Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Magical Turnabout (6-2)

Board 8


Bonny and Betty are my waifus. That alone puts this case up a point for me.

It's almost really good but something is just slightly missing. I think what's missing is a really good dynamic between Apollo and Nahyuta. I really hate that they chose to save the reveal for what their relationship is until later in the game just to surprise us - if I could have it my way I would have established their relationship earlier so that they can actually have a dynamic in this case. It's so fucked up and weird the way that they hint that they have history in this case but NONE of it gets hashed out here until the end of the game. It's a missed opportunity.

Roger Retinz is great and a fun villain, and I think the murder is good, though I think Bonny and Betty were underutilized. I really appreciate that this case gives Trucy something to do, since she's been kind of a hanger-on... really as long as we've known her, to be honest, so it's nice that she gets some development. Apollo also gets development here - this case feels like it's really designed to make the 'passing of the torch' official by having him save the Wright Anything Agency, even if that plot point does feel a little bit forced. Also Ema is back and Ema is great! The cast of this case makes it.

But yeah, there's just something that's missing. It's a good and fun case overall but it's not quite that top tier middle case that it could have been.