So I started Fate/Grand Order...

Board 8

...against the advice of everyone on the board, basically. But I have basically become Fate obsessed since watching Zero and Stay Night a few months ago. I watched a two hour video on Lostbelt 6 and the story was so good that I was like "no, I gotta play this. I'll do it as F2P as I possibly can"

but I am a degenerate gambler so I can already see that going poorly. I was going to ask questions on the reddit but I don't like the people there nearly as much as I like you guys and I know you'll be more patient w my dumb questions.

I'm sort of lost on how the combat works but my main questions are how to run my early account optimally.

I pulled Herc from my first roll and apparently he's awesome, even though I wanted EMIYA. I was gonna use my Special Ascension on him, but that seems bad according to other people because I'm gonna get a free SSR here at the end of Fuyuki. After light research on those units available, would it be good to get Waver and then use my special ascension on him?

Everyone says the mats for 5* units are harder to get so it seemed good, but like I said I'm brand new and have no idea wtf I'm doing really. Been reading this massive new player guide to try and acclimate as best I can.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505