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Dead by Daylight Mafia sign-ups.

Board 8

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Board 8 » Dead by Daylight Mafia sign-ups.
Dead by Daylight is an assymetrical online competitive video game where The Entity pits one superpowered Killer against four Survivors in a "Trial" where Survivors ultimately have a goal to repair up to five stationary generators to power two exit gates and escape... to a campfire where they await the next Trial. The Killer, meanwhile, attempts to do just that: attack Survivors, wounding or knocking them down, and skewering them on meat hooks to offer them to the Entity.

Survivors and Killers each gain access to a selection of four perks, one burnt offering, and one item (for Survivors) and one power (set for each Killer.) Survivors and Killers both can use two add-ons to modify either their survivor item or Killer power, with the ultimate goal being one that benefits the Entity - feed off the hope of the survivors and the pain and death that the Killer inflicts before the Survivors reappear at the bonfire.

While it generally plays out as a game of hide and seek, it's frequently agreed upon that as you gain more practice at the game, Survivors as a whole generally have the upper hand unless a certain map gels really well with a certain killer (for instance, Gideon Meat Plant - "The Game" from Saw being very cramped and indoor, which aids killers that can use stealth or control chokepoints, while hindering killers that require line-of-sight to use their powers.)

BUT FORGET ABOUT ALL THAT - what does this mean from a Mafia game standpoint? Well, you have been chosen by the Entity and pulled into The Fog to play a game of hope. A game of fear. A game... of Mafia. Are you a bullied Killer? Are you a tunneled Survivor? A Direct Message that will be set your way will dictate your ultimate fate. And yes, there will be some broad strokes here. Just deal with it.

A brief explanation of Mafia

If you're new to Mafia, welcome! It is a social deduction game - every player will receive a role via DM. Typically, roles are split into the uninformed majority (colloquially known as "Town") and the informed minority (known as "Mafia," sometimes known as scum.) Names may vary, and there may be third parties involved depending on the game runner (known as "Indy" for individuals.) Town wins by eliminating all Mafia/scum players. Mafia/scum wins by outnumbering Town. Indies, if they exist, win by fulfilling win conditions (for example, "Survivor," a typical Indy role, wins by being on the winning side and not dying.)

The game consists of a Day phase - typically, 48 hours from the start of a game. During this Day phase, players may freely discuss in host-created topics who they think is aligned with whom. Every player gains the ability to ##vote for another player (or ##unvote if they have changed their mind.) If a player has received a majority of ##votes, they are eliminated, and their flip (their private role) will post to the topic. The Day phase will end, and night begins.

During Night phase, which usually lasts 24 hours (but may be a bit longer or shorter at host discretion if the day ended at a weird time,) no one except the Host or co-host may post in topics. Certain roles have access to "night actions" which they can DM the host or co-hosts with, which will resolve before the start of the next Day phase. The Mafia/scum team, additionally, has access to a factional "night kill" where they target a player for elimination at the start of the next Day Phase.

Some typical night actions:
Doctor - prevents this aforementioned night kill, or other killing actions.
Prostitute - informs the targeted player that they were visited, while the prostitute learns if the target has moved.
Bodyguard - takes the place of the target if a night kill is used.
Roleblocker - stops the target from using their night action.
(Any, some, or none of these will exist in this game - they are for the sake of explanation.)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
What Isquen-specific rules can you expect? Or - "how has your host modified his own rules since last game"

1.) This will be role-heavy. This is not my first hosted game, but I'm still relatively new at it, and balance may be a bit skewed as a result. If you appear to be a Vanilla, consider yourself more of a Chocolate.
1.5) I have learned my lesson from Insane Psychic. No banned roles will appear, and I will be having the role selection sanity-checked with my co-host before the game begins.
2.) Leave your Haterade at the door. This is a game. We are ostensibly all working adults, and if you want to bring certain bigoted views or commit TOS violations, do it on your own time. Also, There is a line between "No, that's fucking stupid" and "no, you're fucking stupid." The former is acceptable. The latter is not.
2.5) I am extending an olive branch to those I know I don't get along with. I suggest you do the same. Even if you have personal distaste for a player, keep it out of the game - and remove them from your block list, because it's awfully hard to debate against a wall.
3.) I am still, against my better judgment, a full-time librarian. This occasionally requires a commute to another branch, and I do not always have 100 percent access to computers throughout the day and night. Additionally, I am aware other players have time zone differences, so am relying in part on a co-host @ctesjbuvf - but I am also relying in part on my own attention span to DMs, which aren't always reliable (your host is, unfortunately, part deaf and occasionally fails to hear the phone if the vibrate isn't enough.)
3.5) Start and end times of days/nights:
- Days last for ~48 hours or until someone is eliminated by vote. Standard "End of Day" will fall at 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM Eastern time, depending on interest.
- Night lasts for at least 23 hours, subject to change based on circumstances
- Night actions may be submitted as quickly as the start of the night, but are due a minimum of one hour before the start-of-day, and will resolve after I have determined interactions between who has done what. See bullet point 3: I *may* need a moment longer for the start of day based on my schedule, and if I get held up and ctes is not available, I will inform everyone as soon as possible
4.) Votes, votals-keeping and Stop calls. Keep your votes and actions taken clear. The easier it is to follow what you're attempting, the easier it is to keep the game going. Use this with ##vote: <target> or ##unvote - I will attempt to keep votals accurate.
5.) Mafia is a game of truths and falsehoods. You can lie about your flavor, if you like, but do not attempt to use the actual wording from your flavor as an argument for "wait why would I do that Isquen said this." Flavor does not necessarily equate to alignment nor ability - and if I've been warned for modkilling over it in the past, so shall you be. If you have any questions about your flavor, I encourage you to look up your assigned character.
6.) Flips. Role flips for dead players will occur at the start of day, and also at the end of voting. Once a flip is posted, the death is final.
7.) Standard Mafia rules will otherwise apply. If you have questions about the game that I am able to answer without compromising the game, please either DM me on here or on Discord (I am on the B8 Discord pretty much constantly, even if invisible or away.) Please refrain from deleting or heavily editing posts, as well; doing a minor typo fix is inevitable, but changing your entire argument on the fly is a no-no.
8.) I am in no way affiliated with BHVR, but have occasionally used their established lore with extreme creative liberty. Except when I haven't. My views are not BHVR's views. Please don't sue.
9.) The game is currently based around 17-20 players, though I will adjust this number based on interest. My ultimate goal is to begin the game before or on Halloween - for reasons that should hopefully be obvious.

Let the signups begin!
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Signs up
I need to update my signature.
ugh, a theme I'd be one of the more knowledgeable about
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
I'll sign up.

Self-care still the best killer perk fwiw.
Board 8 Mafia Archive:
1. wallmasterz
2. Ashethan
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Post #7 was unavailable or deleted.
1. wallmasterz
2. Ashethan
3. Lea

I totally wasn't refreshing another topic while watching Dota >_>
[Rock and Stone] <o/
DBD is one of the worst designed games I've ever played but also in.
1. wallmasterz
2. Ashethan
3. Lea
4. red13n / Leafeon13N
5 - 20?
[Rock and Stone] <o/
in because I am now ~unemployed
we're all buds ~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
Oh no sorry to hear about the unemployment jc :\

but glad to hear youre playing
I need to update my signature.
I can be a replacement, but tell you what, you can upgrade me to in if this isn't full by next Wednesday.

I would like a week off after the last game.
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.
Chaeix posted...
in because I am now ~unemployed
Also, sorry to hear about this. Hope you can find a good job soon!

Ashethan posted...
I'll sign up.

Self-care still the best killer perk fwiw.
Welcome back to Mafia, Ethan!
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.
BlueCrystalTear posted...
I can be a replacement, but tell you what, you can upgrade me to in if this isn't full by next Wednesday.

I'm sort of relying on signups taking a bit after Blade Mafia, but very well!
[Rock and Stone] <o/
oh dont worry friends, Im unemployed because I finished my Canadian lawyer licensing contract and voluntarily chose not to stay at my firm! Appreciate the thoughts regardless
we're all buds ~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
I already said in, silly human.
So a planet's somewhere out there, their history the same as ours is written. The only difference is that... Everyone's a kitten!
My bad.

1. wallmasterz
2. Ashethan
3. Lea
4. red13n / Leafon13n
5. Chaeix / jc
6. Crescent-Moon

1. BCT

[Rock and Stone] <o/
I think that the player count is ambitious but i will support you in your dreams.

Post #20 was unavailable or deleted.
Not a flavor I know well but never stopped me before!
Hello Here is a pineapple
~C~ FD
1. wallmasterz
2. Ashethan
3. Lea
4. red13n / Leafon13n
5. Chaeix / jc
6. Crescent-Moon
7. PeaceFrog
8. UltimaterializerX
9. TheSultanOfSlam
10. Forceful_Dragon

1. BCT

On phone for a brief moment of wakefulness, quoting is dumb.
- You call it ambition, I call it a drive to write better, faster, harder, stronger.
- Shouldn't be a problem, Ulti, I dont foresee the game starting until next end-of-week/weekend even if we somehow get a full batch today.
- Assuming that's an "in," Sultan. Good to have you.
- \o/
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Dont know nothing bout flavor, but In sure
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Also oh my Ashethan
Now there's a name from the past
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Post #26 was unavailable or deleted.
there were a lot of words up there and I'm being totally honest when i say I read none of them.

Sign for mafia.
( SBell )
The words said everyone who signs up before Halloween gets a bulletproof vest except for sbell
I need to update my signature.
Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
UltimaterializerX posted...
Is it really meant to be pronounced Ash Ethan?

Ive been saying Ashe Thaan in my head for years.
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Yeah, it's two separate words. It's a dumb user name, but most people called me either "Ash" or "Ethan". I've thought about changing it.
Board 8 Mafia Archive:
1. wallmasterz
2. Ashethan
3. Lea
4. red13n / Leafon13n
5. Chaeix / jc
6. Crescent-Moon
7. PeaceFrog
8. UltimaterializerX
9. TheSultanOfSlam
10. Forceful_Dragon
11. htaeD / Death
12. Obellisk / Sbell

1. BCT
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Ashethan posted...
Yeah, it's two separate words. It's a dumb user name, but most people called me either "Ash" or "Ethan". I've thought about changing it.

Pfft at least its not some geekedgy nonsense like mine
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Lea posted...
Hi sure.
Xbox Live User Name - Corrik PSN User Name - Corrik7
Currently playing: Control (X1)
Post #35 was unavailable or deleted.
Change it to Garyethan
I need to update my signature.
better yet, GaryOak
~C~ FD
More like BlueOak amirite
Board 8 Mafia Archive:
In as lucky number 13
Oh wait Corrik took that spot.

I'm out
In as completely insignificant number 14
14 is my favorite number. I can trade you for 10 if you want.
~C~ FD
The #1 slot is up for grabs if anyone has a physical copy of SMB Wonder to spare

or just no strings attached if you want to be #1 lol
I need to update my signature.
5 is only special because its my number. If anyone else had it, it would be a lame number
we're all buds ~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
wallmasterz posted...
The #1 slot is up for grabs if anyone has a physical copy of SMB Wonder to spare

or just no strings attached if you want to be #1 lol

Come live in holland then
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
You got a coupon and its only redeemable there?
I need to update my signature.
Little do they know I'm gonna number it... ALPHABETICALLY. Mwahaha.

1. wallmasterz
2. Ashethan
3. Lea
4. red13n / Leafon13n
5. Chaeix / jc
6. Crescent-Moon
7. PeaceFrog
8. UltimaterializerX
9. TheSultanOfSlam
10. Forceful_Dragon
11. htaeD / Death
12. Obellisk / Sbell
13. Corrik7
14. PunishedBen

1. BCT
[Rock and Stone] <o/
I just bingewatched the entire third season of Only Murders in the Building so I'm ready
So a planet's somewhere out there, their history the same as ours is written. The only difference is that... Everyone's a kitten!
Crescent-Moon posted...
I just bingewatched the entire third season of Only Murders in the Building so I'm ready

great season but the killer being the 'kind of present but someone who clearly has an important backstory they're saving' person again is kinda annoying
we're all buds ~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
Chaeix posted...

great season but the killer being the 'kind of present but someone who clearly has an important backstory they're saving' person again is kinda annoying
I had my eye on those two for a long time, given where focus was constantly being directed.
So a planet's somewhere out there, their history the same as ours is written. The only difference is that... Everyone's a kitten!
Board 8 » Dead by Daylight Mafia sign-ups.
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