What four bosses are on the Difficult Boss Battles Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

Snake5555555555 posted...
Ornstein & Smough are THE iconic difficult Soulsborne boss if you ask me. The contrasting fighting styles, the relentless pressure, the mid-fight transformation popularizing the concept of multi-phase boss fights, being the halfway-point skill check roadblock for the game. A perfect combination of difficulty and thematic weight. I think you don't get a future fight as challenging as Malenia without them.
Yeah, agreed with Ornstein & Smough as feeling like the iconic Soulsborne choice.

I actually think I might go with Isshin (Sekiro) before Malenia but that's probably just a me thing + giving Isshin bonus points for being a required and final boss (in most routes) while Malenia is optional.

Not sure I'll have a list for this honestly, would have to think. Whitney seems like a pretty good pick though.

May you find your book in this place.
Formerly known as xp1337.