Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Zone 3 (mark spoilers)

Board 8

_stingers_ posted...
Modern RPGs have lost the ability to do shops right. They just want to give you everything for free

In general I'd say the "RPG" side of the game* is the weakest - there's not much to pick up in the field other than routine items and transmutation fodder, and while there are some interesting choices to make in equipping your characters, the options feel stingy. Why get given 60 odd accessories to only equip one per person, even at the very end? Most players will just pick the same 3 or 4. The folio system becomes less interesting as the game goes on because you get to the point where you have everything you'd want from it. The weapon choices and skills are fine but still pretty limited. And frustratingly the manual doesn't give you clear information on what the numbers do and there's no training dummy (although you can work around this pretty easily to be fair).

*By which I mean something like a sense of seeking out and collecting stuff, either to learn more about the world or to make your party stronger, and which lets you focus on things that are bespoke to your playstyle or interests. I appreciate the materia system fills a lot of the space that would normally be given to it, but I'd like to see more in part 3.
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