Post Your Hot Takes Regarding Ace Attorney

Board 8

Paratroopa1 posted...

AAI1 is an okay game, it's not that bad, E1-5 is a really good finale
Yep. Agree here. Except for the moments of "Peanut gallery chimes in at just the right time with decisive evidence", it's a well built case against a brick wall of a final opponent that makes you seriously work for it and I enjoy the takedown.

In contrast, AAI2's final case has some decent buildup for much of it, but it has two issues. The primary Little Thief section runs far too long, and the "final battle" feels really limp compared to the first game and it sours it a lot. It's easy, it's quick, and the primary villain lacks the presence and raw feeling of "menace" of a final boss. The primary villain of the previous case feels more more like a "final boss" than he does. Also, "Lion Balloon" is the correct answer like half the time.
So a planet's somewhere out there, their history the same as ours is written. The only difference is that... Everyone's a kitten!