CBS Reality Topic 3.5: Purge-free through BB24, Survivor SA9, and Challenge USA

Board 8

Underleveled posted...
I have to admit, BB18 (the first season I watched) was actually interesting because there wasn't really "an" alliance. There were little pairs/trios and the power shifted pretty much week to week. So it was pretty intriguing to watch even though there were so many unpleasant assholes (the fact that I was actually rooting for fucking Frank at the point of his elimination says a lot)
BB18 was a good, but not great, season. I'd certainly take it over anything after it except BB20. 18 may be in my top 10 but it's on the cusp along with 5 and 11 so...

BEST: 7 > 10 > 6 > 15
GREAT: 3 > 2 > 8 > 17 > 20
GOOD: 5 ~ 11 ~ 18 > 12
EHHHH: 14 > 4 > 16 > 23 > 19
BAD: 13 > 21 > 9 > 22

BB13 would have been much higher up without the blatant rigging. I don't get the hate for BB15, because watching a bunch of assholes give each other comeuppances is fantastic television. BB16 and BB19 are only as high as they are because of their incredibly electric starts, both of which were stifled by a future winner named Cody at an early Veto Meeting (Calafiore was right to listen to Derrick, but backdooring BMC would have NOT been boring; Nickson should've listened to his girl).

But, as you can see, very few seasons from the last decade are high on my list, and the most recent ones don't fare so well. I don't regret ceasing viewership. I wouldn't be shocked if Survivor were soon to follow.

Let me know if BB24 hits the fan like BB15 did. If it turns into a drama-rich comeuppance-fest, I'll want to catch up.

Watching last night's Challenge:
  • Tyson is doing a terrible job at managing his threat level. At this point he'll be sent into the arena every time he doesn't win, just to exhaust him (he'll still win those). If he gets a dead weight partner (like Azah), he may be in trouble.
  • James should've insisted on Azah/Xavier, because when's the next chance they'll get to take out two of the Cookout? ( Now? Never. ) But... I can buy Tiffany being the glue that holds the Cookout to Alyssa/Derek/Enzo/David (with Angela already in Tyson's corner). Good to get rid of any Cookout since they HAVE to align because people were always gonna presume they're together again.
  • What was that weird Shan newscast setup? Bizarro editing. Also, fuck Shan.
  • Alyssa is here to PLAY. I love it. Only saw shades of it last year due to the Cookout narrative but she's always been a lot smarter than she lets on. She's adjusted to a different ruleset while Tiffany attempted to be the mastermind she was last year... and this group wasn't gonna fall for that.
  • I think the team that loses the daytime challenge has a distinct advantage because they already know they're going into the fray. The team that gets blindsided only has a short window to prepare for battle. Ergo, there's no reason to not blindside them, since they'd be the ones with a vendetta.
  • In the preview, Tyson saying "we have to get rid of the weakest people" is smart because those people could cost him a challenge.
  • Honestly, this show is alright. As the name blatantly implies, the focus is on the extreme competitions, which makes me hesitant to watch anything further because this feels like it'll quickly get as stale as Survivor challenges. I want to see the drama that happens because of challenges. And not knowing a thing about Love Island is damaging to my enjoyment, because I don't know those relationships, and all I have to go on is what little they tell me here. There's a lot to take in.
  • The other issue is that there are 28 people to start and only two go home per episode. I presume there's gonna be a mass exodus later when TJ asks them to pony up. The game design for that works because of the random partners and $5K prizes.
  • Faves are still Tyson, Danny, Alyssa, Cayla, and Angela... and of course Desi is nice to look at too. LOVED Lacina saying she'll have to pay her son a dollar for saying "ass" (holy shit he's 7 y/o already!?) even though she IS a certified badass. She'll get her $5K eventually.
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