The Hades addiction is real

Board 8

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Board 8 » The Hades addiction is real
Never played this style of game before, didn't think I would like it but sure enough gave it a try and can't stop playing

Although Theseus and Minotaur have become my first real wall. Which weapon is best? So far I've had the most luck with shield and fists
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
Some of the weapons get really good when you use blood to unlock them further. Shield and Bow in particular. The gun is also really nice.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
W-what do you mean "The"?
as in The addiction
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
spam dash attack with divine dash on shield, max out on survivability boons. try to get artemis or aphrodite on attack

bam you have a clear
(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) daily topic series 'bout thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
Put some respect on Asterius' name
It's not so impossible!
I've had the same experience as you. Never enjoyed rougelikes, but finally picked this up after trying it at a friend's a couple weeks ago. I've already put more hours into it than I put into most games last year and cleared it 13 or 14 times so far.

As for Theseus, always target Austerius first and try to keep him and Theseus separated. Keep a close eye on Theseus's pink target and use the pillars to block his projectiles. I think the first time I cleared them I had a high level of Ares' doom on my shield special and just kept bonking them both from a safe distance. But basically just keep playing and you'll eventually become strong enough to clear them without using even one death defiance.
I bought and downloaded this the other day. Haven't tried it yet though.
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
For the base weapons, I think bow is probably the best, then rail, then maybe shield although I personally dislike base shield. None of the weapons are bad, though some benefit way more from upgrading Aspects than others, and a lot just comes down to playstyle. That said, the ranged weapons aren't my favorites but they for sure carried my early game.

Special shoutouts to Rail because there are certain boons and hammer upgrades you can get for it that will just tear enemies apart.
I definitely did not forget to put the 2020 GOTD Guru winner, azuarc in my sig!
My first win was with shield. Specifically upgraded with the hammer that turns the charge from a bull rush to a shot. Between blocking with the shield while charging, and having deflect on my attack, I could literally just stand in place, throwing out a charge shield shot whenever it was ready, and not take any damage.
Yeah, theseus/asterius has me stuck for a while too. There are two required things to keep an eye on for the fight, and then it's very doable, I never lost again after these fixes:

  1. As soon as you see that crosshair on you, assume it's already been on you for a few seconds. So start moving perpendicular to dodge. He doesn't predict where you're moving, so as long as you're moving perpendicular to his aim, he'll miss. Don't dodge back and forth or something.
  2. If Asterius stops moving for a second, he's gonna do his two big swings and then his jump attack. Those two big swings are the most damaging thing in the whole fight. So if he ever stops moving, get the heck away. If you're a pro, dash through him and get behind him. After the two swings, be ready for the jump attack--it's probably best if he jumps over you and past you.
And of course, kill asterius first, before theseus enters his 50% mode.
People who don't finish their sentences
I'm a Castlevania superfan! Ask me anything!
Where would Hades rank among other rougelikes that you guys have played? (Specifically among a full list of the ones you've played)
Bells, bells, bells!
I mean, I personally wouldn't consider Hades a roguelike at all, so... >_>
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
Grand Kirby posted...
I mean, I personally wouldn't consider Hades a roguelike at all, so... >_>
What about roguelite?
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
I mainly just think of it as a roguelike-like.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
I thought it was good, and I was addicted for a while, but after I cleared it once I haven't felt the desire to go back to it.

while you slept, the world changed
TomNook posted...
Where would Hades rank among other rougelikes that you guys have played? (Specifically among a full list of the ones you've played)

Hades >>>>> Dead Cells > I haven't played any others because I don't like the concept

Dead Cells does an awful job incentivizing you to keep playing, Hades pretty much solves that problem by having a script longer than the LotR trilogy
(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) daily topic series 'bout thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
Oh another extremely pro tip for Theseus/Asterius is that Theseus is wide open on his special attack at 50% HP. You want to be hitting him as much as possible when he uses it. Ideally you've cleared Asterius first, and it's definitely easier to do with on some patterns than others. I was beating him by running and fighting the normal way for a while but personally I find this so much easier than dealing with the normal aoes on top of his base attack pattern once he gets to 50%.
I definitely did not forget to put the 2020 GOTD Guru winner, azuarc in my sig!
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
I recommend docked Switch w/pro controller
while you slept, the world changed
HeroDelTiempo17 posted...
although I personally dislike base shield

It's the closest I can get to feeling like Captain America so it's enjoyable to me

On that note, is there a way to switch back from the blitz disc special to the regular bouncy shield?

edit: lol nvm it took a few more of my brain cells to figure out but I got it
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
UltimaterializerX posted...
What system is best to play this on?

i enjoy docked switch with a wireless SNES controller
(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) daily topic series 'bout thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
Oh hey, I also just got into Hades. Bought it last week on sale and...put more hours into it than I'd care to admit.
At around ~53 runs now with 2 clears. It's not really my typical genre either so it's still really hard for me to get the timing and everything right.

As for Theseus and Asterius, everyone else's advices are solid. Just remember that they can't really be blitzed down most of the time so just pace yourself, avoid getting damaged, and attack when you can.
Into the woods, but mind the past...
Into the woods, but mind the future!
UltimaterializerX posted...
What system is best to play this on?

Anything with a controller tbh, including pc if you have a controller. Runs great on everything
A friend got me into this a week or two ago, I think I'm approaching 50 runs.

My general strategy has been to equip the trinket that boosts your speed + evasion when you clear rooms quickly and just rush everything down with the starter sword. (Or the fists with the boosted evasion)
Has been working well so far, I think I'm up to 8 Heat.

Haven't really upgraded many weapons and sitting on ~30 blood so I should probably get around to that... Any recommendations on weapon aspects to go with?

TomNook posted...
Where would Hades rank among other rougelikes that you guys have played? (Specifically among a full list of the ones you've played)

The only other one I've put any kind of time into is Rogue Legacy, which is quite good, but Hades is probably better.

I've tried a few others either in or close to the genre that just didn't take off for me.
Video Game Music Contest 14 champion: Idola Phantasy Star Saga - Endeavour
I beat theseus on the first try. I attacked tons of doom damage on my shield special and kept fat away from them the whole time
Conformity and rebellion...both ways are simple-minded--they are only for people who cannot cope with contradiction and ambiguity.
Samurai7 posted...
I beat theseus on the first try. I attacked tons of doom damage on my shield special and kept fat away from them the whole time

Comments like this are part of why I'm convinced I suck at the game. First try? First try??

Video Game Music Contest 14 champion: Idola Phantasy Star Saga - Endeavour
azuarc posted...
Comments like this are part of why I'm convinced I suck at the game. First try? First try??


I think I got lucky with my boons to be honest
Conformity and rebellion...both ways are simple-minded--they are only for people who cannot cope with contradiction and ambiguity.
Post #30 was unavailable or deleted.
UltimaterializerX posted...
So this is not a game that's good on PC basically?

No its great on pc. Just have a controller. Its not meant for mouse/keyboard
It runs just a tiny bit better on PC

and I actually prefer mouse and keyboard for this game

Post #33 was unavailable or deleted.
Managed to defeat Theseus and Minotaur I mean Asterius . Used the shield with piercing shot which helped but still required the use of two death defiances... my run didn't last much longer after that.

Are there ways to get more titan blood at this point? I have an ambrosia I can trade for one, the game implies I should hold onto it but I really want that titan blood
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
WazzupGenius00 posted...
It runs just a tiny bit better on PC

and I actually prefer mouse and keyboard for this game

I actually think the locked angles for a controller is better. I miss more ranged attacks with a mouse than I do controller, and I'm a diehard mkb guy
CassandraCain posted...
Are there ways to get more titan blood at this point? I have an ambrosia I can trade for one, the game implies I should hold onto it but I really want that titan blood

Use different weapons in runs
Already got the 6 from defeating Meg with all six weapons

So I assume my only option is to progress further
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
CassandraCain posted...
Managed to defeat Theseus and Minotaur I mean Asterius . Used the shield with piercing shot which helped but still required the use of two death defiances... my run didn't last much longer after that.

Are there ways to get more titan blood at this point? I have an ambrosia I can trade for one, the game implies I should hold onto it but I really want that titan blood
Assuming youve earned six from beating a Fury with each weapon, youve gotta clear a run to get more without trading.
CassandraCain posted...
Already got the 6 from defeating Meg with all six weapons

So I assume my only option is to progress further

Yeah you're not far off from being good enough to start clearing consistently. Theseus is the first real wall and once you can do that without using a death defiance (or only one) you can start clearing and unlocking new weapons to get more blood
While we're here, are Ambrosias worth holding on to when you're not in late game?

As I understand it, they're used to maximize your relationship with the characters, but it takes some time since you have to give them nectars anyway, and other than story, you get companions? Which I heard are useful but have very limited use and not really game changers.

From a purely gameplay perspective, is it worth it to trade them for Titan's Blood?

Into the woods, but mind the past...
Into the woods, but mind the future!
Raka_Putra posted...
While we're here, are Ambrosias worth holding on to when you're not in late game?

No. It's absolutely better to trade ambrosias for blood in the early and even midgame. You need much more Titan Blood than Ambrosia.
I definitely did not forget to put the 2020 GOTD Guru winner, azuarc in my sig!
Raka_Putra posted...
While we're here, are Ambrosias worth holding on to when you're not in late game?

As I understand it, they're used to maximize your relationship with the characters, but it takes some time since you have to give them nectars anyway, and other than story, you get companions? Which I heard are useful but have very limited use and not really game changers.

From a purely gameplay perspective, is it worth it to trade them for Titan's Blood?

For me, that answer was yes, absolutely. I really wanted to unlock more weapons, so it was an easy choice, especially because it took me a long while before I had to use the Ambrosia for its "intended" purpose.

My big tip for this game, which was alluded to above, is to BE PATIENT! You can't exchange blows in this game and come out on top, especially when it comes to the bosses, which should be the main sticking points. Use the range of your weapons to chip away and use the environment to your advantage.

Oh yeah, and put Athena on your dash. Having deflect there is extremely helpful to avoiding damage, especially when you're going for your first few clears.
"That was unnecessarily dramatic". - NY Mets motto (courtesy of InnerTubeHero)
Congratulations to azuarc, the guru of gurus and winner of GotD 2020!
Great to know, thanks!
Into the woods, but mind the past...
Into the woods, but mind the future!
I like how you both gave the complete opposite answer lol.
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
Waluigi1 posted...
I like how you both gave the complete opposite answer lol.

Are you talking about me and Hero? We both said Yes to trading the Ambrosia, just that our answers looked like the opposite because Hero answered the 1st question and I answered the 2nd.
"That was unnecessarily dramatic". - NY Mets motto (courtesy of InnerTubeHero)
Congratulations to azuarc, the guru of gurus and winner of GotD 2020!
Ohh I misunderstood yours cause you just answered yes but quoted the whole past.
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
UltimaterializerX posted...
That surprises me. It looks like it would play like a Diablo game.
It's much more of an action game where you need to maneuver and dodge attacks. Having a joystick to do this is much better than WASD. You lose a bit of aiming control, but the auto-aim is decent, if iffy.

Honestly I've been meaning to try hybrid controls sometime. I have it set up on a few other games where I can connect my Switch Joy-Cons and have one in my left hand with my mouse in my right hand. Seems like it would work really well with this game.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
Grand Kirby posted...
Honestly I've been meaning to try hybrid controls sometime. I have it set up on a few other games where I can connect my Switch Joy-Cons and have one in my left hand with my mouse in my right hand. Seems like it would work really well with this game.
Oh hey, I'm glad I'm not crazy for considering trying out that configuration lol. So do you like that setup?
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
Hades has some of the most balanced control schemes I've ever seen in a game, remarkably. The choice between M&K or a controller comes down purely to what you personally value more between their individual pros and cons. That hybrid approach sounds wild.
Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
Just started this up and really get why it's highly addictive. Really enjoying it!

Though I initially started with M&K. I started using a controller today and I feel like I have so much more control over my movement, but less control over my aim. Movement tends to get me into more trouble though, so I'm moving forward with the controller, and I'm getting much better results.
Board 8 » The Hades addiction is real
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