Epic to give out 15 free games over the next days - reminder thread

Board 8

DeepsPraw posted...
I've never understood people who are vehement Steam fans. In my mind, it's just another layer of DRM.

It's not that I am a "fan" of Steam, but I want to support them because they've provided fantastic value. They regularly put games on massive sales and let me play fantastic games for insanely cheap prices, sometimes sub-5$ for great games. And their family share policy is more generous than I'd expect from any big sales company, letting me access tons and tons of games for free that I'd otherwise have to pay for. Not to mention their refund policy which also basically lets you try any game for 2 hours. (Plus their interface is good for having all your games easily accessible)

They made good, generous choices, so I'm happy to support them and stay 100% off Epic.