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Hearthstone Topic ???: i mean, there's a new expansion out......

Board 8

Board 8 » Hearthstone Topic ???: i mean, there's a new expansion out......
Anybody doing any Festival of Legendsing? I splurged the $80 last time because I wanted all the new Death Knight stuff, but I'm just working off of about 4k gold this time around. Being very stingy with my dust until we see what's actually good.

But I did open Heartbreaker Hedanis, and as a lifelong Priest main, I figured I'd be doing him a disservice if I didn't at least try him out, so I scuffed together an Aggro Undead Overheal Priest deck with all the Overheal cards and some cheap, but high pressure Undead cards like Shadow Ascendant, Heartthrob, Bonecaller, and Shadow Word: Undeath. The idea was to pump out some huge hp totals early with the old location and Power Chord: Synchronize, and keep them healed up with the new location, Flash Heal, Dreamboat, and then if they plop a really big minion, you Cannibalize it for even more Overheal synergies.

......... and I'm 6-0 so far? I beat a Control Warrior (wut), two Hero Power Druids, a Spell Hunter, a Totem Shaman, and what appeared to be a triple-rune Death Knight with it so far. I love the first day of a new expansion. No matter how bad your deck is, it still sorta has a chance to be great, especially with everything rotating out.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
Im enjoying overheal priest and hero power Druid so far.
I find it kinda bussin, I find it kinda cap
That the dreams in which I'm dying are the ones that kinda slap
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My main takeaway so far is that I'm tired of Astalor. No Brann and I still saw him in all four decks I played against today.

Monkey Hunter seemed fun enough even if I can't say it was particularly good. I did deal about 120 damage to a Druid before finally running out of steam, though.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?
Holy shit, I just won on turn 8 in arena with Warlock because I had given them SEVEN abyssal curse cards by then.

This was my entire game:
Turn 2 Tuskarrr Trawler, dredge into Photographer Fizzle
Turn 3 Photographer Fizzle, snapshot of my hand has 3 Abyssal cards in it.
Turn 4 Sira'kess Cultist (1).
Turn 5 Za'qul (2).
Turn 6 Dragged Below x2 (3,4)
Turn 7 Fizzle's Snapshot, Sira'kess Cultist, Infected Peasant (5)
Turn 8 Dragged Below, Za'qul (6,7)

Absolutely insane. That poor Shaman didn't stand a chance.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
Changed my mind, Overheal Priest sucks and is ENTIRELY decided on what your initial draw is.

But CONTROL Priest, on the other hand, is exactly the kind of value and board clear bullshit I'm after. That Svalna/Love Everlasting combo feels reeeeeeeeally good.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
Yeah OK, nothing quite beats destroying a Blood DK with Quadruple Alexandros Mograine Priest.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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Been a while.....
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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~C~ FD
Decided to see what the new player experience is like and made a new account. Had a game where I randomly generated Lorthemar and bounced it, playing it twice. Gotta lover dropping a casual 1 mana 4/12
JeffRaze , for all your random spellcasting needs
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Board 8 » Hearthstone Topic ???: i mean, there's a new expansion out......