Give me your deepcut critical darling games for 2024 [fantasycritic]

Board 8

Heavy is the head that wears three crowns - I've officially clinched my third straight year as Fantasy Critic champion amongst my group of friends.

Just barely though, I was down 10 points heading into December when I finally bailed on Silksong coming out and picked up my ace (Asgard's Wrath 2) since everyone else was full up. Ended up being better than anything I added all year to boot. Also got lucky that 2nd place had Redfall and (stupidly) counter picked Alan Wake 2 during the draft.

But now everyone is getting mad and have made it clear that the end goal is to not have me win again so I need some new aces. Draft is first week in January. Give me all your hidden gems that will do well on Open Critic. My desire to crush their wills is at an all time high.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?