "This is the work of a human". It would be considered an act of god or a devil or naysayers would consider it some really powerful coincidence.

L is just one huge walking DEM.
It didn't age as well as it should have. The game was great for its time but we've been coddled by a lot of Tales' quality of life such as voice acting in skits. I know its not a big deal but the humor can be conveyed so much better with voice acting.

The story can be all over the place sometimes but its definitely a decent game but not as great as i used to find it. Maybe that's an issue about games with a story. Sometimes once you go through the story once you can't appreciate it as well as you once did.
I feel old when I say this but gen 1. Snorlax is my favorite. I love a lot of the generations but it has been the one pokemon that I identify with and one that I loved throughout.
SuperShake666 posted...
Considering dimension hopping as well as time travel is a thing in pokemon, it really doesn't. Hell, the guy from B/W's Battle Subway is in Arceus the same way you are.

I don't think he was saying that it was impossible or that it didn't make sense, I just think he said it was pointless. I don't agree or disagree. You COULD have started as just someone born in that time period but then again, I didn't play all the way through so there's possibly a plot thread involving it.
Where'd I put my ocarina?
Breaker posted...
Weird that it's just Combat Evolved and not the Master Chief Collection.

I think there was talk of an actual remaster or remake. Like a new one.
I was confused for a second because only one video was popped up and the other was just a link so I wasn't sure why you were showing me Triple HHH's video and then I noticed why lmao.

jeffhardyb0yz posted...
lol neither the wwe nor wwe fans that aren't basement shut ins care about AEW. It's actually the other way around.

I mean wasn't AEW sort of built to spite WWE? Or at least maybe that's what the fans feel. So its like its own existence is out of hate for WWE
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
It was just added recently believe. Incredible series though. After you finish the first 76 episodes I really recommend you find the OVAs they made before continuing to the next seasons.

One of the OVAs is one of my favorite parts of the series.

which one is it? Because mine is the fight with one of the secondary characters who never really shines too much but the fight was so good.

I do agree that a lot of the anime, OVAs, and the second part cover the best part but honestly I want to see some more of Ippo's defending fightsI think I stopped reading the manga around the time what's his name showed up. I think it was either the fisherman or that jungle boy.
I remember back when I was a kid and I used to watch wrestling so much and I'd watch WWF AND WCW. I loved both. Sadly it was hard to watch both but I'd watch WCW and then switch over to WWF when it came on but I'd try to watch both as much as possible. I did favor WCW more back in the day but that was because WWF had some gross out stuff that I didn't like and couldn't really stomach.

Soon we'll have land sharks and then we can watch Land Jaws in theaters.
Axiom posted...
I dont know what makes you think any of the plots in yakuza were serious or even good. One game involved ridiculous spy shit and everything

The side stuff is what makes the games

It was over the top but it wasn't meant to be 'funny' as far as the main beats went. The games are bonkers but it took itself seriously which is probably one of the best parts of the series.
Hayame_Zero posted...
If it isn't goofy and off-the-wall, then it will fail.

The main story beats weren't goofy though. Which is actually some of the best parts of the game. Like if you want the goofy parts then play the games lol.
Dakimakura posted...
This show would need that network 20+ episode season order so they can fit all the filler content.

They most likely will just follow the major story beats. A lot of side content was unnecessary(fun but not a major part of the series). The story in all of the games is amazing anyway and I can see them fitting the first Yakuza into a six episode season.
Btw, 10 thousand pieces or not, 12 is still a big number.

Hell, one is a huge number since murder is pretty bad.
Bishop9800 posted...
Shittenhouse or VD?

are we talking about venereal disease or VD?
Man, this dude is spouting middle school stuff. "he's gay guys. Hahaha, I'm so funny. Haha, pay attention to me! I didn't kill all those people just so people ignore I exist!"
Rexdragon125 posted...
I tried it but I guess I'm not into Monster Hunter. I can't stand the overly rigid, committal combat. I haven't memorized the attack patterns and frame data, so the monster turned to me and charged after I started reloading, and since I can't cancel it, I might as well go take a piss break while my character flops around like a stupid fucking fish

Souls games have that too. It feels extremely distressing half the time.
they did a whole 'gotcha' on the character creation. Made it all nice and pretty and then after it was over you looked like shit.
Mr_Karate_II posted...
There's no actual rules outside of the rules set by the devs, the Survivor mains and to an extent the killer mains think you shouldn't do everything within the actual rules to win.

Survivors will whine and complain if you tunnel them out aka go after them and hook them 3 times as fast as possible.

They'll complain if you use any anti-generator repair perks or the perk that renders their flashlights useless or the perk that knocks their items out of their hands.

I always use Lightnborn aka the perk that renders flashlight useless, you can't be blinded by flashlights or fire crackers or flashbang grenades because I have really bad photosensitivity.

I get that its not official rules but people were talking about community rules so I was wondering what they were.
Mr_Karate_II posted...
The "community rules" are a fucking joke and nobody should ever follow them.

I'm playing however the hell i want within the rules set by the devs

Mind explaining these rules? I've played some of it but I didn't know that there were unwritten rules.
Noname13 posted...
Looks like the size of a thumb. Theres no way its hooping against the best of them. Probably got no hands and cant squabble

You're playing Pokemon Go right now huh? lol
is it terrible of me to want the game to close down because my best friend and his friends play it? I don't care they play but it seems like the game stops me from even doing anything with him anymore.
i still have my original copy and even bought the 3DS version. It was my first dragon quest game and the best one. IMO. I was told 7 was the best but I played 7 and it was decent but didn't have the same oomph I got from 8. 8 felt like an anime which each town having a whole little episode surrounding it and I loved that. 11 was great but it was weaker to me.

I did not like 9. 9 lost me because of the character creation. I did not feel like my party was anything but something I made and the lack of interactions bothered me a lot. I played so many hours in and all stories didn't resonate with me. They felt lackluster.
I've avoided doing it because I thought it would be weird. I've always seen theaters as you go with a group or someone else and eventually I stopped caring and realized its just like watching television in my house. I don't care about going alone and probably prefer it because its easier to pay attention to the movie.
Tyranthraxus posted...
Yes. If I paid hush money to a porn star to cover up my affair and then lied about it in business records I, too, could face 34 indictments for paying hush money to a porn star to cover up my affair and then lying about it in business records.

Deyestus posted...
I'm just really worried that Pride events are happening this weekend, and following Trump's conviction, his MAGAs will want to take it out on someone. In their eyes, who better than the people that Faux and the other right-wing propaganda networks have convinced them are "enemies and are coming for our children!"

Especially in southern and very Red states. Hopefully, nothing serious happens.

holy shit, I forgot its Pride month. I hope everyone attending stays safe and be on alert.
JuanCarlos1 posted...
Arent they Swedish?

....England isn't the only country with kings and queens you know lol
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