Dead by Daylight Mafia Topic 2: the month with Friday the 13th

Board 8

While reading topic 1 I just added notes to players on the player list as I went so that means these aren't my thoughts in the order I had them, just my collected thoughts on the players in the order they are listed on the player list. I tried to include what post I was referencing to give context. But without further ado:


Not understanding the heat Ashe is getting on page 2. They only made two posts on page 1 and nothing jumped off the page.

Just got to the end of topic 1 and I didn't have anything else to add about Ashe. Not sure if that means they just stopped posting or if they were just collectively ignored. Could be scum slinking back into the shadows allowing conversation to drift elsewhere? I'd need to iso to see if there were actually posts of substance that I just didn't catalog.

Chaeix / jc

Made a post (130) that really resonates with my only feelings at the same point. Not caring about wallz, not liking ulti, being fine with dumey and thinking crescent is wrong to press dumey. Don't have enough information to agree or disagree with his IGCD read.

Anotehr read post (436) that I'm less crazy about. It's not that I terribly disagree with a lot of it (don't love the ben town read), but it also seems like it could cover more people at that point. With that said I would join in pressure on both ulti and wallz so despite it's limited scope it hits in some good ways still.

Corrik7 / Corrik



Thought 'solo queue' was a weirdly named scum faction. This sticks out to me because why would 'solo' connect with a team of scum? I couldn't even guess what the scum faction would be named, but it's possible crescent was using her own experience of ACTUALLY being confused by a weird scum faction name to try to relate to those posting about their own thoughts on the faction name/s?

Said "All players have "Traits"? If I have a "Trait", I have absolutely no idea what it's supposed to be."

Uh, what? It's pretty OBVIOUS from my role PM what my trait/s is/are. Like that's the entirety of my role with the definition/s provided after. But I would assume even scum would have traits so this doesn't even make sense as a scum slip. I just don't understand how you could have a trait and not know it. Crescent made more posts about this throughout page 3 and no one seems to care or is running with it.

EDumey / Dumey

I actually didn't hate Dumey's post where he pressed red for miller details. As the opening post explains we all have between 1 and 3 traits. Some traits are flavor only, some have passive abilities and some have active abilities. If we assume red is actually miller (and I do) then that means he's likely solo queue "untrustworthy" or some similarly named passive trait that causes him to scan guilty. He might still have other traits in addition, or it might be his only one, but a scum trying to gambit a miller might screw up and say they are actually just "Solo queue miller". I don't hate Dumey making that play even if red is not the kind of person who would typically be caught by it.

Forceful_Dragon / FD

It's me, FD.

htaeD / Death

Gonna have to iso. I know he posted a lot but somehow he made it through my read without pinging me enough to leave a thought in either direction.

IfGodCouldDie / IGCD

See SBell's blurb about "shucks, I thought I was survivor".

Don't know what else he's said otherer than being "town cleared" for page 1.


No thoughts of consequence. Wouldn't even know the difference if she hadn't posted at all.

Obellisk / Sbell

Personally don't care for the "aw shucks I thought I was survivor". I had a similar thought when I saw the PM, but naturally proceeded to read the entire thing and realized what was what. It never occurred to me to think to alert others to the fact that I briefly got excited at the prospect of an interesting role. I wouldn't expect town credit for it and i wouldn't give others town credit for it.

Went on to vote Crescent on page 4 and I actually liked the vote a lot. Would have been pressing crescent as well if I were around based upon the same post he referenced... And then he immediately walks it back. I did not like the unvote.


See Death. Not sure how they both made it through because I was aware they had been posting.

PunishedBen / Ben

My first really strong reaction to a ben post is #248 and I really do not like it. It really seems to be calling attention to a part of SBell's opening post that was meant to go unnoticed. At best ben is town giving scum free info and at worst scum already took note of the information and will be using it accordingly. I also don't see how any of the specifics to this post really clear IGCD as well.

red13n / Leafeon13n

Claimed miller. Probably hiding power? Town either way so it's whatever.

Said "killer side is also Solo Queue" in post #366. What is this idea based on? Or is this more about the game mechanic of queing up for a game of DBD?

TheSultanofSlam / Sultan

At one point Ashe voted Wallz and I remember thinking to myself that I thought it was a good look for Ashe and then Sultan said essentially the same thing in post #244. I also didn't hate Sultan's reads from a bit earlier that people weren't happy with. Feeling good about sultan through 5 pages.

UltimateBrohan / Brohan

Not enough content to feel one way or the other.

UltimaterializerX / Ulti

Immediately "town locking" four people on post #54. This feels similar to the scum ulti we just saw who liked to call himself and others town. And using that same justification of what he thought when reading the role PM.

"I don't think I have a night action" from posts 273 is just bizarre. Puts him in the Crescent camp of I don't understand how they don't understand what's happening. My role PM in combination with the opening post is absolutely crystal clear with no room for ambiguity.

wallmasterz / Wallz

Just got to the "mom?" post (#233) and it's registering to me that none of wallz' posts thus far have really registered to me. I know he's in the game and I enjoyed the 'dad?' post, and remember he had to kinda-defend himself about the jaguars winning or something? But wallz has been almost notably un-notable through his posts.

But it's not the same as Death/Peaf who posted a lot but I didn't feel the need to quote or respond to. Wallz feels more like someone TRYING to be unmemorable?
~C~ FD