CBS Reality Topic 3.5: Purge-free through BB24, Survivor SA9, and Challenge USA

Board 8

Underleveled posted...
So I think it's basically confirmed at this point that Survivor 43 and 44 are both all-newbie casts. If this pans out, 41-44 will be the first set of four consecutive all-newbie seasons since 12-15. (Unless you count 28-30+32, which I don't because they intentionally disrupted it).
It's tragic that they're doing this simultaneously with this "Monster Era" nonsense. The twists have gotten more development than some players, especially in S41. I'd ordinarily be super stoked for all these newbies-only casts but it doesn't really matter who's playing these days since the gimmicks take center stage. S42 favored the players more and it worked in spite of the awful twists... but even though that was a good season, I can't say I'm overly anticipatory going forward.

Also Redmond announced that the hourglass and Do Or Die are toast. THANK GOODNESS. Hopefully they don't come up with other things that are just as awful going forward. Also, obviously, the idol trigger phrases are also gone (since they'd be too blatant now). Sadly, the "Beware Advantage" and the Shit in the Dark are both back, both of which have no reason to be there. Just have one idol per tribe, 4 total per season, and maybe an extra vote found in the napkin of an auction food item. Leave it at that and trust your cast to make things interesting. You can't have exciting episodes if you don't also have routine ones; if every move is big, none of them are. also seems like me not knowing anything about Big Brother is a good thing. I can say I'm happy I discontinued watching on the basis of alliance dominance becoming routine and boring. I just got freaking tired after we got Paul's Cult, the Gr8ful H8ful, the Committee, and the Cookout in a five-season span. And that's, similarly to Survivor, largely because the twists stifle gameplay instead of fostering it. When is Grodner gonna realize that fewer twists get people to take more risks?
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