Fellow English Premier League fans.

Board 8

I'm a bit amused at how butthurt so many people are over this. Not the fans, the fans have the right to be upset if they want. I mean the other high level officials in football that aren't part of the twelve teams. Aleksander Ceferin has devolved into nothing more than a pile of salt.

They rushed their new Champions League reforms to try to appease these 12 teams and a handful of others, and failed miserably. These teams don't want a few extra games a year against teams that will likely be from tiny markets. They also don't like the fact that they could miss out on the extra Champions league earning entirely, especially the six from the overcrowded (under represented) EPL. For a lot of these twelve teams it's like they went to their boss and said they needed a raise to make ends meet and their boss offered them all the overtime the wanted as long as they'd take half pay for any extra hours worked.

FIFA threatening to ban players from national competitions is just them wanting to take their ball home, and it could backfire on them badly. A lot of players are tired... as in playing too many games already, and the new proposal just has them playing more games for what? A lot of these players might lose prestige in their home nations for it, but they'd have far less travel fatigue (especially the ones from outside Europe) and playing fewer games per year could really only help them perform better in the ones they do play. And the players from outside of Europe, their fans may feel let down by the players or sabotaged by FIFA depending on how the story gets spun. These players didn't choose not to play for their National teams, after all, they're on contract and can't just leave Man U or Barcelona just because FIFA is threatening to ban them from internationals.

The whining and crying and the threats from EUFA and FIFA aren't going to stop this or cause it to fail. If they want to stop it, they need to negotiate a better deal with the teams involved. If they want it to fail well... it won't. There is just too much money wrapped up in these twelve teams from international markets for it to fail. So EUFA can either negotiate a better deal or see how much they and the rest of the teams lose from not having 12 (or more) of the most popular teams in the world playing with them.

If FIFA and EUFA don't try to take their ball home I don't see how this hurts the game over all. You'd still have these teams in their home leagues, and wunderkind stories Leicester could still happen. All the money in the world didn't keep them from beating Arsenal/Spurs/Man U/City/Liverpool/Chelsea, so this super league almost certainly isn't going to hurt national leagues any more than the CL already does. What this would change is the top level of worldwide broadcast games, pitting the teams that most people want to see against each other, and again if EUFA negotiates a better deal then these "super league" teams may be willing to share a chunk of that change with smaller market teams.
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