Worst MCU movie?

Board 8

Quantumania existed. Had some decent moments, didn't stick out except for near the end. Some of the transitions in the final scenes against Kang make absolutely no sense, with characters seemingly reappearing in places they're just "supposed" to be even though it makes no logical sense they should have been able to.

Eternals was a boring slog that could've been 45 minutes shorter and nothing would've changed. It wouldn't have made it good, but at least more tolerable. This was easily one of the worst paced movies I've ever sat through.

Haven't seen Marvels yet

Thor 4 is in the same space as Thor 2 in my head where I already remember virtually nothing that happened in the movie. It just existed. They're completely forgettable like Eternals, just not actively boring.

Hulk was... Fine?

How is Iron Man 2 on this list, but not Iron Man 3?

Strange 2 dragged a little, but it was good enough for that not to be a problem

I've never understood why some people hate Ultron so much.

I mean the answer is Eternals because it's the only movie that actively bored me, and just thinking about that movie and it's characters leaves me with a feeling of apathy. If they just never bother to make an Eternals 2 I would be ok with this.
You'll just keep going. Not out of any desire for good or evil, but just because you think you can - And because you "can"... You "have to".