question for those who have never played Fortnite (or haven't played in a while)

Board 8

Board 8 » question for those who have never played Fortnite (or haven't played in a while)
is there any IP or real person that Fortnite could collab with that would convince you to try it out/pick it back up?

DISCLAIMER: I have not played Fortnite and I could not think of any IP that would do it for me, so I made this topic to see what my B8 homies think
(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!
I would need Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to transfer all their Tesla and Amazon shares to me before I would even think about installing Fortnite.
2 line break(s), 160 characters allowed
No, I don't believe such a thing exists. If my favorite pokemon being added to Unite couldn't get me to play that then I don't see anything getting me to play Fortnite
It's tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. But unless collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than possibilities.
I played it for... oh 5 minutes a couple years ago. Lost interest very quickly.

Maybe Final Fantasy. But it's not really my kind of thing.
The user formerly known as Ashethan
I think what kills it for me is that even if it's a cool collab it's just "that character is literally in Fortnite and plays like a Fortnite character with maybe one special power"

like I saw a video of Aang in Fortnite and he just had a gun?? that's like lowest effort crossover shit.
(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!
they had a collab with Mistborn and I still didn't

maybe if it was something truly mind-blowing and nonsensical, like Aurora Memoria or Ar tonelico or anything both obscure and way out of any zeitgeist
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
ZenOfThunder posted...
I think what kills it for me is that even if it's a cool collab it's just "that character is literally in Fortnite and plays like a Fortnite character with maybe one special power"

like I saw a video of Aang in Fortnite and he just had a gun?? that's like lowest effort crossover shit.

well you can use him in normal games where everyone has a gun so that's going to happen. They did add some Avatar inspired weapons you could find around that time (Waterbending was OP). When Goku was added you could find Kamehameha and the Nimbus Cloud, etc. but yeah for the most part if you're playing the standard Battle Royale mode it's just a skin. They are other modes though
MZero , to the extreme
NFUN posted...
they had a collab with Mistborn and I still didn't

I might at some point, but it'd take a lot to guarantee it. Touhou maybe. The vtubers I watch that are too small to be in things like that, probably.
New name, new gender, same great Bolo flavor!
She is messy, but she's kind; she is lonely, most of the time
It's not my type of game, so probably not.
No. If I were ever to try Fortnite, it would 100% not be because of any collab, nor do I really understand why collabs or cosmetics are a reason people find compelling at all.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
I have considered just giving Fortnite a shot simply because of its continued staying power

But I don't think any IP in particular would draw me

Maybe Goemon lol
Leonhart4 posted...
It's not my type of game, so probably not.

Probably not. I might give in and try Fortnite eventually (even if I don't think it'll be my kind of game.), but if I do, it won't be because of a character.
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety
azuarc posted...
No. If I were ever to try Fortnite, it would 100% not be because of any collab, nor do I really understand why collabs or cosmetics are a reason people find compelling at all.

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Hard no.
I didn't do guru this year but azuarc can be in my sig anyways.
NFUN posted...
they had a collab with Mistborn and I still didn't

I didn't even know they did this, not that it convinces me to give the game a try. I would prefer an actual Mistborn game.

So yeah there's most certainly nothing Fortnite can do to grab my attention. The core gameplay simply isn't appealing to me.
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
I was really tempted to try it out when they added the Dragonball Z stuff. But now it's literally just everything. If they do happen to branch into some stuff that's not really in their fanbase's niche, like Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, or Honkai Star Rail, I'd be even more tempted. I dunno if I'd actually go for it, but I'd have to think about it.
Play Outer Wilds
ZenOfThunder posted...
I think what kills it for me is that even if it's a cool collab it's just "that character is literally in Fortnite and plays like a Fortnite character with maybe one special power"

like I saw a video of Aang in Fortnite and he just had a gun?? that's like lowest effort crossover shit.

This is true most of the time, but using Aang was a really bad example. They actually did a whole Avatar event in battle royale involving being able to use all 4 elements to attack/defend/move. Some even called it "the Avatar video game we've always been asking for," which, admittedly, was a bit of an over-hyped statement, but it was still more fun than any Avatar video game I had played before that. Other crossovers like Star Wars and Dragonball Z also had elements that went beyond just the skin. But yeah, you're statement holds true for most other crossover skins. If you want to play as the Terminator or Lady Gaga or Giannis, it's just another skin with a gun.
Don't mind me. I'm just here for the contest.
Skies of Arcadia and that's about it
It's Reyn Time.
Xenoblade maybe.

Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
I will say that I feel like they've made a more concerted effort in recent years to get their IP and other collab content more involved in the game aside from being just a skin. Obviously, they won't do it for all their collabs, especially real life skins they roll out for athletes and musicians. But for the ones they have done more with, I've been very impressed with. I already mentioned the Avatar collab which I thought was awesome. They've done Star Wars collabs periodically for years now and the lightsabers and the blasters and stormtroopers and all that. They don't really cheap out on that. It's a fun experience (though this year's Star Wars collab was more underwhelming than usual).

Last season they had a Greek mythology theme that had Zeus and Hades and thunderbolts and all sort of stuff. This season it's more of a Mad Max wastelander thing with a Fallout collab allowing you to use a Power Armor skin.

Having played the game off and on for years, I'm kind of immune to all the collabs, but I wonder how someone completely new to the game would react to playing a battle royale game and coming across Spider Man, Ariana Grande, Peter Griffin, Darth Vador, Zuko, John Wick, Deadpool, Batman, Travis Scott, and more all on the battlefield.

It's quickly turning into that one popular Ultimate Showdown song from the early days of Youtube.
Don't mind me. I'm just here for the contest.
is there any IP or real person that Fortnite could collab with that would convince you to try it out/pick it back up?

No, none. I don't play any competitive multiplayer games whatsoever. The only thing that would possibly ever make me try it is if it got a 1P PvE mode of some kind, at a minimum.
Hard no, nothing will

I think there was a Resident Evil one at some point, so if that didn't get me there nothing will
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Nope, not interested at all
Congrats to azuarc , GotD2 Guru champ!
I mran, I tried Fortnite and I just find it really unfun
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
I played it for a week or two in 2019, and I thought it was fine. I've been thinking of trying it out again but not because of any licensed characters that may be having an event going on.
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
Why would I care if a character I like appears in a game I don't want to play?

I like Phoenix Wright a lot but I don't care about fighting games, so why would I play Marvel vs Capcom 3

I was tempted to play it during the Thanos event because that sounded hella cool, but I am so bad at FPS games that I knew I'd only be hurting myself. There is nothing that could get me to play, unless one of my niblings was deep into it and they wanted me to play with them as a means of bonding with them.

I also didn't really like LoL, but I played it because almost every one of my friends at the time did. I will play games I don't like for the social aspect of it, and I won't do it begrudgingly, but it will always be because of the people in spite of the game.
Existence. Existence is but shallow question with no answer. Buu make you chicken nuggies!
I mean like if I was on the fence about the game I would

I'm not on the fence though. I'm pretty far away from the fence. The gameplay looks super dumb at a high level with the building huge towers to fight from rapidly as you're firing at each other so I've never given it a real chance.

I'm sure that gameplay is the appeal to some people but I think I'd rather just play a more traditional fps
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
I've been playing it pretty consistently on and off since they introduced Zero Build mode as I could never get on with the building stuff before. It's great.

But there were plenty of IPs I missed before Zero Build was introduced that I would have liked, so I guess no, to answer your question, as they didn't get me to play then.
Still the number one reason for the success of the Internet.
I only have limited, low-speed internet (like "struggles to play a YouTube video on minimum settings some days" limited), but if we're imagining a hypothetical where I <I>could</I> play the game then it's possible. Archie Sonic characters would force me to throw money at them--it would never happen because Sega will never allow even the characters they still have rights to to ever appear in anything, but I'd likely support the characters appearing in anything.

Hard to think of anything else though. Fortnite needs to use adult humanoids of roughly equal proportions (see: muscular Peter Griffin because they can't have a fat guy) for balance reasons, so they can't really have any very non-human characters. So no ponies, or jewelpets, or anything really out there. Even Sonic characters would have to be scaled up in size to work. But it is possible; I did play a few rounds when Thanos came out back when I could do multiplayer games, so I'm not totally against playing the game.
Currently in the mood to have a signature, though unsure of what.
No. Fortnite has already collaborated with CAPCOM to bring Resident Evil and Street Fighter skins neither of those lured me in, even though the former is my favourite franchise and the latter the first fighting game I've played.
I don't even know what one is supposed to do in Fortnite, I only learned about those CAPCOM collabs due to Twitter.
"Your silence was refreshing, while it lasted."
JackMan posted...
I've been playing it pretty consistently on and off since they introduced Zero Build mode as I could never get on with the building stuff before. It's great.

But there were plenty of IPs I missed before Zero Build was introduced that I would have liked, so I guess no, to answer your question, as they didn't get me to play then.

Yeah Zero Build is the way to go. Building sucks
MZero , to the extreme
Maybe if there was some sort of Gorillaz or Daft Punk style virtual concert, otherwise nah.
DBZ was the closest i've gotten to trying it out yet.
thcam ruz elliw red -
Not a shred of interest in it unfortunately. Nothing will ever make me interested either.
"I do because I can."
I dont think I could be convinced to play Fortnite.
Its too late for me, I already got into it.

I think the thing that got me in was the combo of no-build mode with the dumb musician skins they started doing. Something about sniping dudes as Ariana Grande and Anderson.paak really did it for me.
For your Azuarc .
At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza
ZenOfThunder posted...
is there any IP or real person that Fortnite could collab with that would convince you to try it out/pick it back up?

DISCLAIMER: I have not played Fortnite and I could not think of any IP that would do it for me, so I made this topic to see what my B8 homies think

The only chance is it being something super niche that I want to show support for the creator. Like Riyria. Maybe Farscape. But those things would never get added because they are so niche.
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
Zero Build is definitely the thing that got me back in a lot
GuessMyUserName 's account's very own account!
Hearing about having a zero build mode made me download this today. I haven't played since it launched.
doubt it and i wouldn't spend any money either even if i was playing.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
Board 8 » question for those who have never played Fortnite (or haven't played in a while)