I bought Hypnospace Outlaw but I'm really bad at (unmarked spoilers only by me)

Board 8

...the puzzle solving.

This game's presentation is purely 10/10, the Hypnospace world is extremely immersive and relatable. I've just gotten stuck on a few things already that are probably signs of more to come.

-On the harassment case with Zane, I found Corey's anti-Zane page long before I found Zane's Corey page, so I thought that the "plot twist" was that Corey was the main offender and reported Zane out of spite.

-I knew that Professor Helper was adware (this was obvious from the game's Steam trailer and just knowing what it's parodying) but I thought that downloading it and then removing it was required to advance the plot. Also I tried removing it the first time but it didn't work so I thought that the whole uninstaller page was a money scam, so I was stuck with him for a couple hours before I tried it again and paid a second time to remove it.

-In the Tranquility case where you had to locate the pages with the shock images, I completely missed the whole hint that the 4 cards were talking about real people, even though I had seen all of those pages before the case started. Since I had also seen the Tranquility page before the case, I knew that all 4 cards led to the same ending, so I had it in my mind that the flavor text was just for show and I didn't think to reread their text once the investigation started. After I resorted to brute forcing the directory page-by-page (the thing that you were recommended not to do) I went to look up the intended solution (since I knew I did it wrong) and realized what I had missed.

I'm still not sure how else you earn money aside from reporting violations, so I've been light on buying non-mandatory items in case I'm in another Professor Helper situation (either getting ripped off by a scam, or ripping myself off by misinterpreting a solution...).

We'll see what else this game has to throw at me today.
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC