Dead by Daylight Mafia Topic 2: the month with Friday the 13th

Board 8

Crescent-Moon posted...
Sultan's overacting is not affecting my belief that Ulti/Sultan is theater, but probably a good idea. The blatant disrespect he's been throwing at me as a person since I called him scum is starting to grate on me.

What fucking disrespect?! As a person are you talking about this if fucking bullshit and you know it I've been nothing but nice to you as a person and you know this you belittling me and throwing my name in the mud saying I have attacked you personally when I have not is fucking bullshit and you know it.
Youre the one attacking me personally if anything. Youre the one saying I'm doing something I'm not.
Fuck this I'm done mod kill me isquen o don't give a fuck anymore I won't take being belittled like this. Everyone who knows me on here knows im like the nicest person on here when you say I attacked you personally when I did not makes me angry ill call you out on it. This isn't the first time you've pulled this I've been sensitive to you about this outside games and you know that. So the fact you're doing this twords me hurts even more beacuse I've been nothing but nice to you!
Hello Here is a pineapple