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The fact that they're educators is terrifying too.
Baron_Ox posted...
Fuck the police here
PowerMan5000000 posted...
Were all a little weird here but yea dunno what his deal is.
You are pathetic though.
darkace77450 posted...
The president of the police union being a child rapists or Greg Abbott pulling the ladder up behind him?

I know, I's both.

you know it, this fucking country sometimes
mybbqrules posted...
User Since: Feb 2024
Karma: 91
Active Posts: 72

Cmon people, we all know what this is. Tag the chud alt and move on.

Engaging them makes it easier for them to slip up and get kicked out.
goofy ahh
darkace77450 posted...
This specifically? Maybe, maybe not. From other sexual crimes against minors? They can and they do. cop-patrick-rose-but-the-big-questions-remain-unanswered/

Mayor Michelle Wu on Thursday released a trove of the Boston Police Departments and citys internal affairs and personnel files on disgraced former officer and convicted child abuser Patrick Rose Sr., following a long public outcry for insight into how Rose remained on the force 20 years after the department found he likely sexually assaulted a minor.


The next entry in the timeline is Dec. 10, 2014: The day Rose is elected president of the BPPA, the citys largest police union.

Is anyone surprised by Abbott pulling the ladder up behind him? Anyone at all? No? Yeah, me neither.


Looks like a teen almost died but was able to be resuscitated
Reminds me of these china

Hayame_Zero posted...
Dusting off this classic:

Thanks for sharing this
No attempting to produce pornography?
Haejin posted...
Republicans are so messed up
Understatement of the century
JuanCarlos1 posted...
How about no diamonds at all? People are sp brainwashed to go crazy over shiny rocks that add nothing else of value other than keeping up with the joneses.

It's just a form of rizz when you think about it.
That is good.
Jerry_Hellyeah posted...
Then rock it. "This is what real government looks like. These lives would be lost if the shoe was on the other foot as Abbott has previously stated, and I quote, X".

Instead they stare at the ground like their friend is just being a little embarassing.

This honestly. Democrats really need to put their foot down and take advantage of this instead of just meekly going s-see, we still like you! Maybe a vote pretty please? Literally no pressure though!"
That's about what I'd expect from nuke cheerleaders.
CoyoteTheGreat posted...
Divot was always a pretty far right poster on the politics board. Like, a lot of them just pretend to be liberals because they know it buys them the ability to have discussion on these boards. If they admit their true politics, they lose that.

I haven't really been on the politics board but in his defense I usually do see him mainly having left wing values otherwise. He just has an irrationally intense hatred for Chinese things and seems to be a bit pro-establishment Dem.
Diceheist posted...
It's odd how you call other topics right-wing yet are here granting benefit of doubt to actual elected Republicans.

We know that Republicans enabled internet service providers to sell user information:

So quite clearly they don't actually give a shit about privacy or compromising personal data to China's benefit. It's all fraud.

They hate and want to censor TikTok because the community promotes political views they don't like. That's it.

Divot becomes a were-republican when it comes to Chinese things.
Jerry_Hellyeah posted...
Oh my God if you don't like Trans stuff just tune it out and get on with your life, holy fucking shit.

I hate soccer. Atrocious sport. Waste of talent and money. Guess what I haven't talked about before in my entire life ever?

It's like this whole issue with "they"....why? Why do you need to engage with their gender specifically? Just getting fucked up on anything they can reach out and bonk their head on.

Horrible people really need more hobbies.

This is a very good message and ideal to have but you are well aware this is much easier said than done when you are easily riled up and judgmental over many hobbies and minor things of others.

darkace77450 posted...
On that note...

Florida has the gall to sue Biden when he's the one that should be in court.
LightHawKnight posted...
Still confused on how it can control the narratives about Israel when the ban doesnt actually ban TikTok right at this moment, but forces them to sell to a US company and they have over 9 months to do it.
It originally was going to be a lot sooner, before the elections (one of their most common stated reasons was that they "didn't want foreign agents to influence the election") but was repeatedly pushed back. At this point they've already went far enough they just want it to go through.
ForsakenHermit posted...
They've been talking about banning tiktok for much longer than the war in Gaza has been going on.
Republicans but not Democrats, at least not nearly as much.
Hinakuluiau posted...
They messed with Gamers. GAMERS.
Man, we are part of a hobby made up of some of the most pathetic people on the planet.

For being against hyper-capitalistic corporate moves? It's always interesting seeing vocal leftists do a 180 on their values when it comes to a corporate that makes products they like/spite a demographic they dislike. If anything logically this would be something right wing Gamers would be defending but the stereotypical capital G Gamer hates everything so much that the roles have reversed.
Eramir posted...
you know that Im the most progressive left wing person on CE right?.. dont be ignorant

So then why do you keep propping up the ego of a far righter?
Can I get an explanation and source on how this might be illegal under EU?
Eramir posted...
Essentially CE gon CE, the app is known as X now gives you when you share links, if you dont like that then click the X in the top right hand corner or use the block feature (grow up)

It literally redirects to twitter. Twitter is what made it popular over a decade before a far righter took over. Why do you want to follow the ego of a far righter?
He should be forcibly removed from his post.
Ok that was cool enough I'll fix your stupid gimmick.
I'll be nice and post the correct link this once.
Easy throwout
Enclave posted...

At least one of the cubs is now apart from its mother, either it rejected it due to smelling humans all over it or it ran away in fear and got lost.

The other cub, no clue, might be with mommy, might be dead, no clue.

They need to be rescued then.
That happened when there were a lot less people on the internet. Now that the internet is ubiquitous there are far far more content that if one thing is taken down there are so many more things that people will probably just not care about the thing taken down rather than reupload it. Even relics of the past might eventually be forgotten although original relics tend to have a much longer lifespan as all relics do.
mybbqrules posted...
They're not allowing any new users on CE any more. Ever.

So no more 50 karma chud trolls shitting up the boards.

And if you get purg'd you lose access to the CE board permanently, so finally those accounts who have had approx 600 shitzillion purgs due to their "conservative views" will be gone too.

I'm genuinely baffled as to how this is not a good thing.

It's not that hard to follow the rules and stay out of trouble.

At one point you were a new user too. There has been a few new users that have come across here from other boards within the last few years. This move guarantees CE's death even if it's good in the short term. Their new policy also bans politics from other social boards, many of which were more civil than CE.
Squall28 posted...
Pro life state.

Don't worry they're making up for this with all the kids they're saving by targeting porn
Damn, he died in one of the most peaceful ways to go.
Jerry_Hellyeah posted...
What part of my post says that I think chuds should be protected? I mean I made a pretty big post up there about their toll on humanity. That is a negative thing. Did you think I was what, bragging?

Or do you mean I didn't read your post? Not sure about that one.

All of you have the same point that you're looking past each other. None of them said that Covid is a good thing or that the innocent vulnerables deserved to die. Their point was that chuds were the ones who brought it upon themselves while harming others. It's the exact same message as yours. That's why he said you were preaching to the choir but thought you were refuting them.
Jerry_Hellyeah posted...
Didja read the post you're replying to?

I know you didn't.
rynobot posted...
Sorry I forgot Chuds were a protected species around these parts.

I think he's just very bad at reading people and comprehending messages which he then projects onto others.
Jerry_Hellyeah posted...
A reminder that it's not chuds passing away from this and it isn't a funny situation.
Correct. It isn't a funny situation. It's a pathetic and disgusting situation that chuds are harming innocent people with their self-destructive spite.
Asherlee10 posted...
Yes, I think being pedantic with this terminology is necessary because it seems like a lot of people don't understand the difference in race, ethnicity, and nationality.

Indeed, and racism covers both race and ethnicity as mentioned by the definition you linked yourself for those who aren't aware.
DuranOfForcena posted...
unironically yaaaaaassss queen slay

Ricemills posted...
Boycott is ok, as long it doesn't come with libel. Especially when it has a valid excuse.

You can give a bad review, but to ask your follower to give bad review on product that they didn't even consume is wrong.

Heck, look at the movies. Lots of review bombings from people who would never watch the movie.

The point of boycotts is to tell people who never consumed something to not consume them. Right, libel is the main differentiating factor and it is slimy and immoral. Libel is a civil crime though, not a criminal crime, in every developed country.
electricbugs2 posted...

I was fully ready to come into this topic and be pissed off by some backwards nonsense, but this is actually a good law.
Ricemills posted...
Yes, one of those who realised that review bombing is vile.
Also the one who realize that influencer using their power to make their followers doing vile things for them are criminals.

You people on the other hand believes that "free speech" are allowed even when they caused harm and should be immune to all repercussions.

Do you think boycotts should be illegal? The problem with review bombs is the notion that it comes from misinformation in which case it can sued for libel but it has to be enough to be considered libel. Simply being negative isnt libel. Otherwise parodies and satire would be illegal.
Fitting username I guess. Where do you live?
tbf Piranha Plant is more relevant and recurring in Mario, Yoshi, and Wario games than Waluigi
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