Yakuza will have a prime show

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Current Events » Yakuza will have a prime show

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This show would need that network 20+ episode season order so they can fit all the filler content.
Dakimakura posted...
This show would need that network 20+ episode season order so they can fit all the filler content.

Apparently, it's only gonna be 6 episodes. Not sure how they will manage to do that. I guess they are testing the water
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Hopefully 1 episode is fully devoted to the claw machine game.
im glad its blown up enough to get something like this. i probably wont be checking it out, i need kuroda. but its cool nonetheless
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I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
Why the fuck didn't they get Kuroda? He did the live action stuff too.
"Look, if I was good at math, I wouldn't be on CE at 2:00 the morning clicking on topics about porn stars ****ing horses." - May 2017, Dash_Harber
i have just one request, yakuza tv show

Tom Holland rumored to play Daigo

I cannot see that actor as Kiryu lmao

Hee Ho
Wonder if that dumbass Akiyama will be in it
Goromi better be in it.
epik_fail1 posted...
Apparently, it's only gonna be 6 episodes. Not sure how they will manage to do that. I guess they are testing the water
Just 6? That's insultingly small. Hopefully they do the games justice, because they're amazing.
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
ironman2009 posted...
Tom Holland rumored to play Daigo


I am pretty sure it's just a case of the internet joking around
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NoxObscuras posted...
Just 6? That's insultingly small. Hopefully they do the games justice, because they're amazing.

Please note that I got my infos from facebook groups so it's very likely to be wrong. But there was enough people saying it for me to wonder
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If there's not 9 episodes dedicated to Karaoke what's even the point.
From what I've read, it's a 'loose' adapatation of Yakuza 0 and 1.
I expect something loosely connected with an all new story that no one cares about

^ Lol I knew it
Well video game adaptations can be good now. So good luck to them.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
epik_fail1 posted...
Please note that I got my infos from facebook groups so it's very likely to be wrong. But there was enough people saying it for me to wonder
It seems to be accurate. Variety says that it will be released in 2 batches of 3 episodes. The first 3 episodes on Oct 25 and the next 3 episodes on Nov 1.

Here's a prediction of the episodes:

Episode 1: Kiryu is framed for murder

Episode 2: Kiryu gets distracted hunting for the framer by a UFO catcher, spends whole episode in a club sega

Episode 3: Kiryu encounters a pocket circuit race car

Episode 4: Kiryu takes on pocket circuit fighter for the title

Episode 5: Kiryu has a lead on the framer but meets a person who needs help infiltrating the Shooreh Pippi cult

Episode 6: Kiryu goes bowling.
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
ironman2009 posted...
Tom Holland rumored to play Daigo

Chris Pratt as Majima
Sack to crack, going to town
Dakimakura posted...
This show would need that network 20+ episode season order so they can fit all the filler content.

They most likely will just follow the major story beats. A lot of side content was unnecessary(fun but not a major part of the series). The story in all of the games is amazing anyway and I can see them fitting the first Yakuza into a six episode season.
NoxObscuras posted...
It seems to be accurate. Variety says that it will be released in 2 batches of 3 episodes. The first 3 episodes on Oct 25 and the next 3 episodes on Nov 1.

Here's a prediction of the episodes:

Episode 1: Kiryu is framed for murder

Episode 2: Kiryu gets distracted hunting for the framer by a UFO catcher, spends whole episode in a club sega

Episode 3: Kiryu encounters a pocket circuit race car

Episode 4: Kiryu takes on pocket circuit fighter for the title

Episode 5: Kiryu has a lead on the framer but meets a person who needs help infiltrating the Shooreh Pippi cult

Episode 6: Kiryu goes bowling.
Not enough Majima
Wrestling fans are the worst thing about being a wrestling fan.
If it isn't goofy and off-the-wall, then it will fail.
...I think I'm done here...
6 episodes of Y0 cabaret management
Dark_twisted posted...
Not enough Majima
Good point. Majima is everywhere afterall.

Hayame_Zero posted...
If it isn't goofy and off-the-wall, then it will fail.
Super serious one minute, then goofy and crazy the next
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
Hayame_Zero posted...
If it isn't goofy and off-the-wall, then it will fail.

The main story beats weren't goofy though. Which is actually some of the best parts of the game. Like if you want the goofy parts then play the games lol.
dameon_reaper posted...
The main story beats weren't goofy though. Which is actually some of the best parts of the game. Like if you want the goofy parts then play the games lol.
I dont know what makes you think any of the plots in yakuza were serious or even good. One game involved ridiculous spy shit and everything

The side stuff is what makes the games
Axiom posted...
I dont know what makes you think any of the plots in yakuza were serious or even good. One game involved ridiculous spy shit and everything

The side stuff is what makes the games

It was over the top but it wasn't meant to be 'funny' as far as the main beats went. The games are bonkers but it took itself seriously which is probably one of the best parts of the series.
Axiom posted...
I dont know what makes you think any of the plots in yakuza were serious or even good. One game involved ridiculous spy shit and everything

The side stuff is what makes the games

Y2 was sort of serious til that one part with the castle.
Y0 is definitely the most serious of the games.
The main plots tend to be pretty serious, even if they are over the top. Most of the silly stuff is in the side stories
Sack to crack, going to town
dameon_reaper posted...
The main story beats weren't goofy though. Which is actually some of the best parts of the game. Like if you want the goofy parts then play the games lol.

Even in Ichiban's games. The serious emotional moments were the some of the best part of the game
Why an I still on this website?
Axiom posted...
I dont know what makes you think any of the plots in yakuza were serious or even good. One game involved ridiculous spy shit and everything

The side stuff is what makes the games
Okay saying that the plots of yakuza were never good or serious is a little much lmao

Its incredibly over the top but the main plot will still take itself seriously. Its like a soap opera, but that doesnt mean its bad.

I love the side stuff but i like the main plots in every game too.
Hee Ho
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Okay saying that the plots of yakuza were never good or serious is a little much lmao

Its incredibly over the top but the main plot will still take itself seriously. Its like a soap opera, but that doesnt mean its bad.

I love the side stuff but i like the main plots in every game too.
Yeah, soap opera is a great way to describe how over the top the main story is. Doesn't change the fact that they're a fun ride, just because it's crazy lol
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
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Melissa Mccarthy is gonna be in it apparently
Confirmed unbiased
Wait, AMERICAN? Not a Japanese show?
That's crazy man. I still remember thinking franchise was dead in the West after Yakuza 4 on ps3
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Current Events » Yakuza will have a prime show