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Sooo is anyone playing Diablo 2: Resurrected?

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Board 8 » Sooo is anyone playing Diablo 2: Resurrected?
I haven't played this game in 20 years and I'm completely hooked again. I still play Diablo 3 sometimes so I wasn't expecting to really get pulled in but D2 is just so much addicting.

Started with a Frenzy Barb (very stupid decision) and then created a Blizzard Sorc a few days later so I could actually do NM Meph runs that don't take 15 minutes.

The game itself feels great, minus some of the loading times, so if anyone is on the fence I'd definitely recommend it. Anybody else playing?
i wasnt gonna but i opened moonmoon's stream and heard the music and sound effects and i found myself installing the game

i'm playing a summon necro - one of my favourite builds of all time. in most games im usually just trying to relive the summon necro and looking for any minions / pets i can get, so this is very satisfying

I'm near the end of act 2 hell, i didn't think I would get this far so quickly
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
Not giving Blizzard more money at this time.

Great game i Mean its just D2 with updated graphics after all

I am running a bone necro and I'm level 72

playing PC so no load times except when you start a game per usual.
"Doesn't matter, still obtainable. You were wrong, simply admit it and apologize for your ignorance and s*** attitude." - Firemage7777 to SuperZay
only a tiny bit I'm still basically in Act 1

Been juggling that with like 4 other games at the moment
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
Leafeon13N posted...
Not giving Blizzard more money at this time.
This is where I'm at right now too. I was excited for it but the Blizzard scandal just keeps getting worse
**R.O.B.A.Z.O.I.D** (On mobile)
Yeah, no, Fuck Blizzard/Activision.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
Running a necro and a sorc currently
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
I have a summon necro and orb sorc right now, but theyre both in normal still because I dont have a ton of time. Loving it!
Question for Diablo 2 folks- one of my friends is adamant that path of exile is its true successor

How do you compare d2r to poe, if you've tried both?
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.
banananor posted...
Question for Diablo 2 folks- one of my friends is adamant that path of exile is its true successor

How do you compare d2r to poe, if you've tried both?

Path of exile is must play if you love diablo. Super fun.
Sir Chris
Path of Exile never really gripped me like D2. Think it pushes the complexity/depth a bit further than it should and loses a lot of charm in the process.

It's a better successor to D2 than D3 but I'd rather play D3.

On topic is anyone playing this on the switch and does it control well there
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
I have it but haven't had a chance to play much - the first two days I had free time, I couldn't connect to servers at all.

PoE is fine. D3 is better since Reaper of Souls came out.

D2 (any flavor) > D3:RoS > PoE > D3
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
yeah I don't know what it is about D3. I finished a single playthrough on the PC version when it launched and I played a little bit of the PS4 version, but only like Acts 1 and 2

but Diablo 2 I can just return to again and again forever
Diablo 2 has a lot of focus on skills/trees and Diablo 3 is focused on builds. As such Diablo 3 isn't a ton of fun until you have a build going IMO. I also think the first hour of the game is kinda dull.
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
For me the appeal to Diablo is simple

I want to build up a character and choices to matter
I want my loot drops to matter
I want to have satisfying gameplay to use my character + loot

Launch Diablo 3 basically only has gameplay. Diablo 2 is the only one that clicks all 3 to my satisfaction.

Current Diablo 3 and PoE check the first box bit don't quite hit it how I'd like. D3 is too simple (since you can redo your choices and are locked into 6 skills) and PoE is too in depth with the sphere grid stuff. Launch D3 was rubbish because because drops didn't matter either and you had less meaningful build choices too.
D3 has the best pure gameplay of the 3 but is a little formulaic at times, but yeah, more or less agree with Neon's ranking. D2 took until a patch released 3 years after the base game (1.10)and an expansion after to really become a legendary game though, I think people are a bit harsh on launch D3 with that in mind.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
banananor posted...
Question for Diablo 2 folks- one of my friends is adamant that path of exile is its true successor

How do you compare d2r to poe, if you've tried both?

PoE is like the tryhard little brother of D2
"Doesn't matter, still obtainable. You were wrong, simply admit it and apologize for your ignorance and s*** attitude." - Firemage7777 to SuperZay
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
But what about Torchlight?
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
UltimaterializerX posted...
It's because Diablo 3 is gear-based and gear-based only. That gets old in an hour.

Not exactly. As long as you have the setting that lets you put skills in any slot enabled this hasn't been true since Reaper of Souls, maybe even before that. There are meaningful choices in your skill (and which runes in your skill) setup that add a lot to how your "build" will work. You can reset it at any time which can make Diablo 2 feel a bit more satisfying in a lot of ways but yeah D3 hasn't really just been about cycling through better loot for a long long time.

It can be a bit of a slog while you're slowly unlocking slots though.

Lucavi000 posted...
PoE is like the tryhard little brother of D2

Haha this sounds about right.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
redrocket posted...
But what about Torchlight?

The visuals in Torchlight suck the energy out of the game for me and the loot system is significantly less satisfying than the other three (still better than launch Diablo 3 though)

Has some neat classes but yeah I'd put that one in last place
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
POE is definitely the natural evolution and I love so much about it. The sphere grid is a lot of fun to customize and the orb system does a really good job of creating liquidity for trading without just going to straight gold auction house but not making it really difficult to to find the exact trade you want.

but it does get too complicated. it feels like so much research and stuff is necessary to really play the game, because you'll just make a terrible build that fails and you can't really fix if you just play the game and that ain't fun.

Diablo 3 definitely has the best gameplay of how fun your character is to play, but that's not really where gameplay ends It also matters what you are *doing* with your gameplay - what are you fighting against? I think Diablo 3: ROS is AWFUL at this. It doesn't really matter what my build is - I'm just throwing myself blindly against whatever my highest torment is. Either I'm succeeding or I'm not, but I'm never really putting any thought into the strategy against different enemies or caring what abilities they have. Ironically, Launch Diablo 3 was much better at this - there was a lot of thought you had to put into fighting the different monster traits, especially in Inferno. I remember having to respect Fire Chains or Frozen or Mortar very seriously - but in ROS I literally don't care what they do. That's such a big failure.

Diablo 2 is really turning out to be the best of all worlds in my experience right now. I'm not sure if other builds will feel this way but my summon necro feels like I need to do a lot of intelligent maneuvering to direct my boys and avoid everything monsters are doing.

I haven't done any trading but hopefully there's an active market and it's not too painful to use.

The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
Jesus the Travincal in Hell is really fucking me. Too much lightning.
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
Post #25 was unavailable or deleted.
CoolCly posted...
Jesus the Travincal in Hell is really fucking me. Too much lightning.

If you're on PC let me know if you need some help. My Blizz Sorc can pop in and clear Trav and tele to Meph if you need.
UltimaterializerX posted...
After the backlash, they swung so far the other way that the best drops all pop out like a pinata.

Don't agree with this at all. Kinda feels that way early because you're basically guaranteed some drops through story progression but I think if you played Diablo 3 extensively at the higher levels you wouldn't either.

I mean I've played Diablo 2 more but I have never completed one of the high level class sets in Diablo 3, and I've tried. Completed a few in Diablo 2, without trading even.

And then you throw stat ranges in the mix where you're trying to get the best stat spread for your gear and yeah. I'm not saying it isn't more generous-- it probably is-- but pinata isn't accurate by any stretch. They are definitely rare enough that it's hype to get the stuff you want and that you're not going to get the great items without a major grind.

Like did you know high end rune drop rates in Diablo 2 were like 5% of what they are currently before like patch 1.12? No one would call them a pinata now though and I think most people prefer the higher rates. Higher drop rates within reason are nice and Diablo 3 is far from crossing over into too generous imo
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Currently unemployed + Diablo 2 is a bad combination.

After about 10 days and probably 50-70 hours I think I've hit my limit for now. I was doing endless Hell Mephisto runs when I had the thought of "wait, why am I doing this again?". Sure it's fun pulling the slot machine handle but I've reached the "endgame" of trading endlessly for basically nothing.

I'll be excited if they decide to add new content but for now I'm taking a break. How's everyone else doing?
Up to Diablo on normal, just trying to get an okay 3 socketed bow to put Edge into

The platinum will be a long time from now
Just looked at the trophies since I have it on PC. You have to beat Hell with every character, level a char to 99, and also level a hardcore char to 99.

You have to do 5000+ Hell Baal runs on Players 3 (if you're single player) to get from 98 to 99 and NEVER DIE since it's hardcore.

So yeah good luck with that Shine lol

edit: I guess you could save scum to protect from dying but still a major time investment
Since we're talking about Diablo-likes looks like I get to recommend Grim Dawn again, please play it
Grim Dawn is the best d2 clone, agreed.

D2 is still d2 though, for farming loot nothing beats baal runs or running keys, killing ubers, countess runs for runes etc...
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
skullbone posted...
Just looked at the trophies since I have it on PC. You have to beat Hell with every character, level a char to 99, and also level a hardcore char to 99.

You have to do 5000+ Hell Baal runs on Players 3 (if you're single player) to get from 98 to 99 and NEVER DIE since it's hardcore.

So yeah good luck with that Shine lol

edit: I guess you could save scum to protect from dying but still a major time investment

Better start doing some Uber Tristram runs
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Put Edge just into a low level act 3 bow I found with 3 sockets and It basically tripled my damage output. At the very least now I can handle boss runs on act 3 and act 4 no problem so I might as well go ahead and finish act 5 next time I play and move on to Nightmare

I have the same set of runes again for when I get a better 3 socketed bow

Looks like they had some kind of massive issue with the servers. I just looked at the forums since my game crashed trying to identify gear after beating Nightmare Baal, and then all my characters vanished. Sounds like it's a pretty widespread issue, and the servers haven't saved any progress that was made in the last few hours.
that's been happening in the mornings every day since Friday

I've just avoided playing in the morning for now
I remember there was uproar about Diablo mobile but I would absolutely love a Diablo game on my phone that I could mess around on during breaks/lunch at work. The first thing I did after seeing this topic was to check if I could get Diablo on my phone
I think my biggest problem with base D2 was not being able to respec. This was mostly a cause for concern for the first play-through, or if you picked a skill that wasn't very good to max out. I guess maybe the bigger issue is that some skills are just bonkers OP and others are just terrible. You didn't really have the ability to tinker without wasting a lot of time.

If there were mods/options for offline play, I don't know/remember.
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
Between myself and my brother we were able to get the full mavs set onto my Amazon along with a ton of other fun uniques for her and any other characters I make

Been MFing on my sorc the past few weeks, you name it and I have probably found it. Maybe multiples of it lol.
"Doesn't matter, still obtainable. You were wrong, simply admit it and apologize for your ignorance and s*** attitude." - Firemage7777 to SuperZay
What sorc build do you use for MFing? I keep running into things that are immune from my primary element and I cant for the life of me remember how I dealt with that a decade ago, since that character has long since expired.
Frozen Orb with some into Cold Mastery as your off element attack is usually how people deal with it. Putting the meat of the points into Meteor or Lightning or Fireball or whatever.

Meteorb was a common MFing build back in the day.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
The other way is to just run a straight Blizzard sorc and grind The Mausoleum (in the Cold Plains) and/or The Ancient Tunnels (in the Lost City). On Hell difficultly those are level 85 areas, meaning that boss/champion packs can drop any item in the game, and even normal mobs can drop almost anything. And there are no cold immunes in those areas.
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
I am pure lightning as most lightning immune monsters can be broken with a wand of lower resist in the off hand. If not then my merc can take care of everything else.

I can do everything in hell solo.

I was thinking of going back to blizzard but i'm unsure.

I really need a griffon's eye.
"Doesn't matter, still obtainable. You were wrong, simply admit it and apologize for your ignorance and s*** attitude." - Firemage7777 to SuperZay
Now that I'm above 70 I respec'd my Amazon to compliment the full Mavs set

*watches entire mobs blow up with 1 freezing arrow*

I hadnt really played much in the last week, but in the last two days Im getting nothing but unmoving queues when I try logging in. From what Ive been able to gather Blizzard blamed their issues on the modern gamer and this has been happening for 8 days now based on when the comments started popping up?
Somethings definitely up. I loaded the game, figured Id do a few things around the house and when I was done Id be in a game.

Queue placement was 602. 30 minutes later when I checked again, still 602. I think Ill just wait to try again until next weekend and hope they get this resolved.
Post #49 was unavailable or deleted.
RaidenGarai posted...
Somethings definitely up. I loaded the game, figured Id do a few things around the house and when I was done Id be in a game.

Queue placement was 602. 30 minutes later when I checked again, still 602. I think Ill just wait to try again until next weekend and hope they get this resolved.

this is odd.

Ive never had a queue over 30 even at peak times.

Earlier today it was ... 2 lol

UltimaterializerX posted...
Just found a Sur rune and unloaded it within seconds for like $70 in forum gold.

The market is fire right now lmao

forum gold?

Also nice find on Sur. I'm looking for a Lo right now but havnet had one drop. Highest nat rune ive had drop so far is a Gul
"Doesn't matter, still obtainable. You were wrong, simply admit it and apologize for your ignorance and s*** attitude." - Firemage7777 to SuperZay
Board 8 » Sooo is anyone playing Diablo 2: Resurrected?
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