Holy crap I'm never buying tempered glass anything again.

Board 8

The top shelf of my TV stand just fucking shattered. Randomly.

It didn't even have a TV on it. It had a PS5, some amiibos, a switch, and a set of gamecube controllers. Its held that weight for nearly 8 years. Its held heavier than that.

Then just out of the blue fucking explosion. Glass everywhere. All my stuff covered in it. I think everything is safe but it was everywhere. The glass just exploded downwards into thousands upon thousands of tiny little pieces.

No major temperature changes in the room, no cat running across it, just randomly shattered with absolutely nothing going on.

Got a couple of small cuts cleaning up but I think I cleared it out.

But I need a new TV stand, and I don't have a bed because all my stuff is now on it.

Only casualty is my dog is going to have to need a new bed because a lot of the glass landed in his. Not comfortable puitting him in that.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.