none of the above

Board 8

Board 8 » none of the above

"Rarely, but more often than I watch regular TV shows or movies"
Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see
Pretty often, def more than regular TV and movies
New name, new gender, same great Bolo flavor!
Stronger than the storms that they've shown you
Usually have something on as I'm playing games
Does... Magic the Gatthering count if it is played using a computer?

Because that singlehandedly moves me from almost never to all the time
The "now and then" option is probably what applies best to me. When there's a competitive game that I'm into, I will watch the best people compete.

Unless it's a FPS because I find those impossible to watch.
to me hero's is just bad person
All the time, but I'm usually not giving whatever I'm watching even a quarter of my attention. If we're talking active full attention watching, it's probably about the same, maybe a bit more.
Almost never, because I'd rather be playing. I've only ever watched like two entire playthroughs for games I don't own.

I don't watch much TV, either. I am finally catching up on movies though!
Come check out my movie watchthrough topic:
Now and then. I've made a few friends online I enjoy watching, but I also stream myself plus having IRL obligations
Formerly known as Raven 2
Almost never, and usually if I do, it's because I'm curious to see how something is done at a higher difficulty (like beating Triangle Strategy NG+ Ch. 1 on hard).
Change is weird.
Board 8 » none of the above