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Community » VIIVincent
I played XV1 and 2 and forget them most of the time until they show up. Both of them just seem so much weaker than kid Buu. Not threatening at all like Frieza. Like, they were really not part of the story and just there. Supreme Kai of time at least played a role to correct the timelines but these two... a quick Google refresher reminded me why they were so forgettable. They suck.
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My main protein are cooked 3 days in advanced because it takes a lot of time to wash, cook and clean up. Let's say I'm having chicken for the next few days. I'll cook the entire pack it comes in and portion it out over the next few days. Never froze my meals before because I usually finish it up before the week's over.
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Raining where I'm at. Didn't see shit but clouds. I guess it got slightly darker?
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The only option I'm interested is mechanic. I eat my own cooking, I don't care about music and art is whatever kinda useless. Writing? My imagination is pretty wild so it won't help me with all the crazy stuff in this noggin of mine. I can invest and do way better stuff than having 4 trades I really don't care about.
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Her career and social media posts is clearly publicly displaying of her disdain towards an entire group. That's being a racist 101.
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Dungeater posted...
i have like 500 something hours on the game and the worst part is always 3-1 to 5-1 like are u actually kidding

ive seen people claim some stupid shit out of spite in my day but come on now. this is like eating a log of shit in front of me and thru gritted teeth saying "yummers"
I also have 500 something hours on it on the PS3 and played the demo when it first came out. You probably played it solo while I had coop. Different experiences man.
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Dungeater posted...
theres an entire stretch of game where the infected go native and revert to tribal clothes and weapons

i understand the game isnt overtly and actively racist, but at the very least can we as gamers acknowledge that this may have been in poor taste
No. It's one of the best parts of the game. You go underground in ancient ruins and solving puzzles tomb raider style. How is that in poor taste? The rest of the game isn't that detailed and became Chris VS Wesker. We spent most of the time after that fighting enemies with guns. Pretty boring after that.
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It's brain rot and nothing is learned from it. When we game we get to imagine, our brains are stimulated with puzzles and we get invested with the story. Tiktok? Literal brain rot.
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It's the latest trend like when man buns were the thing. The perm is probably the uglier one imo. The bun can rock a mustache or beard combo but the perm? I'm too old to care since I'm bald but the perm looks like a lice's wet dream.
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He was what made Toonami my cartoon network. Dragonball Z would be my introduction to anime. Pokemon did too but Dragonball holds a special place above Pokemon. RIP
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Good. I hope they run themselves out of business. There are FAR better sandwich places than subway. The last few I've been to sealed the deal. Overpriced, workers didn't care and the food sucked.
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Going for the burger. Especially the patty melt. So simple, so greasy but soda good. I'll get bored of the salad quickly but the burger continues to entertain my tongue each bite.
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Bought 60
Ate 3-4 boiled eggs for breakfast everyday. I'm out of eggs ATM and need to do an egg run. So that's about close to a month? You'll be fine. I'll have 7 egg omelets on weekends and summon shenron once the 7th egg is cracked into the bowl. You'll be fine.
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January weight: 256
Current: 242
I've stopped drinking sugar and just eyeball things when eating. Breakfast is 3 boiled eggs, lunch is chicken and carrots or broccoli and dinner is chicken again. If I need a snack I have lightly salted chips and salsa. I watch the carb intake too. 50ish for the day? I just need to start getting into working out again.
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Look to Owlman if you want edgelord Batman. His no kill rule is to teach us a lesson. Y'all failed at his lesson.
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You will die. These things HUNT gators and Crocs. You can't win with something that hunts dinosaurs.
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Flaunting that you are going to school but work the most basic entry level job and expecting to get paid more. I'm sure someone in that same establishment works way harder than her but don't go to social media for likes. Ffs.
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I'll take one oven fan over a ticking clock. Any day.
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"If I had no kids and was single I'd be making money."

"Im so busy i cant do anything when i get home. You have so much free time."

And my favorite:

"You don't have kids you blah blah blah"

If only they weren't bogged down by kids they would be doing something with their life so they shit on you because if only they had no kids. When I'm old and have no one to take care of me, I'll see your old asses at the senior homes because your kids were great.
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Really in all honesty it should just be you and her BUT.
3-5 and that's just me being generally afraid of std's.
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Community » VIIVincent