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Question about Rebirth (no spoilers) - worth getting a PS5 for?

Board 8

Board 8 » Question about Rebirth (no spoilers) - worth getting a PS5 for?
Getting the game no matter what.

I recently upgraded my computer to budget parts so I would have to do that again. What I have isn't even enough for Windows 11 so I know it won't run the game.

Mainly want to know if I should wait or if a PS5 is worth buying at this point (and what other things I should get for it).

What say you?
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.
I would never suggest buying a console for one game. If youre going to upgrade your PC anyway do that, youll get nearly everything on PS5 there eventually anyway. Having said that the PS5 is a decent buy otherwise.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
LightningStrikes posted...
Having said that the PS5 is a decent buy otherwise.
Got any recommendations for other games? Preferably exclusives, though... exclusive titles seem to mostly be a thing of the past outside of Nintendo.
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.
If your PC is pretty weak and you've already thrown money at it then it might be worth getting a PS5 for games. That said i wouldn't buy one just for one game.
Worth noting that the third game will likely be on the PS5 as well so it's like buying it for two games
BlueCrystalTear posted...
Got any recommendations for other games? Preferably exclusives, though... exclusive titles seem to mostly be a thing of the past outside of Nintendo.

yeah exclusives are largely a thing of the get a ps5 if you can't get a good pc or if you just really like to own a dedicated video game console
while you slept, the world changed
If your PC isn't even that high-end and you're gonna constantly upgrade parts every couple of years, then you're probably better off getting a PS5 for current gen games.

I built a new PC that's pretty high-end a couple months ago and I've actually learned to appreciate how consoles can have a game work out of the box (assuming it wasn't an utter buggy release).

You don't have to worry as much about a game suddenly chugging on you because you don't have enough memory on some part of your computer, or the game failing to launch for whatever reason and you have to figure out why, though I'm not sure how common that actually is.

That said, I should tell you that Best Buy currently has a deal where the PS5 Spider-Man 2 bundle is $50-off, which is savings you can use towards FFVII Rebirth itself.

Just something to consider.
FFXIV - Faerie Server:
F/GO: 271551102; Bleach Brave Souls: 56688058
As someone who is nearly at the end of the game. It has been worth every penny. Absolutely incredible experience. Easily a top 3 game of all time for me. Seriously wowie wow wow.
Worth noting that you'll be able to play many PS4 games with better performance as well
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
As someone who only played the intro/demo at this point I change my mind. If you liked Remake you HAVE to play this asap, and it's maybe best on PS5 considering the haptics/interface
while you slept, the world changed
Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
colliding posted...
it's maybe best on PS5 considering the haptics/interface
PC can do haptics for DualSense as well
Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
I bought a PS5 last week solely for this game. I'm about 14 hours in and satisfied with that decision.

I'm very happy with how it looks on PS5. I thought the first game looked very bad on PS4, unbearable 30fps framerate AND had some ugly spots. But the Performance mode here looks great to me, and the 60fps never drops. I don't think I'll even feel the need to re-play it on PC.

That being said, I'm also someone who really enjoys playing a game WHILE I'm reading about it on forums AND hearing about it on podcasts, so getting a game ON release, is pretty crucial for me. If it wasn't, then I absolutely could have waited, and continued playing Balatro every night instead, which is probably my true game of the year.
People who don't finish their sentences
I'm a Castlevania superfan! Ask me anything!
Back home now, finally trying to look into buying options for a PS5 (last couple days have been catch-up of two different varieties).

I went ahead and bought a bundle from Target that includes Spider-Man 2 for $451. This includes tax, which is pretty much waived in my area due to RedCard (now called "Circle Card" apparently - it takes 5% off, and then the 5.5% tax is applied to the new total). I'm also buying a new phone because my old one is gonna die very soon given how damn slow it is.

Gonna need to start making some money.

colliding posted...
If you liked Remake you HAVE to play this asap, and it's maybe best on PS5 considering the haptics/interface
I loved Remake. So yeah, I am doing this.

UltimaterializerX posted...
And if you trust me with your address, I have a couple things Id be willing to send you when Im done playing them.
Okay, this is awesome of you. I will take you up on that - thank you! I will text you my address. (Sorry for the wait btw, was on vacation and then yesterday... I was going everywhere.)
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.

I really do need to finish FFXIII first, don't I?

I will sleep on this. Go me.
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.
BlueCrystalTear posted...

I really do need to finish FFXIII first, don't I?

Now in the Junon area and still avoiding all other topics on this game... this could be the best Final Fantasy game? Ever?

I'm having an amazing time
while you slept, the world changed
If you haven't bought one yet:
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
Honestly, this might be my favorite game ever. Maybe not quite, but I'd have to go back more than 20 years to remember a game that captivated me this much.

I'm not done yet (currently in the Cave of the Gi), but at a few points, I just realize that I'm sitting there, with my mouth wide open, incapable of realizing that this is all real... but it is. It's so unreal.
Board 8 » Question about Rebirth (no spoilers) - worth getting a PS5 for?