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Community » LukaDoncic77
what a strange question
not a specific per se but when parents feel the need to misspell a name to make it unique

examples: Ginnifer, Justyn, etc.
xAzNPimP4LiFex posted...
shes in a terrible team with bad coaching and bad teammates

it would be better for her to force her way into a better team

yea, thats kind of how they were able to draft herbecause the team wasnt any good. youre suggesting that she should go to New York when they were in a similar place only a few years ago when they were able to draft Ionescu and theyve been good since they drafted her and added players like Stewart.

what next, Wemby should force he way off the spurs and join the Thunder?
uh oh!
pjnelson posted...

Yeah, but I honestly didn't care who it was. It's more about how not everyone knows who this person is and shouldn't be expected to know.

sounds like a you problem
hes pretty good
cm punk said it best
should have taken the assistant manager position, who cares if you step on toes because youre relatively new?

the people that were there longer would have gotten that same opportunity if the company felt any of them were a fit for the position. hopefully this experience was a learning one for you and the next time a promotion is made available to you, you take it
Myzery posted...
"let them cook" / "they are cooking"
"give them their flowers"
", no?" at the end of a sentence
"a lot to unpack" / "let's unpack this"

that one too
using rn in place of right now
thanking people for their service
ok and?
ClayGuida posted...
I'll leave it like this, if Reese is so worthy of the spotlight, why were 6 other women drafted ahead of her?

Is anyone clamoring for Malik Nabors to get prime time games?

Nabors will get prime time games solely because hes playing on the giants, you should know this
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
You started this topic and now youre running away from discussing it

You just wanted to people to agree with you or what?

he doesnt know what the fuck he wants
Haejin posted...
man... this guy...

go on, talk your shit

you made this topic to generate some sort of discussion and you quote me and all you have in response is man this guy? i was hoping for a better response than that. if youre too emotional to have a discussion because you feel one way about Clark and one way about Reese, just say so
gamepimp12 posted...
how often is the #7 pick arguably the most famous and popular person in the draft.

Steph Curry was drafted seventh overall, maybe youve heard of him?
Haejin posted...
Angel Reese has more followers than Caitlin Clark...

are those followers buying tickets to see her play, what about her merchandise? all ive been hearing is that some of the fevers opponents have had to move those games to bigger venues because of demand

are Reeses games being moved to bigger venues this season?
Crono99 posted...
I'm 5"11 and I can bench 50 lbs after years of training so I think 200 is pretty good

it took years of training to bench 50 lbs? the bar alone is 45 lbs
yes, many times

and most recently i went to both nights of wrestlemania xl
i said in another topic last week that ea needs to bring back their ea big lineup

def jam
fifa, nba and nfl street

as a sports gamer companies that make simulation games should alternate years on when those games are released and in the years theyre not released the arcade version of those sports are released. gives more time for the sim games to feel like less of a roster update

bfslick50 posted...
Its a topic about not wanting to watch his show anymore. Its a fair response. Nothing needs to be done now by Seinfeld.

and not watching his show anymore accomplishes what?
Mr_Karate_II posted...
Doesn't make it less wrong

so what would you like Jerry Seinfeld to do about it now?
Lewis Black
yea, i had some with my breakfast this morning
did you ever get caught by the husband?
McMarbles posted...
You can like something while acknowledging that some aspects of it have aged like warm mayonnaise.

apparently you cant because if you do like it, you too are also racist/misogynist, etc.
are people really this soft where they find every little thing offensive?
clearly it was worth it if you paid for it

if you were that outraged by the price, you would have walked out and found an alternative that was cheaper
when a tv show, movie, book or video game that you were intending to watch, read or play is spoiled, do you go ahead and consume that media or because it was spoiled youre no longer interested in continuing on with it?
guys net worth is almost at a billion and some poster is going on about him being desperate for relevance, lmaohe seems to be doing just fine
Cocytus posted...
That's weird. What were you going to get at GameStop?

maybe he wanted to do grocery shopping, what do you think he was going to get at gamestop?
Zwijn posted...
Does anyone even read usernames?

yea and i still dont know who he is
i dont even know who you are
Unknown5uspect posted...
Everyone getting they info stolen rn

they info?
whats supposed to be wrong with this again?
may as well drink juice
drink water without flavor
the soundtrack for this game is so memorable

SomeLikeItHoth posted...
Kind of fucked up to only tip someone $7 when they barely make enough as is. A lot of wait staff are simply trying to pay their way through college. A few dollars wont come close to helping them. If you arent going to tip $20+ then go eat at McDonalds.

they have three options

accept my $7.00 tip
decline my $7.00 tip and give it back
they get $0.00 from me and will deal with it for the rest of their shift

--Zero- posted...
That was kind of a waste imo. Should have bought an everdrive if you dont care if your games have the box n manual.

i mean its his money, does it affect you in any way how he chooses to spend it?
it should be fine

i have an unopened one from 2016 i got for free at an all star event and just never opened it. its never been refrigerated and ive only kept it in a cupboard which is of course room

what varying reports have you read?
Incredible posted...
Even Prince was irrelevant when he headlined

MJ headlined in 1993 and it's arguably the best halftime show of all time

Prince headlined in 2007 and it was


Incredible posted...
Beyonce and Bruno were both still relevant when they performed. They're still relevant today too

Justin Timberlake was a bit more relevant than Usher is now when he headlined in 2018

Madonna headlined as did The Who, Bruce Springsteen, Diana Ross etc. older acts have usually headlined the super bowl. Ushers set was pretty damn good as well and was one of the better shows

who would you have rather seen perform?

how is it any different than any of the previous super bowl acts?
ExtremeLuchador posted...
You guys forget watching games from 2001-2005 where tons of final scores were like 84-80?

so? defense is half the game of basketball just because a score is 84-80 doesnt mean it was a bad game
solosnake posted...
How does it feel, becoming old and jaded?

where is tc wrong?
tc, do you have social media?

facebook, x, threads, etc? if so, you can join groups/discussions on things that interest you and interact in real time with likeminded individuals. maybe using those platforms will
get you to open up more/be social with random people because youll have common interests

i guess its similar to posting here but its another outlet
theres no way this is serious
that should have said are you an only child? lol

i was going to say, if you have siblings maybe they can introduce you to some of their friends or you can do all do something together that you all enjoy
do you an only child tc?
Community » LukaDoncic77
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