Community > AwesomoSauce

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Community » AwesomoSauce
wow so everything is just bad then :/
I was wondering about something.

I saw a report that worldwide birth rates are down.
A lot of Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z just refuse to have kids, single or married. Just no desire to have kids. Cost of living, houses and pay from jobs is a factor usually mentioned.

Now a large percent of the population is comprised of older people. What happens after they all retire or pass away?
What happens to all these vacant homes?
What will happen to all these jobs?

Lack of newborns is going to mean lack of people for jobs no?
Which means that old people being gone is also going to mean even more free jobs.

So basically will jobs starting paying MORE because they need people and provide really good incentives? Will people start earning more money and will the cost of homes drastically go down??

LinkDaLunatic posted...
More like...

Buc-ee's pays fairly normal
Most places weirdly low

This. Most companies want to pay the lowest and give 0 care about their employees.
Mom and pop run shops usually care about creating a community and will pay a bit more for good workers and supporting them.
SomeLikeItHoth posted...
Theyre all on Stackoverflow now.

kind9 posted...

these actually make sense thanks! gonna check them out
Like I remember in the 90s talking on forums to some elite level nerds and geeks that would brag to me "I been on the internet over a decade. Some claiming to have been using it in the 80s, 90s and they have huge game collections lots of cool internet and tech knowledge running obscure old gaming fansites and rare nerd collectibles.

I looked up to them and thought they were really cool. Like an elite club. Once the 2000s started I remember it being harder and harder to find people like this. The last ones I think I saw where in like in 2009 on Final Fantasy fansite and on some Japan import computer tech gaming forum.

Where did these kind of people go?

The last things I heard is they were annoyed with all the "new" casual mainstream people joining the internet with Facebook rising in popularity and how things changed and they were looking to make a place just for themselves.

Nowadays I miss them a lot.

I think they were all Gen X mostly.
They were smart.
All were nerds and geeks in school smart with tech stuff
They were cool in the OG oldschool sort of way
I remember looking up to them like an older brother or uncle
some were married and some were not
They had rare and obscure tech knowledge
Dungeons and Dragons lore, Monty Python and Lord of the Rings were super important with a lot of references I remember.

Where do I go to find them now? Don't say Reddit, Discord, Chans or Facebook because they would NEVER use those sites and most likely look down on those that do.

I miss them CE
Robot2600 posted...
CJayC got 8 million for the sale.

If that is the case CJayC could technically cough up $60k and just buy GameFAQs from Fandom and then it all comes full circle
Jiek_Fafn posted...
Google says it's worth around $60k. So it's more likely that they're simply not worth the effort to sell . People on CE are capable of buying it outright. Fandom most likely feels it's worth the gamble to try and do something with it since drawing up a contract to even sell it would make the sale a waste of time. $60k doesn't move their needle much in any direction and if that's the evaluation, it's probably only making like $10-15k a year and trending downwards.

Most likely the data from experiments they're doing are worth more to them than any reasonable price. We're essentially viewed as a cadaver

Holy shit no joke I would have bought the site for 60k back in 2021 or something.
SomethingAwful forums, Neogaf, Resetera, Famiboards
STEROLIZER posted...
At least a million bucks

If only Notch/Mojang or someone from Rockstar or Epic Games grew up here like one of the lead CEOs or something. They probably would have just bought it.
How much money would it take to buy GameFAQs? Kinda sad a rich game developer that grew up here didn't just buy the site and server hosting for the next 100+ years so it could be free for all.

If I made a game like Cuphead or Minecraft that became a huge hit and made me a multi millionaire I would have bought Gamefaqs CE and made it available and free because I like the site.
CE going away
Polls going away
Like I get the comedian being an asshole thing but like Jimmy Kimmel just seems like a that Karen Aunt that is passive aggressive with her "jokes" that end up being just excuses to be rude and mean to people.

I don't think I have ever laughed at a Kimmel joke.

Meanwhile if other comedians roast people and say mean stuff it feels different like I don't go away thinking oh he is an asshole being mean they do it in a funny way.

I dunno but who exactly is the Jimmy Kimmel audience? The mean jokes really feel like they are meant for boomers to laugh at or something its really tone deaf.

I notice that other show hosts like Conan will be mean but its also funny. Kimmel just comes off as mean and 0 funny.
UndefeatedGOAT posted...
This is a great list, youtube comments have been way to underrated

Yeah definitely agree. Very underrated. Of course there are bad ones but overall it is a much better place it used to have a bad reputation years ago.
argonautweakend posted...
Reddit has plenty of angry weirdos, and I was going to expand on my thoughts but everything I had typed out I deleted because I don't know how to actually convey it.

I think it has a lot of users that were either bullies or bullied and they all joined the site like it's their clubhouse and try to outdo each other like its a popularity contest or something based on comments and opinions. It feels like highschool 2.0 but for 40 year olds.
Hypnospace posted...
How tf do you rank YouTube over Reddit

Go on any niche comfy tutorial type channel, vlog etc. and its like 300 kind positive comments offering help and shit.

Reddit would have 300 comments of people commenting how they did it wrong and it ruined their day.

Tiktok would say the same thing but in Gen Z talk.
Dabrikishaw15 posted...
it depends on the subreddit you visit really, since the topic of the subreddit will draw in those who'd bother staying on.

Usually I quick look at the most popular ones like the gaming sub reddits and stuff
Damn_Underscore posted...
Highest IQ on the internet was Yahoo Answers RIP

and 4chan
I like never post on there but I lose braincells reading comments or posts on just normal subreddits.

If I were to rank IQ of the users

Facebook lowest
Reddit 2nd lowest
TikTok 3rd lowest
Instagram 4th lowest
Twitter/X 5th lowest
YouTube 6th lowest

Despite their bad rap I would argue places like Gamefaqs and Discord have higher IQ posts and users and not counting obvious trolling ones of course.
Community » AwesomoSauce