Pick a shot from New Pokemon Snap and I will talk about it

Board 8

CassandraCain posted...
Hmm, I too can't remember all the ones that were done before, so I'll just pick Heracross 4* and if it was already done we can switch it to a different star rank.
I consulted the logs and it turns out that someone actually did request Heracross 4 in my last topic. So instead I'll give you Heracross 3.


Surprise, it's the same picture. This is one of those weird cases where two record shots have the same composition. This is the scene where Sylveon comes out and breaks up Heracross/Pinsir fighting. The trigger for making this a 4 star photo is getting Sylveon in the shot with Heracross. So what this shot does is zoom in slightly more so Sylveon is missing, and it turns into 3 star. It's still high scoring because it's getting points from Pinsir and the whole background.
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC