Yo im playing Dark Souls II for the first time [ATTN Fromsoft people]

Board 8

So in the huntsmans copse i did the entire forest area, skeleton caves, and boss in the same run. Killed the three main skeleton lords, but then my weapon broke, and i was out of magic, so i had to navigate a bunch of menus while running from 500 dudes lmao

Just panicking and going through every weapon in my inventory with all of them constantly saying YOU DONT HAVE THE STATS FOR THIS

I was able to switch to another axe and finish the fight though. Skeleton lords done on first try. Damn im good at these games

One thing i do like about DS2 is when youre navigating menus, theyll move to the left side and you can still see your character running around on the right side. That shit saved my life
Hey TomNook play me in smash for your account