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Community » LtZim
I hope you have a better day today
Ewww stinky rapist
It's a good day
Yea the SATA SSD suggestion comes from my own experience where

  • NVMe slots in motherboards are in short supply
  • The real-world OS performance difference between NVMe and SATA SSD for Linux are basically imperceptible
  • If you're doing work that needs fast storage you're gonna have it on a separate fast NVMe anyway, not the OS install disk
Personally, as a long time macOS and Linux user, I find that Windows 11 is the best version of Windows I've ever used. I'm continually impressed by it. The aesthetics finally have solid polishing, the new Windows Terminal ships by default, WSL2 is a breeze to install. Graphics support for stuff like HDR has gotten better. Everything just works. A lot of these were features generally available with Win10 and earlier but now it all comes out of the box. A lot more cohesion.

For context, I usually run Windows Pro, I don't touch Home versions at all.
Partitioning a single disk is by far the worst method. Your gonna end up with messed up partitions and boot loader BS because both os's, especially Windows, will always act like they're the only ones present. Just look at any Linux new user forum and it's endless posts by people who screwed up their partition

A SATA SSD is dirt cheap and your PC likely already has ports for it so just avoid the headache, get a separate disk and Ensure that the new os doesn't put boot files on the wrong disk by unplugging all disks except the one you're installing into

Telling new users to touch Arch-anything is horrible. Plain old vanilla Ubuntu has by far the most easily accessible support. Google any issue and there's a solution already on Stack Exchange. Especially relevant to sticking with LTS versions; 24.04, 22.04, etc.. LTS stands for "long term support" and that's what you want as a normal user. "Latest kernel" and "latest drivers" is a load of BS. You don't need the latest. You need the most stable and most compatible. That's what you get with LTS.

Going into anything Linux or anything dual boot and expecting that you're gonna have the same experience you get with plain single-install Windows is a huge mistake. This is not a drop-in replacement for your Windows. It's not a drop in upgrade for your PC. It's not going to be better in any possible way that what you have right now. Nothing is better with Linux. If you want a better desktop OS then you need to get macOS. If you want a better non-desktop OS then you get Linux. If you want to play games you use Windows. If you go into Linux thinking it's gonna be a free version of Windows you're gonna be in for a rude awakening and you're gonna have a bad time.
It's a good day
It's been good so far
Which case
Guns and gun culture are disgusting. I'm glad we banned users who want to use guns.
With finality
Cyberpunk is a great game
It's amazing how Windows users continually botch the idea of "switching to Linux"

No one should be "switching to Linux". If you want to play games, then leave your Windows installation in tact.

Just throw in a separate SSD (SATA or NVMe, doesn't matter) and install Linux to it and try it for every non-gaming task. To be simple, grab the latest Ubuntu LTS which should be 24.04 at this point I think. Get a decent drive like a 1TB Crucial mx500 or similar. For good measure make sure your Windows drive is unplugged when you install Linux to your new drive.

And that's all you gotta do. When you want to play games, boot into Windows. Otherwise just use the Ubuntu. Or, just keep using Windows. The petty grievances that people have on every Windows OS update are always the most silly things. It's not that bad. Never has need. Don't like it? Get a Mac.

I daily drive all three (macOS, Linux, Windows) and have never had a single issue because I use each system and os for what it excels at. macOS daily drivers, Linux servers, Windows gaming PC. It's that simple.
PraetorXyn posted...

Also, if youre going to dual-boot, I advise installing a second SSD to install Linux on and setting that one as the primary boot device after you install Windows. The reason for this is that if the Windows drive is primary, every Windows update will make the Windows boot loader highest priority, whereas if Linux and its boot loader are on a separate drive, Windows updates cant fuck with it and Linuxs bootloaders have no trouble finding Windows.

If you dont do it that way, youre going to frequently have to fix things.

This is 100% true I wish more people took this advice
tankboy posted...
If you use Win 11, please explain the point of File Explorer tabs. I don't get the hype. It seems less useful than WordPad. Isn't it better to see the contents of multiple folders at the same time? Can you drag files between tabs? Can you drag the tabs out into their own windows (like web browser tabs?).
Idk you should be using the Windows Terminal and WSL2 anyway so it doesn't matter
Windows 11 is good in fact it's one of the best windows versions since 7
Something's coming... Something good
What do you think
bknight posted...
No point in buying an expensive smart TV when you can just hook up a cheap PC in your living room and do everything faster and better on a dumb TV.
Nvidia Shield TV
Size doesn't matter. Ppi does.
Good morning everyone!
How about $10k a month to work 3 hour days and take a nap every day
Wow crazy
Good morning again!
Good morning to you tooo
ArmieBuff posted...
More like the women who want agency are upset about this. This is just more of Florida pushing their Christofacist views and our resident American minded neolibs are showing their ass here believing that their infantilisation of adults is actually progressive when no it's incredibly conservative and they're just following the footsteps of Sharia law countries more than other developed countries.

Oh I forgot that DeSantis also introduced that other bill that guarantees everyone a job that pays a living wage
If a legal adult gets kicked out of their parents house at 18 what are they supposed to do until they're 21??

Average rent in Florida is $1900 month ($22,800/year)

Minimum wage in Florida is $10/hr
That's $1600/month full time ($19,200/year)

Average wages for a stripper are $54,000 ($4500/month) up to $84,000,8.htm

Clearly there's something wrong here
The_Wheelman1 posted...
Makes me wonder how much longer until 18 year old porn becomes illegal and considered child porn.
This has already happened
Good morning
Did you romance the consort tho

Need to play with the mod that lets you romance Jack as femahep
Good morning everyone!
Very sorry to hear that
Didn't Cell absorb the androids through his tail

This means his tail is part of his GI tract and connected to his mouth

This means his anus is in his tail which is what he absorbed the androids with

So he shoved the androids up his but???? Wtf toriyama
I would get it
It's a city
You can run AI on your gaming PC
It's troooo
Elsa Rocks Dude
Murphiroth posted...
Oh good I was going to ask where he copied this one from.

Mods and DToast should really look into removing this guy for his dumb gimmick, it's basically spam and that'd be a more valuable use of their time than that nonsense this morning.
Stop making low quality posts please
13 sexes in 9 years is above Average
Good evening
Get well soon friend
I haven't left my apartment in 4 years we went remote and have been remote work ever since
VeggetaX posted...
I'm happy with my 2012 Toyota Corolla LE.
Good choice
A Kong goes where a Kong wants
AsucaHayashi posted...
TIL a bunch of users here have had(or know suspiciously lot about) a colonoscopy.

what is going on with your intestines?
Family history of cancer means you start getting screenings and colonoscopy at age 35

Not to mention watching all your family go through it
Good luck friend
Community » LtZim
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